Politics and Religion

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said...
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 159 reads
1 / 10

Bombshell video has emerged of Pelosi admitting this. See link below. Since the Shoe Lemming doesn’t know how to create an X account he’ll just have to take my word on this.  

Perhaps the more disturbing thing is that it illustrates just how stupid Nancy Pelosi is. “The inaugural thing…” Is this woman brain dead?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 8 reads
2 / 10

That's the perfect Republican woman according to willy and the right wing.  Unfortunately, Pelosi didn't stay barefoot and pregnant - she ran for Congress when she was 37.

inicky46 61 Reviews 7 reads
3 / 10

She didn't "Admit 1/6 was Her Fault." She took responsibility for not having asked for the National Guard to be on hand at the outset. The riot on 1/6 was Trump's fault. He summoned the mob. He fired them up. Then he stood by and let the riot continue for hours.
Please stop lying, Wanker.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 7 reads
4 / 10

...only seeing and believing what is spoon fed to him.  Pelosi and Schumer were busting their asses to get the National Guard out while Trump was fiddling for 3 hours, watching Fox News as Rome burned:


willywonka4u 22 Reviews 6 reads
5 / 10

Pearl Harbor. JFK’s assassination. 9/11. But as many Democrats have already attested, 1/6 was the darkest day in our country since the Civil War. Now that Nancy Pelosi has admitted that it was all her fault, shouldn’t she be held to account? Nancy Pelosi should be barred from running for office ever again because she is an insurrectionist. And furthermore, justice cannot be served unless she goes to prison for what she’s done.

inicky46 61 Reviews 8 reads
6 / 10
LostSon 43 Reviews 8 reads
7 / 10

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: willy goes through life with right wing blinders on...
...only seeing and believing what is spoon fed to him.  Pelosi and Schumer were busting their asses to get the National Guard out while Trump was fiddling for 3 hours, watching Fox News as Rome burned:  
This is an interview with the chief of the Capitol police. BUT Because it was done by Tucker  you will cry fowl. Tucker just asks questions there is no right wing spin.  

This details how the chief of the Capitol police went through the day.  

Nancy and Chuck aren’t the hero’s you want them to be on that day!


willywonka4u 22 Reviews 7 reads
8 / 10

Even Democrats admit 1/6 was the worst thing to ever happen since AIDS, herpes, small pox, Covid and gum disease combined. But now that Nancy Pelosi has admitted on video tape that it was entirely her fault, the Shoe Insurrectionist defends her. Sad.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 9 reads
9 / 10

...that the PENTAGON SLOW-WALKED NATIONAL GUARD BACKUP and federal intelligence authorities did not provide sufficient warnings of the attack.

Sund said he wished former President Donald Trump had reacted more swiftly to bring reinforcements to the Capitol.
Asked if Trump had accepted his proper share of responsibility for the attack, Sund responded: "I think there are a lot of people that need to accept some responsibility associated with this."  IOW, Nancy Pelosi accepted some responsibility but Trump is a gutless little bitch who has never admitted he ever did anything wrong.

"Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund sent an eight-page letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi...providing a detailed account of the events leading up to the Jan. 6 riots."
Sund called out specific intelligence agency failures: "nothing in...intelligence provided by FBI, Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and D.C. Metropolitan Police (MPD) – indicated that a well-coordinated, armed assault on the Capitol might occur on Jan. 6."
Sund said he made efforts "...efforts to secure support before and during the incident, from the National Guard..."  
Pelosi asked him to resign on Jan. 7.  That's why he has a bug up his ass about her.

inicky46 61 Reviews 7 reads
10 / 10

I've already explained but Willy is too toxic to understand or, more likely, just too wedded to his looney ideas to care. Pelosi NEVER "admitted on video tape that it was entirely her fault." She said she took responsibility for not calling in the Guard earlier. But she had ZERO responsibility for summoning the mob, lying to them and sending them to attack the Capitol. That was Trump.
Hey, wait a damn minute! I thought you believe they were just non-violent tourists? Which is it, Wanker?

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