Politics and Religion

Dow is way up today and gold is down.
mrnogood 5015 reads

What happened?

Comex raised gold's margins, so this is down due to some manipulation.

But what could make the Dow and S&p raise like this? It's not because happy days are here, I assure you. It's because the euro is so much worse, the dollar looks safer to investors, they are really on the edge and everyday it gets worse and worse over there. These are the dows numbers over the 4 days ---635; +430; -520 ; +423

France is gonna need a bailout, or default. Italy's markets are so bad they break daily, portugual, Spain, UK, Ireland, EVERYONE over there in the eurozone is facing an economic doomsday. The IMF looks earger to ''help'' so this can't be good for their sovereignty, but as things get worse for them they will shortly get better for us. But if they go, so do we from this transatlantic debt bomb both systems are infected with.

Bernanke also told investors today he didn't mind using land assets to ''save'' the economy and quantitvely ease with.

It's gonna be a bumpy ride folks, strap in. I think what is going on in Europe is more important than whats happening here right now because of all the implications on us a collapse of the euro would have..

The euro is looking more and more like the wildcard for our economic futures

-- Modified on 8/11/2011 2:55:06 PM

Priapus532191 reads

& your predictions were proved wrong. Jus' sayin-------'

Pri- I'm not going to buy your "Let's get rid of ng" battle cry any longer.  The alias moderator gave all of us a blueprint to get rid of him but you are compelled to follow behind ng on his every thread like a traditional Japanese wife. I think you like having a nemesis.  He's your Lex Luthor.

BTW, his posts are appropriate for the P&R board and I'm against any kind of censorship so I'm happy you have secured his spot here.

Priapus531601 reads

Btw, lately you're coming across as reasonable. Are you sick ?--------:)

Btw, I've never cared for DC that much; staunch Marvel fan. If I have to have a "nemesis", prefer
Dr Doom or Dr. Octopus.

Speaking of "Japanese wives", what do you think of pic below ? Don't you wish she were a provider?------

If those tits are real then I'm moving to Japan to find her.

Also-  DC comics seemed to establish more of a true arch-nemesis for their heroes (Lex Luthor, Joker) than Marvel Comics.  Marvel doesn't seem to overly focus too much on one villain.

-- Modified on 8/11/2011 3:57:41 PM

This time I must.  Anyway, the idiot is not going away.  I have a new plan: we all should slavishly agree with him.  He'll get so bored he'll disappear.

Alias_Moderator2356 reads

You had him on the ropes, but some of you just could not resist the impulse to "feed the troll"

Your latest plan has even less merit than your previous ones. Haven't you seen the interaction between him and Robertini?  Do you really think he he is astute enough to recognize sarcasm?

Lets face it, thanks to a couple of members here with no "impulse control", we now have a big, fat, happy, well fed troll on our hands who isn't likely to be going anywhere. Thanks a lot guys

Priapus531831 reads

& if you think the feeble minded Robertini is capable of being sarcastic,( which it sounds like you're implying--correct me if I'm wrong ) then I have some Fla swampland to sell you.

The "troll" decided to stay when mrnotrouble validated his crazed economic theories.

No matter----mrng is not spamming & posting less. Perhaps a good sign.

-- Modified on 8/12/2011 10:00:00 AM

Alias_Moderator1057 reads

I was referring to Inicky's new strategy of "slavishly" agreeing with him.

and hijacking was working, he was going nuts until a few posters started engaging him directly in conversation again. We could go back and check, but I believe Willy and Mrnotrouble were the two biggest offenders. Mein gets a pass, because he actually wants the moron on the board.

dude, if you look at the volume of posts to 'it", you'll see i have maybe a handful. even though i "engaged him once, i got around to telling him to fuck off just as quick (that never takes long!)...being a freak he gets off more by being mocked than anything else.

my suggestion is that we spam his threads with our favorite asian porn clips because I'd rather see that than anything else...i know, i'm being selfish..so shoot me. lol

Alias_Moderator1705 reads

That would be grounds to have the banhammer come down on him/her.

Just saying..........

ok, i'll just trade porn with icki and willy, we've always known icki was  a slut and of course since willy works for uncle sam it just figures hed have a huge selection of porn on his hard drive. lol

But, no, I have virtually no porn on my hard drive.  That is, unless Willy has infiltrated it and planted some of his "Janet Reno's Gangbang" series on there.

mrnogood1206 reads

-635; +430; -520 ; +423 is the dow for the last for days

For those of you understand a little about technical analysis, what has occured only occured during the last market crash in 1929, 1987 and 2008.

Furthermore, never before have we had so many consecutive swings of 400 points or more on the DOW.

Further analysis from a trader.



Investors look for stability, and this is anything but that. These articles say this is the ''new normal'' which means we are entering a new time of instability, also dubbed ''the era of instability'' by some economists.

-- Modified on 8/11/2011 8:01:13 PM

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