Politics and Religion

Did Kamala answer any of the questions that were actually asked in her latest interview?
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 121 reads

Actually watching her is a sacrifice too far for me, but I'm sure some of her eunuchs here licked it all up.
I saw a few headlines where she avoided answering the actual question.  So just wondering if she made any real news, policy wise.

That's how you get your news? That would explain a lot. No Lester, she isn't like Trump at all. She doesn't talk about immigrants eating their pets, has no desire to talk about Trump's race, nor does she bad mouth pop stars, nor gets in arguments with governors of swing states from her own party. I know you find that all very odd.  
What she is is a serious candidate, who put together a campaign on a moments notice, who has received multiple endorsements from well known Republicans, who is a person who listens to her advisors and who is currently leading your god. Not bad in just a couple of months, huh Lester?
Imagine if she had 9 years?

Posted By: RespectfulRobert

What she is is a serious candidate,
NO SHE ISN’T 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 She is a dumbass who wants to be the next puppet in chief to succeed weekend at Bidens.
Posted By: RespectfulRobert
who put together a campaign on a moments notice, who has received multiple endorsements from well known Republicans, who is a person who listens to her advisors
No she fucking doesn’t! She notoriously ignores these large well written up packages that her staff slave away over only to have her ignore said packages only to  go embarrass herself In front of the press. Then she looses her mind on said staff… 🙄🙄🙄 it’s described as a soul sucking experience to work for her. 🤢🤮 and it’s why she has a near 90 % turnover rate in employees.
Posted By: RespectfulRobert
and who is currently leading your god. Not bad in just a couple of months, huh Lester?  

Imagine if she had 9 years?

“Imagine if she had 9 years?” Sweet mother of God!!! 😳😳😳 Are you insane? Actually I think you must be to write this drivel about camel toes kackel puss. Anyway… I can’t picture the deep dark black hole this nation would be in with 9 years of her “leadership” 🙄🙄🙄

-- Modified on 9/18/2024 1:02:41 AM

So the answer, as far as you know, is no, she didn't answer any of the actual questions.  That seems to be consistent with the headline reports of her usual evasions.

Nice “but Trump”. How about a link that proves Lester wrong?

I need a link to rebut but he doesn't need one that backs him up? lol.

A link to what?  I'm asking if anyone watched her interview and if she answered the actual questions asked.  I saw a few headlines that suggest she evaded the specific question.  I am open to the possibility she did give some direct answers. Sounds from one headline that she'll tax whites to pay reparations to black people. Is this true?

She skipped the "are we better off today than 4 years ago" question completely by saying  
"Let me start off by saying.... blah...blah....glad to be here.......blah blah......thanks for having me...... giggle......unburdened by what has been....."  
Something to that effect.

A link to the interview. A link to the articles you are referring to. Hell, I'll take a link re: pre-season hockey scores from you at this point! lol

Kamala Harris to NABJ yesterday: “when you are bestowed with a microphone… there is … this concept of public trust, to then understand what the public trust means. It means that you have been invested with trust…”
With answers like this, it’s easier to understand why Harris is trailing Trump with independents in the Gallup favorability poll.

Back in my youth, there was a TV program called Star Trek.  In one episode the captain of the Starship Enterprise, Captain Kirk, was beset by android robots that he had to defeat.  His solution was to talk them into circular reasoning until their circuits burned out.  When I hear another of Kamala's iterative outputs, I'm waiting for the sparks to start popping out of her ears.

"Per someone very close to the Harris campaign there was a massive blow up yesterday after Kamala’s interview. Top management was at each other’s throats and even had Obama on zoom meetings."

Fester won't even tell us where the rumor came from? Presumably he knows the source is weak and is too big a pussy to reveal it.
We're waiting......

General Steven Anderson says Kamala Harris will intimidate Putin because he’s terrified of strong mixed race women of biracial ethnic origins.
Yup, that's all they got.  She's an empty suit.  All they have is her skin color.

a direct question in an news interview, but on the brighter side, she did remind us for the third time in eight days that she was raised in a middle-class home.   That's got to be worth something, right?

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