Politics and Religion

Both sides playing the race card
Priapus53 3175 reads

Romney puts out false ad saying BHO gutting "work requirements" for people to receive welfare" ( see below link ) which is a "dog whistle" signal to right-wing White Christians that reinforces their stereotype that minority population is full of "welfare Queens"( term coined by Reagan )

On the other side, Biden before a black audience
says unregulated Banks & Wall St. will "chain y'all". "BLATANT race card appeal" to an A.A. audience.

In '08, we thought election of BHO was ushering in "post racial society". Bullshit. Country is polarized along political/class/racial lines more than ever before & is becoming  "Balkanized"

This is only mid August; things will only get worse.

Than again, country won't be ready for a Mormon POTUS either; watch the invectives fly if THAT happens.

Welcome to the impending "2nd Civil war".

GaGambler212 reads

Quite the contrary, many of us rightly predicted that race would become a bigger, not smaller issue after the election of our first black POTUS.

You also conveniently forget about all the white trailer trash that has been collecting welfare for generations and choose to use "welfare queen" as a pseudonym for "black" Now who's the racist?

The only thing I agree with in your entire post is that, yes it will only get worse from here until November.

and why is it that only libs make a big deal about Romney's religion? I don't find magic underwear to be anymore incredulous than any of the countless, ridiculous claims in the Christian Bible, or the Muslim Koran, or any other religion/cult. They are all equally stupid IMO. Or do you think that talking snakes are somehow more believable than magic underwear?

Priapus53171 reads

& don't consider Mormonism to be part of "Christianty", so that blows that part of your argument out of the water.

As for "White trailer trash", that is the demographic for what political party ? Rhetorical question.

"Welfare queen is "racially coded language" as is "they will put you in chains". It sucks from both sides, IMO.

Let me ask you ( & everyone else for that matter ) : Was the country ready for a black POTUS ? IMO, from what I see coming from boths sides, I'd have to say no.

Country is in sorry shape, WHOEVER becomes POTUS.

Lastly, talking snakes, magic underwear, 70 virgins waiting for you in paradise, Red sea splitting in 2, all bullshit.

But, since I've been on this board for nearly 3 years, that shouldn't come as a surprise to you.

GaGambler171 reads

If had not won the nomination your argument might hold more water, but these very same Evangelical Christians are the ones that nominated Romney, and it YOU who is constantly bringing up his religion. So who is the one with the problem?

The country was more than "ready" for a black POTUS, we were just hoping for Jackie Robinson type groundbreaker, not the pitiful excuse for a POTUS which is what we got.

Priapus53160 reads

Cmon, Gag are you THAT hungover not to realize that ?!-------LOL !

Also, lemme get this straight------I'm guessing you think GWB was better POTUS than BHO----NOT a universally held opinion.

-- Modified on 8/15/2012 10:27:56 AM

GaGambler184 reads

and hating a "black liberal Dem" might be a reason for the GOP to vote for Romney in the GE, but not for nominating Romney in the first place, I don't recall Romney running against any "black liberal Dems" in the primaries and yet out of 300,000,000 people in this country, they found a Mormon that they supposedly hate to nominate to run for this nation's highest honor.

Hungover or not, I am cognizant enough to realize that, perhaps it is you who's faculties should be called into question if something that obvious escapes you.

OTOH you should be elated that your title of "biggest race baiter on P&R" has been wrested from you. Daffy has eclipsed you, Tranyboy and Zorff all put together as the biggest race baiter EVER on this board.

Priapus53158 reads

& the GOP needed most "electable" candidate to win the primary so the COULD beat the black Dem liberal in the GE. Hence Romney, who they dislike/distrust, but not as much as they HATE Obama, whom they feel Romney could beat, which is why he got the nod.

Why would Mitt run against a black liberal dem in the primary ? i'ts a GOP primary after all---------lol !

Speaking of "faculties" yours don't seem so sharp either-------how much you have to drink last night ?-----LOL !

With the stupid Biden crack I mentioned, proof positive that racebaiting on all sides.

As for the racebaiting trolls you mentioned, they're not worth the powder to blow up.

-- Modified on 8/15/2012 12:46:02 PM

election campaigns in 2015 and 16, and Democratic Convention. If no one running speaks of Obama, and he's not invited to the convention, then we'll know he's at least as bad as Bush! ;)

Regarding Romney not having run against a black liberal in the primaries, yet winning, do you think it was his personality, his proposed policies that got him the nomination, or his outspending his rivals 6 or 7 to one, and all the big guns. like Jeb Bush, who could have run, sitting this one out to wait for 2016!  ;)

First, Biden saying, "They want to put y'all in chains" is a play to race. Just like when Gore told a black audience that the GOP wants to reduce them to 3/5th of a person.

As to the GOP, you can't find a blatant appeal to race so you find a secret one.  You assume that when the GOP talk about welfare it is a secret code (the dog whistle that others can’t hear) for right wing Christians that really means "Black people."

