Politics and Religion

Equal rights
SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 1444 reads


Once you tell them that they don't have a right to force their beliefs on others, they throw a shit fit. They're just as bad as the Muslims, it's just that most of them are too chickenshit to blow shit up and kill people at random.

the architect of 9/11, the same rights as you and I have, right? So we should not have tortured him, he has a right to a speedy trial, and you as a taxpayer have to pay for his attorney.

       Or how about this -why doesn't my church have to pay the same taxes that I do? They use the same resources, don't they? If there is a fire, there call the same fire department. If there is a break
in, they call the same police.

        Or how about the poor? How come they get welfare and I don't? Doesn't seem "right" to me.

      Or why does that brown skin baby whose mother gave birth just after she crossed the border have so many more rights than the baby whose mother went into labor before she could make the crossing?

     So you see, Sarah, it is not "that simple." I go with the Animal Farm theory of equal rights myself:

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

RR and Ryan both inheriting hundreds of millions from daddy want to take away all welfare.

nuguy46166 reads

and you think that is a good thing, jeffie-poo??

i'd say it is direct evidence we are not better off today than when your man fooled you into votong for him.

pls explain how adding more people to govt handout roles is a good thing?

Paul Ryan sponsored more than one bill with the language "forcible rape" so that you would have the baby of your rapist (Republicans want every scinitlla of protection for a baby until it clears the labia and then "fuck the baby" is the way they roll.

If you want to exercise your legal right to abortion, Republicans want to use Big Government to force you to have a transvaginal ultrasound first.

The Republicans in the House refuse to vote on a jobs bill, but staged 8 votes to ban abortions and to kill Planned Parenthood, whose medical practice is 99% family and internal  medicine basics (hypertension, breast exams, treating women's vaginal infections).

Republicans precipitated the downgrading of the US credit rating, and agreed to raise debt ceiling last year based on an amendment to ban public funding for abortions which was the same as the already passed Hyde amendment.

The Republican platform has a “human life amendment” to the Constitution that would bar abortion under any circumstances, with no exception for cases of rape or incest. The committee also adopted language that could bar certain forms of contraception and even expose women seeking health advice to criminal penalties.

Republicans want government out of your wallet and in your pussy.

Flip Flop Romney is on record with 2 contradictory statements one supporting Roe v. Wade and when he was trying to get elected governor of liberal Massachusetts and one condeming it recently because Romney will suck any right wing extremist dick to get a vote and hasn't seen a right wing extremist dick he doesn't love.

Ryan sponsored a "personhood" amendment that would give a fertilized egg
human being status and banned abortion under any circumstances.  He walked it back after it was revealed he co-sponsored every misogynistic Akin bill.

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