Politics and Religion

bigguy, most U.S. news sources are considered fake, depending on ideological group judging fairness.
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 179 reads

IMO  MSNBC and Fox are most biased in their reporting.
 I find the  most fair and balanced accurate news from sources outside my own country.
 BBC and CCTV my two favorites.  

  From my point of view, Meagan from Fox is a classic  example of a biased journalist.  
  She learned to twist the truth quite well,while in school training as an attorney.
 Every time  I see an attorney working outside their field of expertise,  I suspect they were failures at the job they bought  a degree in, moving on to fleece unsuspecting people much more naïve than the typical Judge.

My favorite news anchor is Michelle Makori,  not because of her looks, she gained my trust because of her  brains.
  She doesn't twist facts like your average, trained to lie attorney, working in a field they have no business being in.


What other purpose she serves, I am not sure. Lol

Ever since Megan Kelly cut her hair, I'll take Brooke.

Sorry for the hijack. I just thought we'd talk ass for a moment. Lol

bigguy30117 reads

I like how she ripped into Cruz!

Posted By: JackDunphy
What other purpose she serves, I am not sure. Lol  
 Ever since Megan Kelly cut her hair, I'll take Brooke.  
 Sorry for the hijack. I just thought we'd talk ass for a moment. Lol
-- Modified on 2/4/2016 4:56:59 PM

I've just had a brain cramp. WTF is her name? Damn she's hot. Sarah Eisen? Something like that. Damn she's fucking smoking hot.

It's ashame that Maria Bartiroma got old. She was a piece back in the day.

This Youtube cut of Jake Tapper and Dana Bash on CNN shows clearly that Brooke Baldwin's version of how this started is false. Tapper and Bash clearly made strong implications of Carson's intentions, stopping short of saying Carson was suspending or ending his campaign. This was nowhere near Baldwin's version. CNN's error is an example of what can happen on live TV.

Now, Cruz's team indeed took advantage of CNN's error. Somewhere down the chain of command, the Cruz campaign's reporting of the first CNN report was speculated upon (starting probably with Steve King when he tweeted "Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope."), resulting in the eventual and almost inevitable hardball result. I really like Carson but he set himself up and CNN at best, dropped ball.

So that's the reality of what happened but the OP's focus on Baldwin is misplaced as her version of the incident was false. Zucker was probably pleased though.

And I totally agree about Megyn Kelly's hair being far better long but I still prefer Kelly over almost any of the other info babes.

bigguy30111 reads

Posted By: ed2000
This Youtube cut of Jake Tapper and Dana Bash on CNN shows clearly that Brooke Baldwin's version of how this started is false. Tapper and Bash clearly made strong implications of Carson's intentions, stopping short of saying Carson was suspending or ending his campaign. This was nowhere near Baldwin's version. CNN's error is an example of what can happen on live TV.  
 Now, Cruz's team indeed took advantage of CNN's error. Somewhere down the chain of command, the Cruz campaign's reporting of the first CNN report was speculated upon (starting probably with Steve King when he tweeted "Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope."), resulting in the eventual and almost inevitable hardball result. I really like Carson but he set himself up and CNN at best, dropped ball.  
 So that's the reality of what happened but the OP's focus on Baldwin is misplaced as her version of the incident was false. Zucker was probably pleased though.  
 And I totally agree about Megyn Kelly's hair being far better long but I still prefer Kelly over almost any of the other info babes.

IMO  MSNBC and Fox are most biased in their reporting.
 I find the  most fair and balanced accurate news from sources outside my own country.
 BBC and CCTV my two favorites.  

  From my point of view, Meagan from Fox is a classic  example of a biased journalist.  
  She learned to twist the truth quite well,while in school training as an attorney.
 Every time  I see an attorney working outside their field of expertise,  I suspect they were failures at the job they bought  a degree in, moving on to fleece unsuspecting people much more naïve than the typical Judge.

My favorite news anchor is Michelle Makori,  not because of her looks, she gained my trust because of her  brains.
  She doesn't twist facts like your average, trained to lie attorney, working in a field they have no business being in.


CNN “clearly imply” or  “imply at all” that Carson was suspending or ending his campaign.  

            In fact, if you had paid attention to what Dana Bash actually said, you would have immediately understood that your inference was in error. She criticized Carson for going home when his supporters were out campaigning for him. You don’t do that when you are running for president, she explained, you have to go out and do it too.  So she clearly believed he was continuing his campaign but was too lazy to do the work his supporters were doing. If she meant to imply he was withdrawing, this would not have been relevant at all.  

         But while Cruz’s reaction to the report probably hurt Carson in Iowa and helped Cruz, it really is moot as far as Carson’s chances. His debate performances have shown that the poor guy can’t answer even the most simple question. Even when Cramer asked him in the CNBC debate if the government should play a role in prescription drug pricing – a question that you would expect a doctor to knock out of the park – Carson couldn’t answer it. He went off on an irrelevant tangent and finally concluded that the government shouldn’t be involved in everything. Duh.

         The guy goes to Jordan to create some kind of foreign policy cred and talks to probably 3 or 4 carefully screened Syrians and concludes that he knows what Syrians want and emmigration to the US is not it? Give me a break. How did this guy ever get thru med school? He really is not very smart.

      I see he is at 1% in the latest NH poll. Big surprise

Good thing you don't own any firearms. If your aim there followed suit many unintended things would have extra holes in them.

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