Politics and Religion

Can Mitt Romney flip flop in just 24 hours?regular_smile
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 3853 reads

Yes, in fact he can.

Back in 2002, Romney was very clear on what his position was on abortion.


Then, of course, once running for President, he changes his mind. On Mike Huckabee's show he completely agrees that he would support a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

Then before Mississippi's personhood election, Mitt Romney completely supports it.

Then once it goes down in defeat by a 60/40 margin, Mitt's not so sure he supports it.


I'm beginning to think that what Mitt Romney is doing is performance art as well. I expect Romney to admit at his next press conference that he's "in favor of and opposed to everything."

Is this really the best the GOP can do? Is this really their only serious candidate?

you might get one.

If Cain and Perry do as Pri has told us a million times -- that is, not survive the end of the year -- then former Speaker Gingrich becomes the next anti-Romney foe.

I think it would be great fun to watch Gingrich battle President Obama.  I still think Obama would win easily but it will be a lot more fun to watch than a Romney-Obama race.

...but Gingrich isn't a serious candidate either. He's in it to sell books and various other bits of merchandise. He's pretty blantant about it too. Oh, and as for Gingrich sticking to his guns, he just flip flopped on deregulation, saying it was a mistake to get rid of Glass Steagall. I could have told him the same thing back in 1999 when I was still too young to legally buy a drink. I guess better late than never.

He does quite well already in that department.

He is the only candidate on either side that knows how to get things done in Washington.

Now that's a novel thought, a President that knows how our government actually works . . . .

I know, it ain't gonna happen. President Obama is a near-certainty to be re-elected.

Priapus53687 reads

Ohio Governor Kasich's anti-collective bargaining
plan. 1 st, he was against it, then for it. Since Kasich's plan was soundly defeated, I wonder if he'll go back to opposing it.

According to an aggregate of 10 polls, Romney trails BHO only by 1.7%, well within the margin of error. Also, though Cain leads Romney among GOP voters by 1.9%, ( see below link ) his #'s are slipping & Romney's are going up;the trend tends to favor Romney.

So, the answer to your 2 questions, since political parties live or die according to polls & electability, has to be yes. Will things change in the next couple of months ? Who the fuck knows ?

-- Modified on 11/10/2011 12:46:01 PM

FistFullOfFifties1706 reads

Romney is a master politician. Even when he makes mistakes or gaffs, he comes out of it scot free. He's a young Ronald Reagan in magical underwear. Whatever will get him elected, he's that. Romney can lie, cheat and steal better than any of the other liars, cheaters and stealers. Like I said, master politician.

The others that pretend to have convictions, will be weighted down by those convictions like cinder blocks tied to their ankles. And people know those convictions are not real anyway. Romney winks at the people, like he's in on the joke with them.

What the other GOP candidates don't know is Romney already has their head on a stick. He's too big to fail. He's Romney. You can't touch that.

In a contest against Obama, it will be exciting to see two people made for each other. The people loose either way. In fact, the people lost a long time ago. The next election is all about who is going to be the ruler of the corporate welfare state for the next 4 years. They win either way.

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