Politics and Religion

Did anyone catch Kamala's . . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 83 reads

first solo press interview at a local ABC affiliate in Philidelphia this week after the debate?  The interviewer starts off by asking her for more specifics about how she is going to bring prices down, and she instead of a straight answer, she recites the same talking point that she memorized for the debate.  She is visibly nervous throughout the interview and you can hear her swallowing between comments.  (The noisy swallowing probably started during her Willie Brown years - Lol).  It's a complete trainwreck.  Link below.

I listed all five of the policies she mentioned the 10 minutes interview in another post on this forum.  I didn't comment on the word salad she used to deliver this brief policy mentions. It's subjective of course but she did look terrified before and after. And she clearly did swallow which could certainly be attributed to nervousness.  
We did find out also that her neighbors had nice lawns.  So some hard hitting analysis from Kamala on that part of the economy.

I remember when candidates (or the parties) took out full page ads in the local newspapers (and there were usually multiple newspapers in larger cities). In addition, they distributed large printed (on newspaper paper - broadsides or broadsheets) policy statements. They were in supermarkets, stores, and even packets rolled up and stuffed behind every doorknobs by campaign volunteers. (Glossy 8x12 trifolds with big photos were too expensive back then.) Even as schoolkids, we were expected to read them and discuss them in school.
You had to be able to READ to appreciate those detailed documents. TV and radio were also important conduits of information, but we had not yet reached the level of the 5-second soundbite or "memes."
Project 2025 (900+ pages) took several years to produce and is the work of several hundred authors, at least 140 of whom were part of the Trump administration (and Trump claims not to who they are or what they say or think). According to wiki, it cost ~$22 M to produce.  I do not think that any candidate or party can produce a similar document on their own in a few months or even 6 months. But they usually have policy statements that extend beyond the 10-minute TV interview time limit. Specialists will discuss them in greater detail on the Sunday news shows (Meet the Press, Face the Nation, etc..)  
YOU CANNOT SQUEEZE A DETAILED POLICY DESCRIPTION INTO A 10-MINUTE INTERVIEW. You have to keep it brief, simple, and sometimes vague to get the gist across to many listeners (who are NOT professional politics critics and analysts).  
Which reminds me ... Trump says he has not read and will not read Project 2025. Well, duh, big surprise because Trump is barely literate and has a negligible attention span. Insiders describe how crucial daily briefs had to be abridged and simplified and there were days when Trump wouldn't read them at all. As a reminder about Trump's attention span,  reading skills, interests, and ego:  
http://www.mediaite.com/news/trump-tells-rally-crowd-i-didnt-even-know-what-the-hell-nato-was-too-much-until-he-was-in-white-house/ [dateline July 2024]
Trump Tells Rally Crowd ‘I Didn’t Even Know What The Hell NATO Was.
"...  [Trump speaking] "And I didn’t want to be obnoxious because I felt it was the first time I’d ever done this. And what? I didn’t even know what the hell NATO was too much before, but it didn’t take me long to figure it out. Like about two minutes. And the first thing I figured out was they weren’t paying. We were paying. We were paying almost fully for, you know, and and I said, that’s unfair, but I didn’t want to make a big mess. ..." ..."
Advisors confirm that Trump knew nothing and knows very little about NATO, including its origins and importance. All Trump saw was "they have to pay more." NATO countries already WERE paying increasing amounts under an Obama arrangement but Trump wanted to speed up the payments. That's all he saw. Pay up or get out. Bolton and others consider Trump to be a threat to NATO.
"EVERYTHING to Trump is a line item on the budget. Trump does not understand diplomacy or the value of strong alliances which does not show up as a line item on the budget.
Mattis once said if State Department funding gets cut 'then I need to buy more ammunition'  ..."
"NATO members were increasing their contributions under an agreement put into place by OBAMA.
"The "2% of GDP" NATO agreement was negotiated during the Obama administration and member nations were already increasing their contributions to NATO under Obama.  The target date to reach the 2% threshold was 2025. Most members are getting there. It is not clear what Trump's "public shaming / baseball bat diplomacy" did to that agreement other than to undermine NATO's 70+ year faith in US Leadership." ..."
And I believe that Trump also bragged, "Nobody knows more about NATO than I do." at some point.  Worse than being an idiotic claim is that Trump probably believes it to be true.

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: I did  
I listed all five of the policies she mentioned the 10 minutes interview in another post on this forum.  I didn't comment on the word salad she used to deliver this brief policy mentions. It's subjective of course but she did look terrified before and after. And she clearly did swallow which could certainly be attributed to nervousness.

You say you can't cram much into a 10 minute interview.  Correct.  So why is she not publishing detailed policies (yeah, she published some "goals" but wishing isn't a policy) and why isn't she doing long form interviews and press conferences?
She's in control of her own destiny in that regard.   Trump just did another press conference a day ago.  What's her excuse?

No, that was Trump at the debate. I didn't see any nervousness at all. She gave specific policies to heal America in that interview but you were too busy focusing on  "noisy swallowing" to notice. It just further proves you have nothing substantive to attack her on and you are totally desperate as the polling is slipping away for your hero.  

Must you hyperventilate at every negative mention?

But I am the one "hyperventilating." lol. Ok Lester, if you say so. lol.

That's where he learned his well-worn schtick of accusing someone of doing something they didn't.
Fester is a fraud.

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