Politics and Religion

Damned racist Republicans are at it again!
RLTW 16421 reads

From CNN:
"Seizing on the nation's diversity -- the country is almost one-third non-white -- Bush has appointed African-Americans, Asians, Latinos and women to senior and non-stereotypical roles: Secretary of State, national security adviser, Transportation Secretary, White House Counsel.

Unlike Al Gore whose campaign manager, political director and finance director were African-American, the Kerry campaign, as of yet, has no one of color in the innermost circle, including Kerry's campaign manager, campaign chairperson, media adviser, policy director, foreign policy adviser, general election manager, convention planner, national finance chairman, and head of VP search team."

Explain and reason away, Bush haters.


RLTW16962 reads

If Kerry had an "R" after his name and Bush a "D", the mainstream media and alot of the hypocrites who post in this forum would be screaming "racism".


I do not believe that all Republicans ARE racists or that all Democrats are NOT racists.  However, my impression is that as a party, Republicans somehow believe ``discrimination'' no longer exists and are now crying about ``reverse racism'' - boo F'n hoo.

I am not impressed by Kerry (or politicians in general) but I do believe Bush is a war monger.  Even if Kerry is a racist, I'de prefer that over a minority-loving war monger (giving Bush the benefit of the doubt).  Besides, I cannot stand the anti-Gay/anti-abortion agenda of the Republican party (I tell you one thing, if any of Bush's little delinquent princesses were to get knocked up by 0.50$ he'd have the Surgeon General himself perform the abortion).

I do believe you are right that Republicans are unfairly characterized as racists.  I do appologize for my part.  I just like making fun of Republicans because ... they Republicans.

... Bush has reached out to African-Americans, Asians, Latinos, and women.  I'm glad that he did it.  Hopefully, Kerry (should he win) will keep up the tradition.

AzHot14945 reads

Kerry has no African Americans, Asians or Latinos around him. His circle of friends don't include them.

... that, should he win, he finds advisors that show racial and ethnic diversity.

It tends to support something that a political scientist said to me years ago, i.e., that politics in Massachusetts are tribal.

'Course, sKerry rails against SUVs, and can't even persuade his wife to give up hers.  And this is a guy who thinks he can persuade foreigners to the American point of view?

...  The quote is "all politics are local" (not tribal).  It was from Tip O'Neil.  It applies to where you live too James.

If you'd actually read my post, you'd realize that I was quoting a political scientist's comments on Massachusetts politics, not Tip O'Neill.

And BTW, it was the first Richard Daley, Mayor of Chicago, who first made the comment that "All politics are local."  A former Chicago reporter friend of mine was there when he said it.

and while I still believe Colin Powell is a good guy, and that Condi Rice a bright woman, GWB, Chaney & Ashcroft are scary rich, powerful, arrogant white guys who I hope are tossed out on their white asses in November.

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