Politics and Religion

Did you see the CNN . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 10 reads

"fact-checker" the next day who said Harris and Walz lied about more things than they told the truth on?  This was a CNN fact checker, NOT Fox News.  

Remember that grotesque photo op Trump took Monday at the grave of a fallen Marine? You know, the one where he gave a bizarre "thumbs up?" Well, it turns out cemetery rules prohibit graves being used as a photo op for political campaigns. And when an Arlington National Cemetery worker objected, "Two members of Donald Trump's campaign staff had a verbal and physical altercation Monday with an official at Arlington National Cemetery, where the former president participated in a wreath-laying ceremony, NPR has learned.
A source with knowledge of the incident said the cemetery official tried to prevent Trump staffers from filming and photographing in a section where recent U.S. casualties are buried. The source said Arlington officials had made clear that only cemetery staff members would be authorized to take photographs or film in the area, known as Section 60.
When the cemetery official tried to prevent Trump campaign staff from entering Section 60, campaign staff verbally abused and pushed the official aside, according to the source."
What would you expect of anyone working for such a disrespectful pig?
Naturally the Trump campaign denied it, saying the cemetery worker was suffering from a "mental health episode."

Funny thing though. I have 3 different relatives who are buried at Arlington. My uncle was buried there only a few years ago. Some members of the family couldn’t attend and so the family filmed and streamed the entire funeral so others could virtually be there. The Arlington staff were quite strict about the time and where everyone should be, but they didn’t say a world about filming.  

Oh, did anyone happen to catch this Ted Talk from NPR’s CEO? She said, “Our reverence for the truth might be a distraction getting in the way of finding common ground & getting things done.”

RespectfulRobert13 reads

Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.
Trump never does anything wrong.

...of these videos on YouTube. I'm not going to post them here on a fuck board as to denigrate their service to this country. But I found a bunch of them all filmed by private individuals. NPR is just running cover for the Harris campaign like they do.  

For real now, though. Robert, anyone can kinda overload themselves with politics. There's been times when I've had to just stop going on some social media platforms. If you need to take a break from politics for a while, then take it. It might be a good time to take it now, and come back for the election main event later in September. I dunno your hobbies, but I have a buddy at work who takes a few weeks off in June, goes out to a cabin and turns off his phone. He just unplugs from everything for a while. I might be worth asking if you need to do something like that. I'm not saying this because we disagree on politics. I'm just saying, dude. If you need to take a break, no harm in doing so. All the dumbasses here, myself included, will be here when you get back.

and take SPOAT and Looooser and SwallowMeat with you.

followme11 reads

You must have  posted and splattered your pus, goo and muck  at least 40 ( I’m guessing) or more times yesterday.  
And soy boy bobbie posted the same phrase about 15- 20 times in a single post .

And you are saying others need a break.


At inckpus the gloat and backstabbing, post pulling leech we laugh

Whaaaaaaa he used the same phrases again Whaaaaaaa Whaaaaa Whaaaaa.

SwallowMeat is the poster girl for "that itching and burning sensation." No wonder she is so easily angered. Good thing she's a masochist, craving my abuse.
Luckily, there's a cure.

durran42111 reads

Posted By: inicky46
endlessly repeating the same feeble lines
Says the guy who literally has no life and has years and years of repeating lines on TER making him their top poster of all time with the same repeating posts. Just another day of the same lame old man posting the same repetitive lines over and over making him the recipient of today's Pot calling the kettle black award! Congrats.

Also the Duchess of No Cred and, of course, The SPOAT.
TER's Stupidest Poster Of All Time.
She wins the Daily Double.
And now she'll be back for more of my abuse. In 5....4....3....2.....

durran42117 reads

.......Of proving my point,  then I accept your surrender! So go ahead and wave your white flag TATL and I MIGHT give you a break. Otherwise consider yourself my little puppet ALWAYS! 😆

