Politics and Religion

Not a peep from the Right criticizing Obama for all the...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2593 reads

...shooting sprees but they still are questioning his birth certificate.

criticizing Obama for all his religious blabbering about The Flying Spagetti Monster in his speech to the families of the murdered children. I mean, WTF???????

"""Thank you. Thank you, Governor. To all the families, first responders, to the community of Newtown, clergy, guests — Scripture tells us: "…do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away…inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands."

Here in Newtown, I come to offer the love and prayers of a nation.

This is how Newtown will be remembered. And with time, and God's grace, that love will see you through.

All the world's religions — so many of them represented here today — start with a simple question: Why are we here? What gives our life meaning? What gives our acts purpose? We know our time on this Earth is fleeting. We know that we will each have our share of pleasure and pain; that even after we chase after some earthly goal, whether it's wealth or power or fame, or just simple comfort, we will, in some fashion, fall short of what we had hoped. We know that no matter how good our intentions, we will all stumble sometimes, in some way. We will make mistakes, we will experience hardships. And even when we're trying to do the right thing, we know that much of our time will be spent groping through the darkness, so often unable to discern God's heavenly plans.

That's what we can be sure of. And that's what you, the people of Newtown, have reminded us. That's how you've inspired us. You remind us what matters. And that's what should drive us forward in everything we do, for as long as God sees fit to keep us on this Earth.

"Let the little children come to me," Jesus said, "and do not hinder them — for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."

Charlotte. Daniel. Olivia. Josephine. Ana. Dylan. Madeleine. Catherine. Chase. Jesse. James. Grace. Emilie. Jack. Noah. Caroline. Jessica. Benjamin. Avielle. Allison.

God has called them all home. For those of us who remain, let us find the strength to carry on, and make our country worthy of their memory.

May God bless and keep those we've lost in His heavenly place. May He grace those we still have with His holy comfort. And may He bless and watch over this community, and the United States of America.

Are'nt you just frigging sick to your stomach having Obama CRAM his RELIGION DOWN OUR THROATS?????

This guy CLEARLY believes in FAIRY TALES.

...the fact that he's a Muslim.  Just ask 'gatecrasher'.

that the Constitution does not contain the word "god."  Not even once.  It does use the word "religion" but only to assure it can never be connected with the government.  And these people say they love the Constitution.  In fact, they have very little idea what's in it.

Snowman39667 reads

but I tend to find it is liberals who are ignorant about the real framework for this country...

You are right, the word God is not, but then again, what would you use to describe

Endowed by our Creator
Also, we are NOT a Democracy, we are a Republic

Also, NO WHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION is the right to vote. Chew on that one for a while.

OK. Now I get it.  When this republic was founded, most of the people who lived here were women and slaves.  They did not have the right to vote.  You would clearly like to go back to that time.  You are a dinorsaur.  Time has passed you by.

Posted By: Snowman39
but I tend to find it is liberals who are ignorant about the real framework for this country...

You are right, the word God is not, but then again, what would you use to describe
Endowed by our Creator
Also, we are NOT a Democracy, we are a Republic

Also, NO WHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION is the right to vote. Chew on that one for a while.

Snowman39559 reads

I want EVERYONE to be able to earn the RIGHT TO VOTE!!!

But am am tired of people pulling a lever who know nothing of politics and contribute nothing to society.
Right now VOTING is the only thing I know you get a say in without contributing ANYTHING.

That is why we are going down the shitter...

So now you want to set up some kind of test? That's what your words imply.l That's exactly what the infamous Jim Crow laws did in the south in order to deny blacks the right to vote.  Your ignorance of the law and history is astounding.

incredible lack of knowledge

-- Modified on 12/19/2012 8:07:09 AM

you are the one that's "wrongola."  Of course they need to be citizens.  That's so obvious it should not need to be stated.  And the way you re-stated it implies you think citizens under the age of 18 can vote.  I can't believe you really think that, but that's what your words clearly mean.  Now, no doubt, you'll respond that they simply have the "right" to vote but can't do so til they're 18.  Nice try.

-- Modified on 12/19/2012 11:41:26 AM

I drew the distinction because you did not. And it's a hugely important distinction, don't you agree?  

Our public schools are crammed with children of illegals, "anchor babies". Please don't tell me THEY have a solid sense of our system of government and it's history. The schools are so crammed full that children of US citizen are getting ripped off of an education. THIS is the demographic lefties are banking on to dominate political office.

followme563 reads

What you say is correct, however

Ever read the Declaration of Independence? That fine document mentions the word GOD.

And Holy Moses did you know, The Ten Commandments and representations of them abound in the Supreme Court building.

I trust you know God is mentioned on every US coin and all paper money.

Etc. etc

God Bless America

SO, based on that, I guess we should just throw out the Constitutiion?  Are you OK with that?

followme695 reads

I never said or implied that. just pointing out that God is mentioned by the founders and is mentioned in many prominent/important government documents, places and things.

GOP = For God and Country

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