Politics and Religion

DNC "Roe vs Wade" Scare Tactics
jw_blue 2881 reads

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, one of the democratic party’s most influential political hostesses and a member of the DNC's platform committee, said on a recent CNN interview that she's supporting John McCain and Sarah Palin. Here's a part of what she said:

"....I am a graduate of Columbia Law School. A woman's right to choose is in the Constitution. The Democratic Party puts the choices around a woman's neck like a noose. We're the only ones who can protect it. It is protected. We've had eight years of George Bush, and choices have gone nowhere. Stop using that issue to scare people into voting for the Democratic party. It is not necessary. We need the best people who have the most integrity, the most care for basic American values...."

(Link below)

-- Modified on 9/18/2008 2:16:04 PM

...Because if they did, then there would be no issue for them to fall back on with their base of the religious nutheads out there.

Roe V. Wade is going nowhere no matter who is in office.   If it were banned, the Republicans would suddenly lose everybody but their extreme right-wing base, and it would result in the Democratic party enjoying much success.

-- Modified on 9/18/2008 10:33:25 AM

GaGambler1327 reads

A woman's right to choose is only one of many issues. I am not a Republican and I do support a woman's right to choose,but if Roe/Wade was overturned tomorrow I would have no more desire to vote for Obama than I do today.

jw_blue2004 reads

The point of my post is that a prominent DNC Platform Committee member admits that John McCain and Sarah Palin are the best candidates who have the most integrity, and the most care for basic American values.

The DNC should stop using the Roe vs Wade issue as a distraction. Americans need to put partisanship in the backburner, and put the best candidates in the White House, and that's McCain and Palin.

kerrakles991 reads

Unless every woman thinks like far left wing democrats, they are not  women.

Let women decide what they want do. Everyone else stay out of women's reproductive choices.

Agree with GAG about voting for Obama

I am neither a Repuke or Democrazy.

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