" (c) Memorial services and ceremonies at Army National Military Cemeteries will not include partisan political activities."
"... A cemetery spokesperson said federal law "prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate's campaign."  
"... After the [first] ceremony, Trump headed to Section 60 of the cemetery, where some service members killed in Afghanistan and Iraq are buried and ***recording is typically heavily restricted.*** ..." and that is where the photo / video incident occurred.
The Trump campaign claims that they had permission from the Cemetery to have their photo op at Section 60. So far, none of the articles I read have corroborated that claim. I can't wait for the proof: "A famous general -- you know who he is but I won't name him -- said, Sir! Sir! You can take pictures at Section 60, Sir!"  
[For yet another willy LIE exposed, see:  
willy posted an anonymous tweet. And then he LIED by claiming that there was no coverage by main stream media ... except, of course, there was:
http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-government-tried-to-spy-on-people-telegram-founder-claims/ar-BB1lNOAe ]

NO ONE is suggesting that Trump couldn't be with the families at Section 60, especially if it was at their invitation. ANC spokesmen said that TRUMP'S GROUP WAS INFORMED OF THE ANC RULES IN ADVANCE. Trump could be there and tell his photographers to put their cameras away until after they leave Section 60 for another location ... such as the photo on the steps of some unnamed building posted above. Trump, the guy who shoved dignitaries out of the way to get to a spot at the center of a photo at some meeting in Europe (G20?), cannot tolerate not being in the spotlight or at the center of any event. His egomania cannot handle NOT having photos, even if it's against the norms, against the decorum of the location, AND AGAINST THE LAW.  
THE FAMILIES had ZERO authority to give permission to override or ignore 32 CFR 553.32(c):
" (c) Memorial services and ceremonies at Army National Military Cemeteries will not include partisan political activities."  
This is just more of Trump's lawlessness in everything he does: Civil Rights (housing discrimination) violations in the 1970s. Hiring and then not paying illegals to build Trump Tower in the 1980s. Lying to the NJCCC in the 1980-2000s. Biz fraud. Tax fraud. Etc.. What is he going to argue in the Jan 6 Case: "An important person -- you all know who he is but I'm not going to name him -- said to me, "Sir! Sir! it is OK to attack the Capital. Sir!"  We HAD permission to attack the Capital!! Witch hunt! Lawfare! Fake news!"

He thought so before he was Prez and he still thinks so.
And how is it the right thinks it was perfectly fine for Trump to grin and give the thumbs-up just like he always does when posing for cheezy grip-and-grins at Mar-A-Lago?
The man couldn't be appropriate if his life depended on it.

do while he was there that constituted a "partisan political activity?"  There were no Trump signs.  He did not mention the election, nor did he ask for anyone's vote.  So based on NO evidence, you believe the fake news when they say that him just being there was political activity?   I take it you have no military experience of your own?  

The bigger question is WHY the sitting president and VP were not there, too.  This was THEIR opportunity to console the families and maybe show a little contrition over the way the exit was handled, but as they have done from the beginning, they are pretending it DIDN'T happen, which is the ultimate disrespect for the fallen heroes honored by Trump this week.

the photographers were from the Trump campaign.

were on the clock?  Were you there, too?   I'm sure the family felt honored to have a memento of the day that the FORMER President came to honor their loved one at a time when the President and Vice President ("last-one-in-the-room Harris") who's idiotic decisions CAUSED the death of their loved one couldn't be bothered to show up at all.  Are you saying this was political because CNN TOLD you it was?  

Unless Trump campaign staff works for free OF COURSE they were on the clock.  
As for what caused the deaths, you need to go back and read what Trump did that helped cause this.
1) Signed a deal with the Taliban that forced our exit.
2) Freed 5,000 Taliban prisoners including the guy who's running the country now.
3) Pulled out thousands of our troops, leaving far too few for a safe final withdrawal.
This does NOT mean it was all Trump's fault. But he does bear part of the blame.
Here's a good summary.

placement that was left by Trump, he had SEVEN months to fix it before his withdrawal debacle.  

"But, Trump?"  Even from you, my friend?  Lol  

What about HE MADE THE SURRENDER DEAL do you not understand?

I'm extrapolating from Melania's $300,000 per year PAC-paid make-up consultant, but Trump's necktie straitener probably received $1500 of PAC money in payment for his services that day. The campaign photogs probably got 5x that. It's speculation on my part, but it fits the pattern. (Other examples of Trump enriching his supporters using other people's money: the entire leadership at DJT; leadership at Trump Org who are paid for their loyalty; etc..)

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: How do you know the photographers . . . .
were on the clock?  Were you there, too?   I'm sure the family felt honored to have a memento of the day that the FORMER President came to honor their loved one at a time when the President and Vice President ("last-one-in-the-room Harris") who's idiotic decisions CAUSED the death of their loved one couldn't be bothered to show up at all.  Are you saying this was political because CNN TOLD you it was?  

