Politics and Religion

Did you bother to even read your own link? This is...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 15 reads

...what it says about anonymous sources:
"Consider sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Reserve anonymity for sources who may face danger, retribution or other harm, and have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Explain why anonymity was granted."

YOUR LINK DOES NOT SAY: "The purpose of using anonymous sources is to protect whistleblowers."

TER should have an ethics code too.  Number one rule: Don't post bullshit.  If that were the rule, all posts by righties would be disallowed.

I didn't realized the arbiter of truth is Jennifer Griffin and her anonymous sources.

Just like all the other simpletons? And Griffin is known as one of the best Pentagon reporters. But you wouldn't know that, would you, LUser?

reliable, truthful source of information, than YOU, LUser or our "villain-in-chief."  Deep down in your heart, you must know it by now and only keep running on with your stupid posts our of blind allegiance and misplaced arrogance.

Admit it!  The truth WILL set you free!

Fox News is nothing more than an anarchistic propaganda machine whose only purpose is to keep this POS we have for a president in power..

The purpose of using anonymous sources is to protect whistleblowers. It’s not to engage in character assassination. All this has done is demonstrated yet again how ridiculous and untrustworthy the media is.

It was coordinated.  Over a dozen media outlets had stories ready to go and released within minutes of each other.  This is DNC/media collusion.

...what it says about anonymous sources:
"Consider sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Reserve anonymity for sources who may face danger, retribution or other harm, and have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Explain why anonymity was granted."

YOUR LINK DOES NOT SAY: "The purpose of using anonymous sources is to protect whistleblowers."

TER should have an ethics code too.  Number one rule: Don't post bullshit.  If that were the rule, all posts by righties would be disallowed.

An anonymous source has informed me that BigPapa likes to fuck paraplegic labradoodles. And he doesn’t fuck them in a respectable way, going doggie style, no. He’s into greek. Imagine going down the rocky road highway with Rufus when he can’t even run away. What a shitty thing to do.

...killed it and grilled it after marinating it in your homemade wine (all organic, no sulfites - yes, dumbshit willy, it's "sulfites" not "sulfides").  I find cat meat to be less fatty than groundhog.  And I saved you a lot of trouble.  You no longer have to "sing sweet nuffin's to him while he painfully pisses on your chest, after which you coo at him to calm him down, and you wash him off first before you jump in the shower."  You're welcome, you weird fuck.

-- Modified on 9/6/2020 8:56:00 PM

awarded a Trump cult, merit badge for your proficiency in promoting conspiracy theories and exercising the tools of Trump's disinformation campaign, commonly used by Hitler, Putin, and now Trump;

1)  Discredit the mainstream media, the only factual source of information.  Once you have done this, the automatons will believe only what you say or sources of information you lead them to.

2)  Prop up alternative media sources; Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart and all the far right, radical, conspiracy theorist websites.  They will convincingly throw a fact or two in there and weave it into a false, conspiracy narrative that the automatons will have no problem believing and then mimicking, to all who try to disseminate the truth.

3)  When the smart and honest citizens of the U.S. call out this evil disinformation campaign or Trump's race baiting words/treasonous actions, simply label them "fake news," a "hoax," or a "witch hunt."  That should keep the automatons on our side.

Trump and his automatons are clearly following the playbook of dictators before him.  

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