Politics and Religion

Be Very Mindful Of Stereotypes.angry_smile
Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 2002 reads

Well I thought long and hard about posting this post.  But I think it may be important.

You can do the research on your own but in Cleveland there was a big bust that implicated a judge, a city lawyer and a few other big muckety mucks.  These aholes got caught at a "brothel" in an office building.  Inside the office building the cops found all types of drugs, credit card processors and apparently even evidence that some of women brought their kids to the appointments and kept them in another room while servicing clients.  WTF is an understatement on that last part.

Now what does this have to do with stereotypes.  As a Black man I cannot ever forget what I heard once from a Provider -  It goes something like this "black guys are too much trouble".

I will be the first to tell you some black guys are too much trouble.  Just yesterday I almost punched this motherfucker (a black guy) in the face at the gym when he tried to rush me off the machine.  Who the fuck does that mothafucka think.....  Anyway...back to the story.

Every person involved in the aforementioned "bust" is a WHITE MAN OR WOMAN - NO BLACKS INVOLVED.

And believe me when I tell you every one of these fuckers is going to go down VERY HARD!!!!!!!!!!!  

The Prosecutors can't afford to let a judge, a city lawyer and allegations of child endangerment get off.  As a precursor one of prostitutes already taped an incriminating phone call of the judge.

So the next time I hear some bullshit about black guys being to much trouble....well you get the point.

BTW.  I don't give a fuck if a Provider chooses not to fuck a black guy.  I DON'T GIVE A SHIT.  

But never again can you hide behind your biased statements.  


First, let me say, it gives me no pleasure what I'm about to say, but I think it ought be said.  

First a short story. Many moons ago I used to be a cab driver (out in the 'burbs). I started off by doing a few ride alongs with a guy who had driven a cab for many years. The biggest concern what not learning how to do the job, but how to keep yourself safe. The driver told me straight up that I should check my politics at the door and watch my ass when I pick up black guys. I figured the guy was being a racist prick, and didn't think much of it.  

For 2 years I drove a cab, and I saw some pretty weird fucked up shit. I saw a drunk guy punch a deer he hit on the side of the road. I picked up a guy who was doing a delivery of meth. I had to throw a guy out of the cab for being an belligerent drunk. I even had a 8 year old kid run on me without paying me. But I only had two people ever try to rob me. Take a guess what race they were.  

While racism exists, and it's fucked up, that doesn't change the facts. Blacks make up 13% of the total population. Yet, 49.7% of all homicide arrests are blacks. Black males are 6 times more likely to have a criminal record than a white male. 60% of blacks who drop out of high school will end up having a criminal records. The demographic which is most likely to commit violent crime are black males between ages of 17-29.  

There's a lot of reasons for this. I don't think race is one of them. Economics plays a part. Culture plays a part. Income inequality plays into this. Our nation's brutal and ugly history with race relations plays a part in this.  

But the thing about that is that when a cab driver accepts a fare, he's gambling with his life. If he's unlucky enough to pick up a violent brutal bastard he could end up dead. Providers are in the same boat. Should anyone's desire to put race behind us as a nation outweigh risking and possibly losing your life? Sorry, but I say fuck no.  

This should not be asked of any group of people, but the only way to get past racism is black males to show by example that they're not more dangerous than the rest of the population. Until that happens, racism will continue.

I worked with someone who was the squarest guy you'd ever meet.  He was Urkel before there was an Urkel.  He was well on his way to becoming a lawyer.  I lost contact with him when I left that job but several years later I ran into another guy who worked there and he told me that "Urkel" got hooked on drugs, became homeless, was convicted of murder and is serving life.  If it could happen to him, it could happen to anyone.

Now if I could only find my tinfoil hat, I'd furnish a link proving that the CIA was behind the crack epidemic in black communities.  Ah, here it is...putting it on...


that gave addicts the reprieve from free-basing cocaine before it was even called crack.  Thank God for those men.  

