Politics and Religion

Anyone have an Update on futile Boycott results ?
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1508 reads

This link is a week old, there've been at least three new boycotts since then.  
   Any up to date news on progress with futile boycotts?  

I've often wondered if some boycotts are started by a skilled advertising agency, covertly drumming up business.  



saltyballs232 reads

Is he losing it? Yesterday afternoon, President Donald Trump held a news conference, to announce his second pick for secretary of labor, but he wandered off topic, crowing about his many accomplishments so far and attacking the media, the Obama administration, and more. Trump appeared frustrated by the job of running the government, which is clearly much more difficult than he expected. He was critical of the media's calling him and his staff on their many lies and was incensed about the endless stream of leaks coming from his administration. Nevertheless, he was very proud of what he had accomplished so far, saying: "There has never been a president that has done so much in such a short period of time." He also said: "We had a very smooth rollout of the travel ban," not mentioning that multiple courts have blocked it and that there have been huge protests over it all over the country.

He also said that the New York Times story on his campaign's having had multiple contacts with Russia was "discredited," although that is completely untrue. He also said many other things that are false, including getting the number of electoral votes he received wrong, calling actual news "fake news," and saying that ISIS is spreading like a cancer. He also said that drugs are becoming cheaper than candy bars, without specifying which drugs and which candy bars he had in mind.

GaGambler213 reads

and I saw something completely different.  

I think Trump was confident, engaging, and not afraid to put certain reporters in their place when called for. Not to mention he accurately predicted what the headlines would read about the press conference once the MSM put their dishonest spin on it.

Personally, I don't really like Trump, but I dislike the dishonest media even more which is what attracted me to Trump in the first place. Apparently enough other Americans felt the same way which is why we now have POTUS Trump instead of Clinton,  despite all the dishonest collusion with the media to get her both nominated and elected.

The D and R divide is personality (yes, he's an asshole) vs. policy (he's right on the mark)

The bloviating, hyper-ventilating and dishonest lib media wants to talk about whether Trump really did have the most EV's since Reagan. Don Lemon did a WHOLE segment on it last night. lol

Seriously, have you even seen a group SO out of touch with what voters really care about?

He listed off all his accomplishments and they went to making America safer, better, stronger, etc. and the media is obsessing about his electoral votes. lol

Paul Ryan was on Hannity last night and in the coming weeks they will start with repeal and replace Obamacare, a middle class tax cut, corporate tax reform, repatriation, regulatory reform and an infrastructure bill.

What will the Dems here and the crazed media say then when all that passes?

One side is working for the little guy and the other side is having their meltdown du jour.  

Liberals better come up with a plan soon bc crying and bemoaning how evil Trump is every single day may make them feel better but it will do nothing to solve the massive problems we face.

I'll admit I exaggerated  when using Reagan in my anonymous memo to President Trump,
 while referencing the serious problems we face with illegal voters.
 If I had a chance for a do over I'd rephrase my  message to President Trump with detailed clarification.
  Other than Reagan, you won more electoral votes in History if illegals weren't allowed to vote in California, New York and Sanctuary cities from sea to shining sea.
  I'm not sure how many illegal votes Reagan received from illegal immigrants, but IMO that's water long ago trickled down the Rio Grande.

Posted By: JackDunphy
 The bloviating, hyper-ventilating and dishonest lib media wants to talk about whether Trump really did have the most EV's since Reagan. Don Lemon did a WHOLE segment on it last night. lol  
 Seriously, have you even seen a group SO out of touch with what voters really care about?  
 He listed off all his accomplishments and they went to making America safer, better, stronger, etc. and the media is obsessing about his electoral votes. lol

saltyballs289 reads

Harward did not want to work in an administration he found dysfunctional, CNN's Jake Tapper reported.

"Vice Admiral Harward declined the NSA job yesterday," Tapper tweeted "having told a friend the White House was too chaotic and the offer was a 'shit sandwich.'"
Yes, it played play well with his 38 percent core support group according to Gallup polling, but this is certainly no way to govern a country as big and diverse as the U.S.A.

That is nothing new. As I pointed out earlier, Obama had 10+ nominees go pffffft right before our eyes.

The Clinton admin was so dysfunctional at first they reached out to a REPUBLICAN in David Gergen to come in and fix it.

There is not a single poll showing Trump in the 30's and the only LV poll is showing him at 55%.

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