Politics and Religion

“Biology 101 is misogny!” - Robert The Retard.
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 151 reads
1 / 15

Chicks love status and power.  New York Magazine's Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi got all chummy with RFKjr after covering him in a November story.  Apparently she couldn't keep her mouth shut about it, shades of blabber mouth Monica Lewinski, so friends found out about it and narc'd on her -- consorting with the enemy, apparently.  
RFKjr apparently denies a romantic relationship.  It was probably all in her fevered imagination.  Chicks are like that -- especially liberal chicks who are childless unmarried cat ladies.  Chasing the Chad she never had.

inicky46 61 Reviews 4 reads
2 / 15

they'd only met once and it was never physical. This is another nothing-burger.

RespectfulRobert 4 reads
3 / 15

You are a misogynist, just like your hero Donnie. "Chicks" love status and power but guys don't Lester? Sexist much?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 6 reads
4 / 15

Women seek protection and provision from men. Drill that sentence into your head Robert.

Protection: women being the weaker sex, seek out strong males to protect them. That’s why chicks dig tall men over short men. Strong men over weak ones. You should file this under DUH because it’s so obvious.

Provision: women evolved to seek material goods and comfort from men because raising babies takes a lot of resources for a very long time. That provision can be money, fame, status, one of these or all three.  

This is hypergamy 101. It is built into the DNA of every woman on earth. It’s why when you fuck a hooker you pay her instead of her paying you. Because DUH.

How any whore monger could not understand this is beyond me. It would be like asking for a blowjob but not knowing what your dick is for.

inicky46 61 Reviews 5 reads
5 / 15

His laughable ideas have been debunked years ago.
Wanker is a loser.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 7 reads
6 / 15

Nicky, there is as much evidence for women’s hypergamy as there is for gravity or the germ theory of disease. It is simply a fact. Accept it.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 5 reads
7 / 15

Report says she was sending him nudes pictures of herself.  This would comport with my above suggestion that she was throwing herself at him.  She has been engaged to someone else but they called it off.  Sad story of an Chad chaser dumping her boyfriend or husband for some Chad fantasy.  You know the end of these stories, pump and dump her. She ends up with nothing but her cats. Chicks are delusional.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 5 reads
8 / 15

Wow what an unfortunate looking woman. It’s like God said, “let’s make a blonde, but put an UFC fighter’s face on her”. If she sent me nudes I’d call the cops for harassment.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 5 reads
9 / 15

She was a reporter, well aware of OPSEC -- you don't reveal your sources on purpose or by accident.  She's having an affair that would damage her credibility.  Yet somehow everyone around her knows about it?   Unlikely -- unless she herself wanted it to be known.
There are only two reasons I can imagine why she might want it known -- one is for status.  Capturing a Chad is a big status thing for chicks.  She might have been bragging, at risk of her career.  Seems risky, but chicks crave status.
Second reason is a woman scorned.  Possibly Bobby rejected her in some way.  So she leaks it to damage him, even though she knew it would blow back on her career.  But a woman scorned is not operating in a logical manner.
I don't think anyone could have found out about her sexting any other way that she herself either bragging like Monica Lewinsky (who was her Linda Tripp that outed her) or a revenge seeker for her own rejection.

impposter 49 Reviews 17 reads
10 / 15

Huh? It was a story about RFKJr and she interviewed RFKJr RFKJr was her source and not a secret source. MAYBE there were OTHER sources (a dead bear, a dead whale, RFK cousins and other relatives) but those other sources aren't at issue here. The current theory is that she blabbed about HERSELF to others and one or more of the others leaked info. Another version of the story is that she outed herself to her management and she was taken off of election coverage projects.

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Who had the motive to out this story
She was a reporter, well aware of OPSEC -- you don't reveal your sources on purpose or by accident. ...

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 7 reads
11 / 15

I'm saying she knows how to keep secrets.  She clearly didn't keep this a secret.  Why?  What was her motivation to be so sloppy about something that would damage her career -- sending nudes to RFKjr -- like her bosses wouldn't mind finding out about that when she had covered him in the past and might likely have to cover him in the future?

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 5 reads
12 / 15

Once you understand the nature of women, you can see thru the BS.  This was a woman scorned.  That's why she herself probably leaked the relationship to seek revenge on RFKjr.  Irrationally damaging her own career in the process.
You can see the same motivation in E Jean Carroll accusations. After all, she only went after Trump for denying her fantasy encounter.  The denial hurt her status seeking.  Therefore Trump must be destroyed.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 5 reads
13 / 15

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is investigating a possible lawsuit against sexting New York magazine writer Olivia Nuzzi — who allegedly “bombarded him with increasingly pornographic photos and videos” while tricking him into unblocking her numbers, according to a mutual friend.
Kennedy, 70, has hired security expert Gavin de Becker to probe the saga because he is allegedly pursuing civil — and potentially criminal — litigation against the 31-year-old star political reporter, according to Jessica Read Kraus, who knows them both.
“This had nothing to do with romance,” de Becker said of the sordid saga. “He was being chased by porn.”

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 5 reads
15 / 15

I, too, have been through Hell having insincere women throw themselves at me, but you learn a lot about spotting potential scams on the horizon in time to flip the script.   Lol

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