Politics and Religion

Despite Marikod's fiction--picture of chaos now at Penn-DOT for voter ID
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 1696 reads

We all know the real voter fraud are the bullshit obstacle laws put up by the GOP vote stealers to supress votes, i.e. voter supression = the real voter fraud.

It's also ironic that the poorest people are being forced to go through a ridiculous cascade of obstacles including the 5 hour lines to get their voter ID while billionaires can buy elections, particularly the downticket elections.

Very rich billionaire and multimillionaire donors are now switching their money from the Romney campaign which they are labelling dead in the water (premature to be sure because the election may be a lot closer than the polls since the polls cannot cover all the variables).

Also if you're female and you have recently changed your name via marriage or divorce, you have to present additional ID to get your  voter ID and it's estimated as many as 35 million women nationally won't be able to vote becaue of this.

:Penn-DOT says it can probably only process about 10,000 voters in time for the election which of course has now started in two states.

So if you take the low figure of about 100,000 or ACLU's figure of 12 X that, the direction the court is going to need to go to escape reversal on an immediate expedited appeal is to enjoin the Voter ID law in Pennsylvania, which will  of course cause Timbow to buy a round of drinks for everyone.

I haven't been looking either, but the black people I know all of whom have ID don't give a shit about the election, yet again I don't know every American.

you represent the party of facts and math

The black people VERN knows aren't representative of the population who are being disenfranchised and registration in my state is up from 2008 according  to this morning's paper.  I haven't met an  African American who says they aren't voting yet here, and they sure as fuck aren't voting for Romney.

The big money is already saying "fuck Romney" and trying to buy the Senate  and House aka downticket races now.

-- Modified on 9/22/2012 12:48:14 PM

I know real Americans, have worked and still work side by side with real Americans.

I live in the richest state in America, and I know some of the poorest people in that state, they are my neighbors .

as I always say VOTE! for who ever you want, I always lean left, I know a candidate is never going to pander towards my views.

Plus the "chaos" to which the writer refers was the Friday before the decision.

          So that is not "now," is it? The 9/18 decision put the state on notice they had to make the ID cards easily available, so if they do not increase hours and location the law is going to be enjoined.

nuguy46195 reads

leftards are willing to let illegals vote for Prez, etc.
damaging and very short-sighted.

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