Politics and Religion

The 80th anniversary of D Day…
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 249 reads

The commemoration got a bit strange when Biden bent over strangely towards Jill and away from Macron. Jill then whisked Biden away leaving Macron baffled and confused.  

Now “pooped” is trending on X.  



He’s not a fascist. If anyone is acting like fascists these days it’s Biden’s Democrats.

-- Modified on 6/6/2024 3:39:21 AM

…when the guy who just shit himself at the D Day commemoration is trying to put his political opponent in jail. But the tweets about this were awesome.

to chime in, how cute is that...Question, who does the review??

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: This must be a very uncomfortable day for MAGA
Being forced to Support a Facist like Joe Bide on this day … shame on us!
🤨 You ain’t a kidding pee lover the indignity of it all! Him embarrassing us in France on the 80th anniversary of D-Day? 🙄

...sit down but then had to wait for Lloyd Austin to be introduced.  willy swallowed the lie because he's a gullible moron - exactly the kind of voter Trump is counting on.

-- Modified on 6/7/2024 5:08:15 AM

I said he shit himself. Which is why Macron was running about confused about what to do when Jill ushered Biden away to clean the shit off of him.

...leaving Macron baffled and confused."   Now you're claiming: "Macron was running about confused about what to do when Jill ushered Biden away to clean the shit off of him."  It's bullshit, willy.  Where's the video?  

You righties are so stupid.  You don't have to lie to criticize Biden but you're too stupid to realize it.  You could have simply said Biden started sitting down too soon but he was too old and feeble to stand back up so he waited for Lloyd Austin to be introduced before sitting down.

Gawd, you righties are dumb...and bad liars too!

You'll never get Willy to stop lying. His version of fun is to throw up distorted bullshit and run away giggling. Righties don't care about the truth.

“It’s bullshit, willy.  Where's the video?”

Um…I posted a link to the video in my OP.  

Your X video is bullshit and you were stupid enough to believe it.  Below is the REAL video showing Biden sitting down and listening to Lloyd Austin's speech.  He wasn't "whisked away."  You're an idiot for believing X.


With my own two eyes. Biden obviously shat himself. You can tell by him going into a “I’m shitting while standing” stance, look at everyone’s faces when they smell what’s happening.  

In a separate video you see Jill whisking Biden away and Macron running around confused about what to do. I saw it with my own eyes. You can’t say it didn’t happen. It’s there on video. If you look closely you can even make out a turd fall out of Biden’s pant leg. Not sure of Macron was running around because he didn’t know what to do with Biden leaving or if he was running from the turd Biden dropped on the sidewalk.

Icky and big P are the liars here.  

Imagine that…

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