Politics and Religion

Are you in flat mode? If you were in tree mode you'd know I was talking to FG, not you.
bigguy30 2820 reads
1 / 21
ROMMEL 54 Reviews 259 reads
2 / 21

Kitten Obama had a pen and a phone and now so does Trump.  Tough shit.  You continue to embarrass yourself and your cult.  And quit talking about yourself and you're a racist.  And Putin and KGB and all your crazy shit.  And dumb,ass30 bla bla bla.  Stop crying and shut the fuck up for a while.  

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 250 reads
3 / 21

Jacking up the deficit from $8T to $20T over 8 years then whining over the "budget busting" tax reforms Trump proposes? That kind of hypocrisy? You are a special kind of stupid aren't you fatgirl?

mrhuck 15 Reviews 183 reads
4 / 21

...Just another bullshit reply from this goose-stepper, ROMMEL continually displays his racism with his support of our racist-in chief Donald Trump, the Hispanics & Muslims better look out!

josulli 15 Reviews 204 reads
5 / 21

Which happened because the Repubs reduced taxes you dim witted ass.. Ohh.. and ran the Country into the worst financial mess.. in 70 years.. Ohh.. and Obama got us out of it you idiotic twit.. .. so time will tell.. but we have a huge mess now with the small hands Orange boy Russian..

mattradd 40 Reviews 269 reads
6 / 21

Which, that 2 trillion was not paid for out of the budget by reducing other expenses, nor increased taxes. It was not even listed in the budget. Yep! Like being with a bunch of guys who run up a huge restaurant and bar tap, and then dash out leaving one person to pay the bill. The bill still needs to be paid, but the Republicans pretend like they had nothing to do with it. ;)

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 291 reads
7 / 21

If you have missed that my deepest apologies. But it remains a fact that Bush CUT taxes. Tax receipts rose to RECORD levels. What's so hard to understand about that? What caused the deficit to balloon to $8M again was overspending. That's pretty simple. Spending went far and beyond what was raised in tax receipts. The deficit is now $20M. Is THAT Bush's fault too?

-- Modified on 4/27/2017 2:24:16 PM

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 203 reads
8 / 21

I denigrated the Republicans for overspending for eight years. Who's the dimwit here? Good lord you're dense. Do you want to talk about the spending that ballooned the deficit from $8-20T in years 2008-16? Bring it on MM. You're like shooting fish in a barrel.

-- Modified on 4/27/2017 2:25:52 PM

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 208 reads
10 / 21

I'm replying to you 🤗😘

-- Modified on 4/27/2017 6:03:44 PM

mrhuck 15 Reviews 335 reads
11 / 21

...The reason Bush 2 could even cut taxes was the financial prosperity left after the Clinton years, the war Bush created, the destruction of America's manufacturing base & the great housing & banking debacle left the next administration --Obama with the worst financial mess our country has ever seen & President Obama had no choice other than to spend money to get the country out of it & other than the deficit he did a pretty good job of it.

bigguy30 265 reads
12 / 21

Then blame the Democratic Presidents for getting the US ecomony back on track.
So over spending on defense, tax cuts for the rich and starting wars without a exist plan.
The GOP are really a bunch of hypocrites!

JakeFromStateFarm 109 reads
13 / 21

What about Eisenhower and Reagan?  I'm not a fan of the latter and he made many mistakes but the economy certainly turned around during his terms. Both Bushes screwed up the economy.  As for Trump, we'll see.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 200 reads
14 / 21

...Don't know if that's supposed be me but it seams  that  Ronnie's  RAGUNOMICS  gave most of the tax cuts & deductions to upper level business & investors While leaving the tax burden on the working class, as for Eisenhower I don't have that information tucked away in memory.

JakeFromStateFarm 281 reads
15 / 21

As for Reaganomics, you're right but my point is still correct.  The economy was strong.  As for Ike, I"m sure you're aware that the '50s were an extremely prosperous time.

bigguy30 284 reads
16 / 21

Also it's funny how a middle age man spends his time on a fuck site.
Just trying to start fights with everybody all day long.
So the fake act is not working.

-- Modified on 4/28/2017 11:15:30 PM

JakeFromStateFarm 376 reads
17 / 21

Or that I supported them.  Just that the economy was good during his Presidency.  Which is true.  But thanks for showing again you are one of the stupidest posters on this site.  Dunce.

bigguy30 192 reads
18 / 21

I was making my own comment about the long term effects of Reagan policies dumbass!
You are so full of your own bullshit and very desperate for any attention.

JakeFromStateFarm 162 reads
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bigguy30 223 reads
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Just remember you keep proving I was right about you.

I am still trying to figure out the fat part. Lol
Since you never saw me and have no clue about anything.
The typical fake internet tough guy that keeps posting made up bullshit.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 156 reads
21 / 21

..Kid's don't fight, you are mostly on the same side.

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