Politics and Religion

Dan Rather added a new word to the dictionary
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1478 reads

Are you rathering me?
 Surely you are rathering
 You can't believe a word he says as  nothing comes out of his mouth except incessant rathering
 When a recent provider told me she loved me I knew she was rathering.
 Can you just tell the truth and quit rathering??

A group calling itself the Center for Constitutional Rights accused the Fox News Channel Monday of refusing to allow it to buy ad time for a spot featuring Danny Glover criticizing America's policies toward Guantánamo Bay detainees.

The ad, posted online at http://www.beyondguantanamo.org, was to have run in connection with a Supreme Court hearing on Wednesday in which lawyers for two Guantánamo prisoners are to argue that they have been denied habeas corpus rights.

Vincent Warren, executive director of the CCR, said in a statement that FNC's rejection "is but another example of how Americans are shielded from the truth about Guantánamo and the implications of the war on terror."

The ad has been accepted by the two other principal cable news channels, CNN and MSNBC, but Erin Kelly, a sales account representative for Fox News, wrote that the channel could not approve a spot alleging that the Bush administration was destroying the Constitution. "If you have documentation that it is indeed being destroyed, we can look at that." Warren called Kelly's "literal interpretation" of the spot "utterly ridiculous" and "emblematic of the political bias of Murdoch's media empire."

harryj4351 reads

Uncle Joe Stalin, hero of of the libbies, or Adolph Hitler? What the is the real difference in the impact on the peasants? Libbie sheep herders screwing the peasants and pretending to be their guardians. What a crock of slimey shit.

But truly, they are neither fair nor balanced.

GaGambler1949 reads

Fox is far from fair or balanced, but so is the rest of the "mainstream" media. I cannot name a single media outlet that is doesn't lean(heavily) to either the left or the right.

Wasn't there once upon a time when you could get the facts, and just the facts, without any editorial bias? I seem to remember such a time, but maybe it was just the drugs?

I am old enough to remember when we could trust our news anchors to give it to us straight ahead and as unvarnished as they possibly could.

Can anyone here over the age of 40 even begin to imagine NOT believing Walter Cronkite? Doubting the words of Huntley-Brinkley?

The conservative George Putnam, as bombastic and gregarious as he was.... you believed him when he reported the news, and you paid attention and gave him the respect he deserved when he would editorialize via his One Reporters Opinion. A man of stature, dignity and class.

What do we have today? Wolf Blitzer? He's no Cronkite. Bill O'Reilley? Feh, Putnam had more class in his soiled linens than Shill O'Wrongly could ever dream of.

Personally, I've taken to gathering my newsfrom a variety of online sources, left, right, american, european, middle eastern and asian.
I still remain skeptical, especially when I read a source that I know was Babelfished into an English rendition... but it does give me a better feel for the situation than merely reading American news sources that long ago ceased being about information dissemination, and became about the bottom line and advancing self-serving political agendas. Fox, CNN, they're all corrupt.

Edward R. Murrow and George Putnam both, are turning in their graves at the depletion of integrity in the news business.

GaGambler1516 reads

to doubt the voracity of the news, even though I grew up in the SF bay area of the sixties, and was as antigovernment as a person could be.

Today, I do much as you do. I try to get several sources of info, then apply my own bullshit meter to the "facts" that I gather. I don't believe there is anything even remotely close to unbiased news anymore.

Integrity in the news business, hows that for an oxymoron?

Are you rathering me?
 Surely you are rathering
 You can't believe a word he says as  nothing comes out of his mouth except incessant rathering
 When a recent provider told me she loved me I knew she was rathering.
 Can you just tell the truth and quit rathering??

Doc: At one time, I too respected the news reporting of Cronkite. But his reporting on the Tet Offensive in 1968 was totally out of line. He spun it to fit his version of what happened, not what actually did happen as to which side got their butts kicked. His reporting ethics went downhill from there. Or perhaps  he was just reading what the news editors put in front of him. Either way, he's still an asshole.

it was during the early stages of the Dummyrat nomination process that GigiloBOy saw that other wackjob, howie dean making political hay motherfuckin Bush and Iraq so the traitorus garbagebag decides to be the fisrt to the microphone to publically piss on any mistake that came to light....remember the brewhaha over the ammo dump?

I swear to God I've never seen anything like it and I will always hate Dummyrats for the way the majority of that party has put elected offices ahead of their country

*uk em all

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