2024 was the THIRD anniversary of the Afghan withdrawal. Trump did not recognize nor honor nor participate in any of the memorials in 2022 or 2023. He had declared his candidacy but was not yet campaigning in 2022 or 2023. He didn't need the photo op back then. What makes 2024 different from 2022 and 2023? HE IS ACTIVELY CAMPAIGNING IN 2024.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: What, exactly, did Trump . . . .  
do while he was there that constituted a "partisan political activity?"  There were no Trump signs.  He did not mention the election, nor did he ask for anyone's vote.  So based on NO evidence, you believe the fake news when they say that him just being there was political activity?   I take it you have no military experience of your own?    
 The bigger question is WHY the sitting president and VP were not there, too.  This was THEIR opportunity to console the families and maybe show a little contrition over the way the exit was handled, but as they have done from the beginning, they are pretending it DIDN'T happen, which is the ultimate disrespect for the fallen heroes honored by Trump this week.

…because it highlights one of Biden’s epic fuck ups

Yup. They know the visit damages Harris Biden so they are shouting "Squirrel!!"

You Trump clowns will forgive ANYTHING. Not to mention, the family of another soldier buried near the soldier in question is also upset. They feel their privacy was violated.

A read of the article makes no mention of a formal rebuke and in fact lets us know that a statement was taken and the case is closed. In other words, “no big deal”.  Another case of the mainstream media and panicking Dems (please forgive me for repeating myself there) making a sensational mountain out of a Trump adjacent molehill.

He doesn't comprehend what "rebuke" means. If this ain't a rebuke I can't imagine what one is:
“Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds. An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside,” the Army spokesperson said in the statement on Thursday. Section 60 is an area in the cemetery largely reserved for the graves of those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“This incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked."
Shame on you, ChicKie.

My bad. I didn’t realize the article continued. Sounds like a rebuke, and good on the Army for standing up for their employees, but I agree with the Trump spokesperson. She needs to have her head examined.

He ALMOST "took the L" like a man but then had to descend into Hackery, dumping on someone for just doing their job and assuming they must be nuts.

Neither the Biden or Obama photos were taken by campaign staffs. They were taken by official photographers during official Presidential acts. No rules were violated. Trump's photos were taken by campaign photographers during a private event, violating ANC rules.

This so called free speech guru realizes that the Arlington Cemetery story is so damaging for Trump that he slapped a warning label on the NPR story.
“Warning: this link may be unsafe. The link you are trying to access has been identified by X or our partners as being potentially spammy or unsafe, in accordance with X's URL Policy."
Which of course is bullshit..

I went to the NPR story via the X platform and didn’t have any trouble accessing NPR page. No “warning labels” or anything like that.

Its from the holy grail of information..twitter. HOW DARE YOU QUESTION TWITTER!!
I would be appalled and insulted if it was from someone with more political savvy then yourself..but it's you.
I'll give you a pass on this one

The families that lost members in Afghanistan invited Trump and others to a public remembrance of their sacrifice.  The progressive ghouls realized it would show Trump in a favorable light.  So they had to shit on the families' that lost loved ones in order so the progressive ghouls could attempt to damage Trump.
You can't hate these people enough.

"progressive ghouls" did NOT create the situation at ANC. Trump's campaign created it by violating cemetery rules and shoving a cemetery worker, then lying about it.
The MAGA crew is truly vile.
And so is Fester, who shamelessly lies.

Funny, the biggest liar in the land lies about someone else lying. OMG!!🤣🤣 Its like insanity hour with you! You've got to be the biggest retard to ever post here. Which.....shouldn't be hard for you since your the top poster on all of TER on all 3 categories due to having no life. Do you still use windows 98 or have you started posting with your "iPone" yet?
If you didn't spend so much time following myself and 2 or 3 others here like a lost puppy,  maybe you'd have about 500 less posts.

So ironic he has the sheer gall to accuse ME of repeating myself. His most recent excrescence is virtually identical to ALL his posts of late.
He clearly has ZERO self-awareness, NO sense of shame and ZILCH game. He's also incapable of embarrassment.
Will some of his pals please clue him in?  

