Politics and Religion

basic mathteeth_smile
macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 1977 reads

OBAMA wins..at last count President Obama has 243 electoral votes compered to Romney's 197..Obama merely needs to take Ohio with 18 and Wisconsin with 10 to gain the 270 needed to elect..he is currently leading in both..Iowa would be a plus..this is of course conceding Florida and Virginia where the polls are even..

I think it'll be 303 electoral votes. 290 if Virginia goes red. Dems keep the Senate. Gain a couple seats in the House, but not enough to win a majority. The GOP picks up some governorships.

FistFullOfFifties188 reads

And George W Bush does not get any blowjobs out of all of this, has fallen off the wagon and eventually dies with a reputation below Richard Nixon.

agree..first we had Tricky Dick..then Dickless George..i still find it hard to believe people actually voted for these idiotic shams we call presidents..

Posted By: FistFullOfFifties
And George W Bush does not get any blowjobs out of all of this, has fallen off the wagon and eventually dies with a reputation below Richard Nixon.
-- Modified on 10/26/2012 5:52:54 PM

salonpas202 reads

Come Nov 7th a whole lotta right wing zealots are going to be heading to nearby emergency rooms for treatment for all kinds of ailments.

Rutabaga_Baggins233 reads

In 2008 BHO won big in WI, yet the Dem machine couldn't beat the enthusiasm and power of the Republican machine.

The polls today do not accurately capture the enthusiasm gap so well demonstrated last June in WI.

lying rich assholes that want to fuck them out of health care and steal their money.  Old white men don't accurately capture the hatred women have for old white men who try to force ultrasound probes into their vaginas when they aren't medically necessary whatsoever.

Old white men appear to have forgotten the math that would explain there's no fucking way in hell that lying old white men can caputre 7.8 trillion dollars stupidly spent on giving the rich tax breaks they don't need and the pentagon war hardware they don't need.

Timbow160 reads

Posted By: willywonka4u
I think it'll be 303 electoral votes. 290 if Virginia goes red. Dems keep the Senate. Gain a couple seats in the House, but not enough to win a majority. The GOP picks up some governorships.
-- Modified on 10/26/2012 1:36:49 PM

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