Politics and Religion

Didn't you know?
mattradd 40 Reviews 459 reads
2 / 40
JackDunphy 478 reads
3 / 40

Dont worry BP, I have every faith that Obummer will sign an executive order and outlaw it in time for next year's parade! :D :D :D :D :D :D

GaGambler 662 reads
6 / 40

Now who is the racist?

I think most people of color would be rather offended that you offer as proof that Norfolk Ne is "safe" a chart showing it's almost all white. As a person of color myself, I can certainly state I find your "proof" rather offensive.

I EXPECT race baiting from BP, you are supposed to be above that kind of behavior, or not I suppose

Timbow 495 reads
7 / 40
salonpas 572 reads
8 / 40

Most Kenyans/Africans would think Obama was being treated like a King. To them, nothing beats being driven around town by an old hillbilly while his master the black passenger is perched on a commode...lo

mattradd 40 Reviews 475 reads
9 / 40

But, if you say so, I will take you at your word. Perhaps there is confusion regarding what I mean by safe. For most of childhood I grew up in a small town in the Midwest, where everyone was white. There was little to no inhibition regarding stating racist remarks, jokes or stereotypes. Ten mile away was a small city where the majority of the population was black. What the whites would say in my town, they didn't repeat in that small city, if they were smart. So, from my past experience, the guy who had the float, the OP references, would have smooth sailing in my small town; not so much in the neighboring small city. Why, because the blacks there would see as racist and let him know about it, if not physically, verbally. I can't imagine anyone in my small town wiling to subject themselves to such repercussions.

oldted 16 Reviews 562 reads
10 / 40
GaGambler 468 reads
11 / 40

I suppose if a black man criticized Bush, that would him a racist and he had best only do so in someplace safe like Harlem?

Is this race baiting ever going to stop? BP once again seems to be rubbing off on you.

mattradd 40 Reviews 667 reads
12 / 40

You can criticize someone and still demonstrate respect for them. You can criticize in anger and throw out any attempt to be viewed as being respectful, that's very much a part of the political process. But those who ridicule, show contempt and disdain may feel good venting their spleens, but it's a behavior that demonstrates having lost already.

GaGambler 475 reads
13 / 40

Since BP has so much time on his hands and loves to research posts here, I wonder how many times libs called Bush a chimp?

HONDA 153 Reviews 547 reads
14 / 40

...............because Republican treatment of minorities, women, gays etc makes their chance of ever occupying the WH next to impossible.

GaGambler 575 reads
15 / 40

I don't recall many if any libs making this claim when they were calling POTUS George W Bush a chimp among other,even more childish insults

JohnyComeAlready 521 reads
16 / 40

The vehicle in the parade is not a pick up truck, as it does not have a "pickup" truck bed.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 511 reads
17 / 40

from President Obama being half black.  Just listen to some black comedians, they will get serious and not be funny when talking about Obama.  On a deep level, they are offended that his legacy will be over-shadowed by propaganda that stems from paranoid, racist hate.  

I fell for some of it for awhile.  He's a Muslim, he's not legal, he's a communist, he's a socialist, he's anti-Semite, he's the anti-Christ.  Finally realized all the craziness and conspiracy theories I have seen on the internet, I now believe it all exaggerated fear-mongering propaganda.  I am not even sure I have seen a past President in my lifetime so distrusted and hated by the People.  

100 years from now, everybody will know President Obama.  Yet not one family member in my tree will know who I am in 100 years, even if I left a mark.  I could do a lot of work and plant a huge pecan orchard to say " I was here"  but it would be sold to the highest bidder before 100 years and nobody would know my name.  :)  Goodnight.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 468 reads
18 / 40

...composition of the town.  My post talked about Republicans.  But you just go ahead and keep beating the race-baiting drum because that's what GaGoebbels does - keep repeating The Big Lie because the bleating sheep will just echo what you say without thinking for themselves.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 824 reads
19 / 40

..."a person of color."  ROFLMAO!  He used to just call himself a "minority" or "not white."  Once he even referred to himself as a "half breed."


Why does he try to separate himself from everyone else by wallowing in his minority status?  I don't see other minorities dwell on it as much as GaG does.

I don't know about you GaG, but I'm an American.

hound88 49 Reviews 611 reads
20 / 40

Only do this in their closed minded town because they feel safe doing it there. They would not do this in Atlanta,   Chicago etc., they'd get their ass kicked real quick.

-- Modified on 7/8/2014 4:05:22 AM

GaGambler 552 reads
21 / 40

Real racists, cowards that they might be, seem to find a boat load of courage when in groups, more than enough courage for the KKK to march in any big city, but not enough to do it without hiding behind their white hoods. lol

The issue I have is that I don't get the racial issue here. Since when is putting a political figure that is despised by many in an outhouse racist? I can easily see the left launching an identical float 8 years ago with Bush in the outhouse.

I criticize you all the time, but it's not because you're black, and how about your new friend, The Turdster, do you honestly think any of the criticism he gets is because of the color of his skin?, His issue is gray, not black, He simply doesn't have enough gray matter between his ears to be allowed out in public unsupervised. lol and in case you were around when he first started catching flak for his cluelessness, no one even knew the color of his skin, but fast forward to today, and somehow it's because he is a black man.

hound88 49 Reviews 554 reads
22 / 40

The total disrespect for the office,   regardless who is in office.  By the way, Tidwell is not my new friend, I just wanted to encourage him to grow a set of balls. When it comes to this president,  race is an issue for many of his critics.  If you do not believe that, I have 1000 acres of swamp land to sale you down town nyc. As usual, sound post even though I agree with some of your post, but not most

mattradd 40 Reviews 672 reads
23 / 40

And, the more one is immersed in a town where the vast majority of members are of the same race, the less often they will view their opinions as being racist, or even care if they are.

