Politics and Religion

Biden's roaring stock market is reducing the national debt...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 378 reads

Thank you, Real Economic Leader Joe!!!

Posted By: BigPapasan

Thank you, Real Economic Leader Joe!!!
Did I mention?


And how exactly is he doing that fat boy?

Btw? How many miles did you put in on thr treadmill this week? You know I have to stay on you about this! It’s all for your own good Jabba.

In the future if the Dems really take over life will really suck for you.

Ask me how I know…

followme26 reads

He was rejected by the reality show "My 600 pound life" because he is too fucking fat.

2024 = GOP

Meanwhile the national debt increases by $100,000 approximately every 2-3 seconds.

followme29 reads

Because under bidens economy  

Gasoline prices are up  
Food prices are up  
Clothing prices are up  
Home prices are up  
Worst inflation in 40 years  

Thanks to real fuck-up joe

Let’s Go Brandon

...that the rising stock market reduced the national debt.  Here's the link to that thread:

Compare the thread from 6 1/2 years ago to the current thread.  As much as GaGambler and I despised each other, he engaged in a civil, intelligent, on-topic discussion as did the other posters.  

Now look at the current thread.  All the righty posts are either personal attacks or off-topic.  Today's righties are too STUPID to engage in a discussion of the issues.
And TER is also at fault.  They brought this board back but have taken a hands-off approach.  TER discourages the reporting of posts.  Righties also ignore the guidelines at the top of the page: --
"Refrain from personal attacks..."
"Basically, Have fun but don't be a total ass."

Because of TER's laissez-faire approach to this board, righties have turned P&R into the "Lord of the Flies" of TER's discussion boards.  Righties have proven that they need adult supervision.  Some people can't have nice things.

Here's another thread on the national debt from September, 2016:
Again, unlike today's thread, it was an intelligent, serious discussion.  Today's TER righties do not have the intelligence to carry on a serious discussion -- because they're STUPID!!!!!  

followme25 reads

The holier than thou hypo-crite does it again.

Sure righties including myself do all that but you cannot deny that there are as many lefties including you who are guilty of everything you just whined about.

The one thing lefties have an exclusive on is backstabbing. How convenient you left that out  

You’re Welcome


through inflation.  Inflation always benefits the government, but never the people.  The trillions in debt and the interest payments thereon are paid back with devalued dollars.  Haven't you noticed higher prices when you buy food than two years ago.  It's about 14 percent devaluation compounded over the two years. That means each dollar you have now that you had two years ago is only worth 86 cents by comparison.  But granted, it DOES reduce the national debt, but at the expense of the American people.

Full time employment is down from Feb 2023.  Part time is way up.  Biden's economy is part time jobs, mostly filled by immigrants, not natural born citizens.

Unemployment has remained under 4% for 26 straight months, the longest such stretch since the late 1960's.  The March jobs report beat expectations by 100,000 jobs!  

FIFTEEN MILLION JOBS have been created since Real Economic Leader Joe took office.  Trump left office with THREE MILLION FEWER JOBS than when he took office, the worst since Herbert Hoover.

Go Real Leader Joe!!!

Article cross posted from Bloomberg. Posting this link to avoid Bloomberg’s paywall. You’re welcome.

