Politics and Religion

Bill Clinton
kerrakles 1551 reads

The economy was thriving and Gas was at 99¢.

Got a blow job, so what. I like blow jobs too as often as possible!

AManLike AnyOther2415 reads

It is hard to fgirue out, because every ting is in sort of a state of flux, but things are not that bad when you look at tem this way, Ok, I just got some bacon, which is  normally at about $5.00 a pound, but I got it on sail for about $1.99 a pound. I am not bragging now, I just telling you thepoint. but iffin Barrack was priesident, it might be selling at 2.58 a pound.
Now balkc people like pork, and they like bacon cause it is pork, so that might cause the pirce of bacon to rise highter if he was elected. but if Mcacaun was eletced, what wood that do to the price of bacon? I dont tink white people like taht much bacin, if though I am white and like bacon, so if are president didn't eat that bacon the price might go evern lower. That is why I am suppoetin mcCain for proesident. Food cost s will go lower iffin we have a white preisentent.Eom.

Well actually, since McCain recognizes the ethanol experiment for the boondoggle it is, we just might see some lower prices for food if he puts a stop to subsidies for ethanol. Unfortunately though, I don't think the ehtanol gravy train will come to a grinding halt just because McCain is elected, so it is probably just wishful thinking.

AManLike AnyOther1631 reads

You our probablyright. I dont tink this ehtanol thing will stop because it is damn good idea of Geoge bushes'. Iffin we burn food in our cars, then that gas price thing will go away.

AManLike AnyOther1337 reads

and the same goes with chicken. The cost o f chicken mite be ever higher.EOM


Where you bin, man?

kerrakles1552 reads

The economy was thriving and Gas was at 99¢.

Got a blow job, so what. I like blow jobs too as often as possible!

"Posted by kerrakles, 7/4/2008 6:21:18 AM

The economy was thriving and Gas was at 99¢.

Got a blow job, so what. I like blow jobs too as often as possible! ""

You forgot a important factor..Bill Clinton's presidency was ruled by a Republican majority.

Now that we are talking about majorities..Gas was three bucks when the Democrats won the majority and Pelosi's theme song {before the 2006 elections} was "end the war and lower gas prices"..

he might outlaw pork altogether.

That'll pull the rug right out from under the Grand Slam Breakfast...

-- Modified on 7/4/2008 11:41:16 AM

BuckFush!1873 reads

Is it that GWB is a simply a victim of merely occupying the Oval Office at a time when various significant factors, oil/gas, war, economic, enviormental, etc., were already in play such that things were eventually coming to a major catastrophe?  Or is it that GWB is a basically a fucking idiot who has no concept of reality?

Nah, I'd say that GWB is basically a fucking idiot, period. And fuck Dick Cheney too!

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