Politics and Religion

What Should We Do About Street Drugs?
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 66 reads

I thought this could be a nice break from the election. Let’s suppose you’re the dictator of America. What would you do about the drug issue?

It seems to me that the Reagan era Drug War had serious problems. People should not be in prison for having a drug addiction. OTOH, you see left wing cities like Portland where there’s junkies shooting up and dying in the street. That seems like a horrible policy as well.  

So what should we do?

Then make the government use the proceeds to pay down debt and also offer free rehab to anyone who wants to quit and a free coffin for anyone who ODs.
The cartels, gangs and terrorists will go out of business. Then we can have the police go after real criminals.
We do this not because drugs are good. But because it's human nature to use drugs and alcohol and you can't fight human nature. So let's just be pragmatic.

It seems to me that average people shouldn’t have to walk past junkies shooting up and dying on the street. We have laws against public drunkenness, despite alcohol is legal.

Who said legalizing drugs meant permitting junkies to shoot up in the street? One doesn't require the other.

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