Politics and Religion

Do you liberals still want to say Ryan was a bad VP pick?
Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1672 reads

Romney continues to gain in every swing state and leads with polls like PPP that poll likely voters vs. registered voters.  And their attacks on Obama cutting into Medicare has increased their lead with seniors.  

Still 80+ days left and Romney has hundreds of millions more than Obama to spend in advertising. Oh yea, and Biden has to come out of storage to debate Ryan. (cue evil laughter!)

The tax return attack angle was getting weak, but now they have plenty of ammo since Ryan tried to redefine the legal definition of "rape", Aiken-style.

Yes, we're still 80 plus days out, the conventions have yet to happen, much less the debates, so anything can happen.

Sure Willy.  My point is everyone on this board immediately said Ryan was "worse than Palin", etc. and so far he has brought nothing but positive results for Romney.  It's almost like the libs were REACTING before thinking. So not like them. :)

Ryan's a bright guy, and he brings a lot of positives to the ticket. But I think he brings far more negatives to the ticket as well.

The OP was about Praipus who posted a ridiculous USA Today Poll that was taken 24 hours after the Ryan announcement that said Ryn was a negative.  Then the usual suspects like  Laffy, Mangina, Salonpas, etc. followed suit declaring Ryan DOA.

Yes, it would take longer to get a  clear picture of what a veep pic brings to the ticket.

Of course, they also look at the "pop" effect when the announcement first happens.

So, this is a case of both, speaking too soon, and also a legitimate criticism of the lack of Ryan's "pop".

Ryan is being  shown to have the exact same views as Akin. See my post on his legislative history during the 14 years in the House above.

Ryan's budget has been decimated as a farce by every major economist columnist who has looked at it and several non-partisan policy boards.  See:

Bipartisan Policy Center
http://bipartisan policy.org/blog/2012

http://bipartisan policy.org

Tax Policy Center

Understanding Medicare Cuts


Kaiser Family Foundation




that you spend some time  looking hard at all the questions asked yesterday in the NBC-WSJ poll for example, that showed Obama 16 points ahead on the Medicare issue despite the fact that
RR continue to lie about Obama taking 765 or so billion away from Medicare.  In fact Obama doesn't take a penny away from patients at all, and  Ryan  Romney take away $6500 to begin with and keep the donut hole that costs patients significant money they don't have if they are on multiple meds for illnesses that they statistically get more later in  life.

In addition Ryan's voucher plan to replace Medicare that would phase in 10 years from now after a projected Romney Ryan two terms came to an end would absurdly try to pay for expensive care with a 15 grand voucher.

Tell me how OC someone takes 15 grand vouchers and pays for a CABG that cfdosts $80 a minute once the patient is wheeled into the OR and nothing else is done in one  of your  DC hospitals, or how a woman pays for 2 Genetech drugs costing her 190 grand to keep her al;ive with 15 grand.

Currently women that don't have insurance that will pay for these drugs, and many companies are absolutely dropping these women when claims are filed to care for them immediately (the same day in fact) die a painful metastatic death in bankruptcy unless they have the ability to pay for them that  Ann  Romney and Janna  Ryan  do (inherited money).

Patients Would Pay More if Romney Restores Medicare Savings, Analysts Say


And OC why  is your  party suddenly using the term "premium support" for the  word voucher?  Most of us aren't so stupid we think they are different because of course they aren't.

I look forward Mr. Cartman to your answer on how people with only a voucher and no other insurance will pay for costly medical  and surgical care that they statistically need later in life.

Summary Chart Comparing Obama vs. RR on  Medicare

Assumes that competition between plans will keep spending down. Would cap the premium support payments.
Earlier versions of Mr. Ryan’s plan would have capped spending at a slower rate.
If projected growth rates exceed the target, the cost control board would propose cuts. Spending could not be reduced by cutting benefits, but providers would probably be affected.
Under both the president’s plan and Mr. Ryan’s most recent plan, spending would grow at the rate of the economy, plus one-half of one percentage point.
Budget released March 2012
Mr. Ryan’s plan includes the $716 billion saved by cost-cutting under the president’s plan. “Our budget keeps that money for Medicare to extend its solvency,” he said in June. He has also said the money would help reduce the deficit.
Mr. Romney has said he would not maintain the $716 billion in savings in the 2010 law. According to a spokesman, “A Romney- Ryan administration will restore the funding to Medicare.”
Mr. Ryan’s plan would retain some cost-cutting provisions in the 2010 law, like reduced reimbursements to providers.
Earlier versions of Mr. Ryan’s plan did not offer traditional Medicare as an option.

Would move to a premium support system in which the government would contribute a fixed amount for beneficiaries based on income, age and health status to purchase traditional Medicare or private plans through new exchanges. Would repeal the 2010 health care law, including the Medicare cost control board and expanded drug coverage subsidies.
Mr. Romney has said he would restore the cuts to Medicare. Analysts say repealing the cost savings would increase expenses for beneficiaries by hundreds of dollars a year.
Mr. Romney has proposed it first rise by one month per year and later rise with life expectancy.
Would gradually rise to 67 from 65 from 2022 to 2033.
Would not affect people who are currently 55 or older.

Projected net savings of $716 billion over 10 years from the slowing of the program’s growth, which would shore up the Medicare fund for an estimated additional 8 years and go toward other parts of the health care law, like helping to cover the uninsured.
Reductions in reimbursements to providers and in subsidies for private plans

A new cost control board

Filling the drug coverage gap

Free preventive services

Incentives for efficiency

Increasing premiums for high earners
The president’s health care law maintains the fee-for-service structure in which Medicare pays medical bills for older people. Includes:


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