The issue I bring up is, who views it as racist? Of course a town full of white people may not see it so much as being so. But, how about a town where the majority of residents are black. If they view it as racist, would that person have the courage to express the same views there, than s/he did in their all white town? My experiences, growing up, say probably not. If a black person believes that a white president would not be ridiculed in the same manner as Obama, then s/he he may very well view such expression as being racist, and may or may not respond accordingly. Factor all this in regarding group dynamics, where people are more embolden to speak their mind in a group of people holding similar views, and act on those views.

JohnyComeAlready 697 reads
24 / 40

When some one disrespects the office of the President?

Do you vicariously live through the President?


I seriously doubt any President ever, has been concerned with your personal well being.
Posted By: hound88
The total disrespect for the office,   regardless who is in office.  By the way, Tidwell is not my new friend, I just wanted to encourage him to grow a set of balls. When it comes to this president,  race is an issue for many of his critics.  If you do not believe that, I have 1000 acres of swamp land to sale you down town nyc. As usual, sound post even though I agree with some of your post, but not most.  

JackDunphy 403 reads
25 / 40

How many? Can you give me a percentage?

hound88 49 Reviews 626 reads
26 / 40

And your analysis is weak.  How is saying respect the office,  living your life through the person in office? Come on Johnny Boy, damn. I'm my own man. Are you?

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
When some one disrespects the office of the President?  
 Do you vicariously live through the President?  
 I seriously doubt any President ever, has been concerned with your personal well being.  
Posted By: hound88
The total disrespect for the office,   regardless who is in office.  By the way, Tidwell is not my new friend, I just wanted to encourage him to grow a set of balls. When it comes to this president,  race is an issue for many of his critics.  If you do not believe that, I have 1000 acres of swamp land to sale you down town nyc. As usual, sound post even though I agree with some of your post, but not most.  

JohnyComeAlready 426 reads
27 / 40

You might be too... but this post is hilarious. :D

JackDunphy 465 reads
28 / 40

Senator Byrd, Harry Reid, Joe Biden, Al Gore's dad...just to name a few

JohnyComeAlready 527 reads
29 / 40

... and I stand by what I said.

Posted By: hound88
And your analysis is weak.  How is saying respect the office,  living your life through the person in office? Come on Johnny Boy, damn. I'm my own man. Are you?  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
When some one disrespects the office of the President?  
  Do you vicariously live through the President?  
  I seriously doubt any President ever, has been concerned with your personal well being.  
Posted By: hound88
The total disrespect for the office,   regardless who is in office.  By the way, Tidwell is not my new friend, I just wanted to encourage him to grow a set of balls. When it comes to this president,  race is an issue for many of his critics.  If you do not believe that, I have 1000 acres of swamp land to sale you down town nyc. As usual, sound post even though I agree with some of your post, but not most.    

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 532 reads
30 / 40

The issue I have is that I don't get the racial issue here. Since when is putting a political figure that is despised by many in an outhouse racist?  

stupid is as stupid does. the parade was in an a mostly white town, WTF does he expect, their gonna drive their fucking float to Chi-town?


hound88 49 Reviews 491 reads
31 / 40
JohnyComeAlready 509 reads
32 / 40

Pick up trucks are racist.

GaGambler 670 reads
33 / 40

Or at the very least, not since Nixon, no POTUS has been respected by the "other side" regardless of which side that is.

Are you really trying to say that lefties "respected the office" when GWB was POTUS. Or to be fair, that righties respected Clinton when they launched there witch hunt under Ken Starr.

and I am glad to hear you feel the same way about Turdyboy that the rest of us do.  Whining is not what a man does, no matter what his skin color.

I will also admit that "some" criticism of Obama is by people just looking to criticize a black man, but that is nullified by the millions of people who give him a pass for the exact same reason, just because he's black. Personally I don't give a fuck what color he is, His vision of governing by executive fiat flies in the face of everything I believe makes this country great and has allowed people like me to thrive, People like Obama think that Government, especially a large central Government, is the answer to all our problems, I think it is one of our biggest problems. Every handout comes with a price and has to be paid for by somebody, I've never accepted a hand out, and I certainly don't want one at the price that the Government will charge me.

mattradd 40 Reviews 479 reads
34 / 40

Yes! As long as they are of any color!    ;)

hound88 49 Reviews 565 reads
37 / 40

Both sides are guilty.  I view it as the decline of the American political system. Gridlock has destroyed the system, and the country is suffering.  What ever happened to the art of diplomacy & compromise? I agree that race is an issue for many when it comes to Obama. I stated that.   Many criticize him for  his policies. That's fair.

JohnyComeAlready 434 reads
38 / 40
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 441 reads
39 / 40

BigFuckingLiar didn't exaggerate, did he?

mattradd 40 Reviews 386 reads
40 / 40

I know you consider me one, though I've often voted for Republicans, locally and statewide. I never called him a chimp, and I'm quite certain that I did not saying anything demeaning Bush. I'm not here to serve as a referee for fairness. And, I know people of color that had racist ideas about Bush that colored their view of him. Yep! It works both ways.

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