Posted By: inicky46
Re: The SPOAT's posts all seem identical.
So ironic he has the sheer gall to accuse ME of repeating myself.
Says the old man who sounds like a parrot, he repeats so often! So yes retard.......YOU!!
Is there a top poster award to the ones who have no game?? If so the TATL just one it in a lifetime achievement status!

And still can't tell the truth.
He is beneath embarrassment.
He's so stupid he doesn't even know what he spelled wrong.
What a dunce.

....are the other ones with zero life.  
I guess that makes TATL twice as pathetic!  

Whats that?? Sucks to be you?  And yet again he has noooooo game! 🤣🤣

-- Modified on 8/30/2024 9:30:53 PM

He had to modify his post because of another stupid mis-spelling.
What a dope.
But he whines about me pulling my posts.

JD Vance Asked Point Blank About Trump Campaign's Alleged 'Altercation' At Arlington Cemetery
"... Three years ago at Abbey Road they had ... I mean Abbey Gate ..."  
[sarcasm alert]
Just how stupid and demented can you get? He's confused about a Road and a Gate? This guy should be institutionalized! Was his brain eaten by a worm? ... Can you imagine someone like that with the nuclear codes? Launch or Don't Launch? I'm so confused. I don't know!! Abbey Road! Abbey Gate!! Abby Dalton!! Westminster Abbey! So many Abbeys. I don't know what to do!!!
[sarcasm off]
Does that remind you of anybody? Hypocrisy much?
Or maybe it was a slip of the tongue? And he caught himself after a couple of words.

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: So the situation is  
The families that lost members in Afghanistan invited Trump and others to a public remembrance of their sacrifice.  The progressive ghouls realized it would show Trump in a favorable light.  So they had to shit on the families' that lost loved ones in order so the progressive ghouls could attempt to damage Trump.  
 You can't hate these people enough.
Shady Vance also claimed, "There is verifiable evidence that the [Trump] campaign was allowed to have a photographer there. There's verifiable -- they were invited to have a photographer there ..." The authorities have repeatedly said that the campaign was warned about the rules conduct at ANC and were NOT given permission to have photog there. Trump and Shady Vance seem to think that anyone can give them permission to break any law they don't like. "Hey Shady ... Look at that bank over there. Can you give me permission to take all their cash?" "Sure, Donald. Go for it!! You've got my permission." The Trump campaign has yet to provide their "verification" of permission to take photos and make videos at ANC, especially Section 60.

"... Trump added that this was exactly why he preferred playing at Trump golf courses, where there was only one grave and it belonged to his late ex-wife." LOL

The Gold Star families that invited Trump as well as Harris and Biden, only to have Harris shit on their ceremony, are now posting anti-Harris videos.  
All they wanted was a nice public remembrance. But Harris couldn't let Trump get credit for attending, so they had to shit on the ceremony. Liberals are now attacking the families for inviting Trump.
No matter how much you hate liberals, it's not enough.

But they are wrong in this case.
Fester, however, deserves no respect at all.

Posted By: inicky46
Posted by inicky46, 8/31/2024 8:43:29 PM
But they are wrong in this case.
Posted By: inicky46
Re: Our leading angry loser spent Saturday night here.  
 ......... Get a life, you pathetic loser.

Oh how I love to point out that the pathetic loser (his words....not mine) and the current holder of the Pot Calling The Kettle Black award for 6 months running.......
Is in fact........ a REAL pathetic loser!!🤣 (those are mine)
Now, it just wouldn't be right if I didn't share TATL'S theme song with all to hear.  
Take it away Jimmy Buffett!!!

How predictable, from our most pathetic loser.
Pot=Kettle=Black much???

TATL looks even more pathetic trying to "rebut" (his favorite word) his repeat of EXACTLY what I said. Again.  
Just tale the "L"  
I mean after all he's TERs biggest loser.

The SPOAT brings down the IQ of this board by about 100 points.

Civil War veteran, I'm surprised to hear you denigrate the Gold Star families who just wanted some acknowledgment of their loved one's sacrifice.  Both Joe, who was on the beach, and Kamala, who was studying for her BIG interview, which she blew anyway, could not be bothered to attend, but Trump showed up AT THE FAMILIES' REQUEST, and paid his respects.  Kudo's to Trump for this show of respect for our military.  I fart in the general direction of both Biden and Harris.  