The cited article also says, "A jump in business cases doesn’t necessarily mean the economy is in trouble, said bankruptcy lawyer Derek Abbott, with Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell. Abbott has seen a jump in restructuring work in recent months even though the United States managed to dodge predictions it would fall into recession as the Federal Reserve hiked interest rates. “We have such a broad and diverse economy that even when there is good stuff happening overall, there is a portion of the business sector that is still struggling,” he said."
The cited article doesn't give a list of companies, so I will guess at some of them from recent financial news stories. Several years ago, one company, JoAnn, "opposed President Trump's tariffs citing American manufacturers not being able to meet Jo-Ann's quality or volume needs." Family Dollar was acquired by Dollar Tree in 2015. As happens with many M&As, the hoped for advantages were not realized.  
WeWork was mismanaged for many years and its CEO was forced to resign pre-IPO (with a $1.7B buyout and $46M per year continuing consulting contract) for misleading investors (self-dealing Trump-like real estate transactions, etc.). WeWork was already failing in 2019 (Trump). "In 2019, the initial public offering (IPO) of its then-parent company, The We Company, failed. The Wall Street Journal noted that, on the release of its public prospectus in August 2019, the company was "besieged with criticism over its governance, business model, and ability to turn a profit"." and that IPO failed. "[In April 2023], the company was valued at $360.9 million, down from its $47 billion valuation in 2019."
Also, there have been changes in bankruptcy laws in the past several years, some of which make it easier to file for Chapter 11 than it used to be. In 2020 (under Trump), "The enactment of the SBRA in 2020 created a subchapter V, within chapter 11, which offers a ***more cost effective and streamlined option*** than traditional chapter 11." HOW MANY OF THE RECENT BANKRUPTCIES WERE FACILITATED BY THE "easier" LAWS?  
(I will argue that making bankruptcy easier encourages mismanagement, facilitates management's self-enrichment by depleting the value of the company, etc..)  
Mind you, Trump's solution to the US National Debt, revealed during the 2016 campaign, was to declare a form of bankruptcy and to force holders of US debt to accept cents on the dollar. "I am the King of Debt!" (See MANY articles, e.g., ...)
Trump: “I’m the King of Debt”  
(Dateline: May 2016)
" ... “I am the king of debt. I love debt,” Trump said in an interview with Wolf Blitzer. ...
"Trump was talking about strategically borrowing money ***without any intention of paying it back fully***, using bankruptcy to force creditors to accept discounted payments on debt, and “using the laws” in unspecified ways to reduce debt without paying it. ... [a plan put into practice on Trump Shuttle ($100M "settlement"), Trump Plaza, Trump Casinos (hundreds of $millions of "settlements"), Trump Tower Chicago ($287M "settlement"), etc.]
"“Many of the top people, people in my category,” he said, “use the laws. I know more about debt than practically anybody. I love debt. I also love reducing debt. And I know how to do it better than anybody.  ...
"Trump responded, “As a very successful person, I would buy companies, throw them into a chapter, bankrupt it, negotiate. I would do great deals.” ...
"“Do you believe that we, in terms of the United States, need to pay a hundred cents on the dollar, or do you think that there’s actually ways that we can renegotiate that debt?” CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin asked. “Yeah, I think — look, I have borrowed, knowing that you can pay back with discounts. And I have done very well,” Trump said. “The comments were striking,” the Wonkblog wrote, “because, historically, U.S. government debt has been treated as sacrosanct, the safest investment in the world, and a pillar of global financial stability.” ...

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Bidenomics is so amazing it’s producing sky high bankruptcies!!!  
Go Real Leader Joe!!!  
 Article cross posted from Bloomberg. Posting this link to avoid Bloomberg’s paywall. You’re welcome.

...the increase in BKs but he is too dumb to know the difference between Chapter 7 BKs and Chapter 11.  If willy would have been in the military, he would have been a Section 8.

ALL the BKs filed from 4/1 - 4/5/24 were Chapter 11.  Those are REORGANIZATIONS, i.e., the companies do NOT go out of business but remain operating and making a plan to repay creditors.  Chapter 7 BKs are straight BKs where companies go out of business and are forced to liquidate their assets in order to pay their creditors.
Sometimes Chapter 11s do turn into Chapter 7s if the companies can't come up with a viable plan to repay their creditors.

spin this one.   The nominal earnings are always chasing the inflation rate.  Under Trump earnings exceeded the inflation rate so that the red chart would also be in plus territory.  

Ironic that every American who finds themselves in the red and/or green on this graph will likely become a Trump voter.  They can feel it when Biden bends them over on the economy.  Great  example from Biden's own government that everything he is saying about the economy is a bunch of lies.  

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