I have no idea if our government intentionally hurt black communities.  I think people without a concious made a lot of money.  My ex moved kilo's until my daugher was born.  He use to cry at the lives of his friends destroyed.  His boat, house and collectible cars didn't bring comfort.  Thank God for Bill W and Dr. Bob

My friend tells me how come they can bust some poor slob (paraphrasing) on the street for dealing some grams, but do not bust the guy transporting the tons of cocaine, opium, etc. It is obvious to him the government is unofficially complicit in the distribution of the drug trade. The power of the government is evident by the fact thousands of planes can be shut down within hours of 9-11 but cannot stop some Cessna from crossing the border. Could the DEA be in fact be a way to effect the supply and demand curves and thus control the price of drugs. Hey I do not know.

GaGambler251 reads

It is easy to control the law abiding, criminals are a bit harder to control.

If it were only one Cessna that would be one thing, but we are talking about stopping EVERY Cessna crossing the border without a flight plan and under the radar. Put that way, it should be obvious that the job is insurmountable. Grounding thousands of commercial flights run by law abiding multi billion dollar companies is easy by comparison.

As someone who indulged back in the days before the "War on Drugs" I can tell you the price of drugs like cocaine have actually dropped by almost 50% in the years since the war on drugs was launched against our own citizens.

I stand by  my  stereotyping  rights  while exercising my  freedom of expression in my  
 journeys toward self preservation .
 I've never dated a woman or booked a provider who had a  dirty Frenchman BF.  

   If it  makes you feel any better Ridge , I've only had big problems with White guys ,  never one at  
a time ,   mobs  of wild dogs  run in packs like laughing hyenas  .  
   I am curious , what color are  Frenchman  when the dirt is removed ?  


"FORMER French president Nicolas Sarkozy's mobile phone has been under a wiretap for nearly a year as part of an investigation into campaign financing, according to reports.

Le Monde newspaper reported on Friday that Sarkozy and two of his former interior ministers were placed under wiretap in April 2013 as part of the investigation into allegations his 2007 presidential campaign was partly financed by Libyan dictator Moamer Gaddafi.

The recordings reportedly revealed that a top prosecutor was using his access to confidential court documents to brief Sarkozy on another affair in which he was implicated - the Bettencourt affair."

They looked somewhat like the men on top of this picture.  And I would never fuck a thug, I don't care what color

GaGambler295 reads

Except for asians, we are superior,

and those of us who are mixed white/asian are even more superior.

I wonder what kind of comments a post like this would elicit if you substituted white for asian. I don't think anyone but the dumbest of the dumb believe for a moment that I am really serious when I claim asians are superior, but if a white guy made that claim, how many of you would believe he was being serious.

as for the OP, he is a troll, but he's not always wrong. He does have a way with words that seems to turn most people against him though, but I guess that's the life of a troll.

One last thing, pointing out the crimes committed by white people is about as effective as a school kid claiming that the other kid "started it"  no one on the "other side"is really going to give a fuck.

Long before we develop a rationale for our choices, we've often made our choices; this is pointed out in what's called the "Iowa Gambling Task." We can say we "should" treat the person in front of us just like we treat everyone else, but long before that ship has sailed, we've chosen not to, then after a moment or so, come up with a rationale, that will not be judged harshly by others, or go against how we see ourselves; particularly if we want to see ourselves as being fair, and have others see us as not being prejudice or racist. We have a sense of the abundance or lack of, regarding our external and internal resources, and our personal safety. When we feel like we can adequately protect ourselves and resources (time, energy, money, etc.), and/or feel flush with those resources, we can tend to give that person in front of us, a longer period of a 'benefit of the doubt.' When we don' feel flush, and/or secure about our safety, there is little or no time spend in given.

We, all go through this process, many times a day, and often don't even think about it. How close are we willing to walk next to one person on the street verses another? Where will we sit at the bar, or in the restaurant? Which line will we get in in the grocery store, or bank? We all do this. Sometimes we're aware of it, and sometimes we're not. It would be more helpful if we were just honest about it, and not talk about how things "should" be. And, try, when it seems reasonably prudent,  to give that person a little more time with a benefit of the doubt.

It is not alright to use such means of decision making when it violates a person's right to being treated fairly and equally by the government. So, those working as an agent to any local, state or the U.S. government, need to uphold fairness, when it comes to dispensing governmental services.

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