No one criticized Trump for showing up at the cemetery to honor war dead. He was criticized for violating cemetery rules by bringing along campaign photographers to Section 60 and doing nothing when one physically abused a worker. He was there to use the occasion to do a campaign commercial.
PS: Harris actually, and despite your inaccurate and snide comment, did NOT blow her interview. I saw it and she did fine. Anyone who's not a partisan hack would know this.

"fact-checker" the next day who said Harris and Walz lied about more things than they told the truth on?  This was a CNN fact checker, NOT Fox News.  


Posted By: lester_prairie
All they wanted was a nice public remembrance.
This is first time I have read ANYTHING about "all they wanted was a nice **PUBLIC** remembrance."  
There are several places where it is reported that the families invited Trump to join them in the "solemn" event. That's a quote-solemn-unquote event.  "Mr. Trump then accompanied the families and Marine veterans to Section 60. That part of Mr. Trump’s visit was private and closed to the press." A big, broad toothy grin with a fat thumbs up sure looks solemn!  
EVEN IF the families wanted Trump's team to video and photo the event, IT IS AGAINST THE LAW AND THEY WERE SO INFORMED.  
I see NO REASON why Trump couldn't have visited with the families without photos, consoled them in a private way without photos. And taken photos with the families at place at ANC where photos are allowed. Post-POTUS reports show that several other presidents (even while still POTUS) made many unannounced, UNREPORTED private visits to veterans and other groups. They did not need to have EVERYTHING recorded and reported on the nightly news or the next day's headline news.
Veterans and Veterans groups are being highly critical of Trump's disdain and disrespect for those who serve and those servicemen who have died.
If Trump had just said, "Put the cameras away, boys." this WOULD be nothing. If fact, Trump would have looked BETTER for it.
"Hay everybody!! Look at me!! I'm showing my solemn respect!!"

After Team Harris shits on the remembrance of the soldiers killed at Abbey Gate, eight Gold Star families have issued anti-Harris videos.  

…has got to be the dumbest move in the history of politics. The Harris campaign could have just ignored this and everyone would have forgotten it by now. Instead now everyone knows the DNC are such unpatriotic dirt bags that they will attack the families of soldiers their President got killed.  

Like I said. I would crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump.

From when he was vice President but used those images for his 2020 campaign and the press screams “ohhh it’s ok he was doing official things at the time…”  

That some icky hairsplitting bullshit right there!  

Here’s the Bottom line.  

Joe Biden’s complete fuck up of a pull out of Afghanistan killed those service members!  

Joe Biden was a disrespectful fuck standing there checking his watch over and over while the caskets came home! The 8th and I Marines carrying the caskets were PISSED!

Joe Biden when visiting the Marine Sniper in the hospital, after the kid got blown up, lost his legs and an arm… Joe Joe  shows up and had to launch into his “Bo came home in a flag draped coffin BULLSHIT!” To the Marine laying there in Walter Reid! 😲🙄

Btw this was the same Marine Sniper that had eyes on the suicide bomber and repeatedly requested permission to fire even going as far as to go physically get the C.O. And drag him to the OP and show him the suicide bomber through a spotting scope and having thr CO tell him I can’t give you clearance to fire. The sniper asked him to please go find out who could authorize the shot and thr CO disappeared and never came back. This was ROE set forth by the chain all the way up!  

Joe joes fault!  

And you asshats want to whine about Trump taking a picture?




He's not running. Please deal with your Biden Derangement Syndrome.
It's severe.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: But, but, but, but.....BIDEN!!!!!!
He's not running. Please deal with your Biden Derangement Syndrome.  
 It's severe.
Remember your fave, camel toes is who claims she was the last one in the room deciding the Afghanistan withdrawal is running and she’s the one trying to make political hay out of this.  

Tell us icky why do you want to buttfuck this country with a Harris waltz administration?

Try and keep up, Loooooser.
Trump is the one "trying to make political hay out of this" with his lame, illegal photo op at a soldier's grave. Tell us, Looooser, do you think it's cool to grin and give a thumbs-up like that?
Trump is the one who signed a terrible exit deal with the Taliban. Trump is the one who freed 5,000 of them including their leader. Trump is the one who pulled out more troops before leaving office, causing the Afghan gov't's fatal, final collapse. And you want more of this?
Semper Lie

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