Politics and Religion

Bill Maher predicts Trump will lose the election...teeth_smile
Hpygolky 208 Reviews 75 reads

Nate Silver, eat caca....
The babbling senile old fuck my have finally did himself in.

This is exactly what fools do when they get busted.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: ChicKie finally got one right. I AM "consistent."
Consistently right.  
 Fester IS a Trump stooge.
You like Mahar are a couple of  ERTDS idiots. 🤷🏼 That’s all this is and the proof positive of this fact, is you went all in and became a Camel toes fangirl on second 1.

Remember ick, the Choice of Camel Toes was Joe Joe’s fuck you to Nancy and Obama!  

Wear that albatross ick she looks goooooood around your neck.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again the only way she and Walz win is if the steal it again. The age of wokeness is passing.

And he can't even spell Bill Maher's name right. The age of Trump is what's passing, pinhead.

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