Is it possible that concern over welfare really reflects an honest belief that the system is abused and that there might be better ways to deal with the problem?

After all, Clinton’s big success was requiring work fare.  When that happened welfare rolls were slashed.  And it ended up helping poor people of all colors to be encouraged to get a job.  New Jersey has also had success, even before Christie, in getting people off the dole.

In England, there are people who come are in a third generation of never working.  Is this such a good thing?

This is a thread that runs through leftist rhetoric.  During Nixon days, “Law and Order” really meant “Blacks.”  

Maybe they really meant Law and Order.  Is it such a good thing that Blacks cannot walk to the corner store without being afraid they are wearing the wrong color for which they can die?  Is it really so bad to demand that kids in school maintain order?  Is it too much to believe that people just want to relax in a public park without fear?

Does “Law and Order” have to mean “Blacks,” or can it just be a legit concern.

The ultimate irony is that Holder said we have to be able to have an honest discussion about race, but the Dems are so eager to accuse people of racism we feel like we can’t say antying.  The second someone says maybe welfare is abuse he is a racist.  When he says “Obama Care, he is a racist.  When he expresses concern of Fast and Furious he is a racist.

Posted By: Priapus53
Romney puts out false ad saying BHO gutting "work requirements" for people to receive welfare" ( see below link ) which is a "dog whistle" signal to right-wing White Christians that reinforces their stereotype that minority population is full of "welfare Queens"( term coined by Reagan )

On the other side, Biden before a black audience
says unregulated Banks & Wall St. will "chain y'all". "BLATANT race card appeal" to an A.A. audience.

In '08, we thought election of BHO was ushering in "post racial society". Bullshit. Country is polarized along political/class/racial lines more than ever before & is becoming  "Balkanized"

This is only mid August; things will only get worse.

Than again, country won't be ready for a Mormon POTUS either; watch the invectives fly if THAT happens.

Welcome to the impending "2nd Civil war".

Priapus53175 reads

As several factchecking organziations have stated.

& if you don't think the Dems & GOP don't play the race card, then you're really starting to morph into a partisan hack. I expected better.

Whether it is true or not is another issue. I was saying that why is welfare a secret code for "blacks?"

Assuming it is false, for the moment because I don't want to change the subject, not every false policical ad is motivated by racial emotions.

No. I don't think it is racial. I will admit that both sides want t win, and if the GOP says something that is not chapter and verse it is more likely motivated by a desire to win.

For you, it is we had them Nigras.  This fits with your general belief of all buncha hick honkey fukin' ah sistas.

It is the same as "law an order."  Anything we say cannot be motivated by anything sincere. Has to be hate

Posted By: Priapus53
As several factchecking organziations have stated.

& if you don't think the Dems & GOP don't play the race card, then you're really starting to morph into a partisan hack. I expected better.

You have one right here in the OP.

He said the welfare issue is race driven and code.

If you google "Obama care racists" you will find a score.
I cannot believe that you never heard anyone call a GOP racist for some disagreement.

have I heard anyone, who objected any of Obama's policies, called a racist, by another. Don't get me wrong, I know plenty of people who are prejudice against others who are not their same color.

I asked the question because when you say "dems," you are making a blanket statement that is just as prejudicial as making a comment about someone's race.

or just when it comes to defending dems...the reason I ask is because your boy laffyduck is the king of blanket statements and i have'nt seen you say a single word.

ironic considering the nature of his screeds...

First, the OP was Romney was racists for the ad attcking the modification of work requirment. NOT JUST WRONG. RACIST.  

You could say he had the facts wrong (or the sake of argument), but he said racist.

As to Obama care, here are a few.

Virginia congresswoman says increase in support for Romney is racists.  Mitt Romney, he’s speaking to ... a segment of the population who does not like to see people other than a white man in the White House or in any other elective position,”


Here is another Dem Congressperson saying those who oppose Obama are racists.


"Racism has clearly emerged as a significant factor underlying opposition to the law and must be a part of any honest attempt at understanding how some Americans formed opinions about the Affordable Care Act.

Those are just from 4 minutes of searching "obama care racist."

-- Modified on 8/15/2012 3:29:57 PM

I'm not going to go into each case separating, but to illustrate the point: If racism was a crime, and each of the individuals you gave as examples were charged with it, and you defended them against it, you'd win easily. And, I'll let you figure that out! Simply, just because someone speaks to a theme that sparks feelings and/or thoughts of prejudice or racism, to a group in their base, doesn't make them racists. Politicians are always firing up prejudices of one group against another, whether those are differing racial groups, socioeconomic groups or political groups, religious groups, etc.

P.S. Don't confuse racism with prejudice!  ;)

They are just flat out wide open bigots.
It has to be the self loathing from the guilt of being the original kkkers.
What else explains the ease and comfort with which they describepoor or white people as trailer trash

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