Politics and Religion

Are certain you're not talking about Grassley and the Repubs?!?confused_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 654 reads

"If the GOP says yes obama says no …if the GOP says no obama says yes, he has no clue why other than someone told him."

You conveniently skipped over that part!  Imagine that!   If you say Obama has no right to change his mind now, because of what he said in the past, how do you give a free pass to the Repubs for doing the exact same thing. The only thing that matters is, what will be the consequences if we default, and who is willing to live with them, not what someone said several years ago.

I just can't see how 52% of Repubs. think that not raising the debt ceiling, hence not paying our bills, is a good thing.

-- Modified on 10/2/2013 12:15:07 PM

if DC reached statehood all the National Monuments would become the property of the state. Federal Government shut downs would have no effect on NM.

So why are monuments like Yellow Stone National Park in CO and Statue of Liberty closed?

CO and NY gave up their Statehood?

Why couldn't the state of "Columbia" inherit the national monuments and take ownership of them?

Federal properties in other states would become assets of that particular state.

It's a simple concept. :D

Just because a monument or park is in state doesn't mean that its not part of NPS (National Park Services) which is part of DOI (Dept of Interior)

Is it possible.. I guess it is.. But making DC a state has nothing to do with that...and certainly doesn't end there...

if all the national parks became the sole property of the which they're in. There would be no need for the NPS.

and flirting with States rights....

One of the department that he wanted to get rid off was DOI.

And no, he didn't forget the names of the departments...

Just creating a new state would not transfer National Park Land to the new state.  
The National Mall would still be the property of the US Government.

There Federal properties buildings, national parks, monuments, military bases in states. They all remain as federal property. State has no control

followme643 reads

Open your eyes

If the Dems will stop spending, pissing money away, and agree to cut waste and fraud then that money saved can be used to pay the bills.

You’re welcome  
2014 = GOP Senate and House  

Oh yeah and shit can obama-don’t-car

like drunken sailors and started two wars were Republicans. There is something strange about Republicans and fiscal responsibility. When they are in power, they spend like crazy and when Democrats are in power, Republicans talk about fiscal responsibility, government waste, balanced budget, debt ceiling and what not.  

Why not do it when you have control?  

The last president who balanced the budget and leaving a surplus was a Democrat called Bill Clinton. He got a blow job so what? He didn’t start wars on lies!

followme707 reads

obama increased the debt more in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years


Got any more lies?

You're Welcome
2014 = House and Senate

He admitted his 2006 vote was a political vote, not a policy vote. And, notice Charles Grassley has done a 180 also. I don't see many articles asking either one of them why they've changed there mind. Often people do so for good reason.

followme553 reads

He did not have a fucking clue then and does not now. He had no idea if his vote was good or bad, right or wrong, fiscally responsible or not, someone told him what to do and he blindly obeyed.  

It was political then and it is now because he still does not have a fucking clue.

If the GOP says yes obama says no …if the GOP says no obama says yes, he has no clue why other than someone told him.  

You’re welcome
2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

"If the GOP says yes obama says no …if the GOP says no obama says yes, he has no clue why other than someone told him."

You conveniently skipped over that part!  Imagine that!   If you say Obama has no right to change his mind now, because of what he said in the past, how do you give a free pass to the Repubs for doing the exact same thing. The only thing that matters is, what will be the consequences if we default, and who is willing to live with them, not what someone said several years ago.

followme636 reads

The reason he is changing his mind is because he is in office now not a GOP president. His changing his mind has nothing to do with being fiscally responsible it is because he has recklessly, carelessly, and with no regard to the hard working tax payer pissed money away.

You’re welcome
2014 = GOP House and Senat

Harvard Law so he's just an idiot who got lucky?  So what have you ever done to share your infinite wisdom with we mere mortals?  Ever run for office?  ever campaigned for someone who had the guts to run?  Why oh why couldn't you have shared your infinite wisdom with us so we could make better choices?

...his birth certificate.

You're wrong - 'followme' HAS shared his infinite wisdom with us.  He said the Yankees would win the World Series this year and that the 0-4 NY football Giants will win the Super Bowl.

And don't forget his his brilliant political analysis: "2012 = GOP."  Romney, ROFLMAO!

followme499 reads

Just because obama has degrees from two ivies does not mean he knows what he is doing. Book smart yes, in the practical word he has no clue.
What obama is good at is dishonesty/lying, distorting the facts, deception, pointing the finger, taking the credit for the accomplishments of others and blaming others for his fuck ups.

You’re Welcome
2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

"What obama is good at is dishonesty/lying, distorting the facts, deception, pointing the finger, taking the credit for the accomplishments of others and blaming others for his fuck ups."

so what you are saying is that he is a good politician (of either party) - agreed!

Sad to say he does not appear to be much of a leader

rainbowCPA585 reads

Grassley's President? Since when?

Posted By: mattradd
He admitted his 2006 vote was a political vote, not a policy vote. And, notice Charles Grassley has done a 180 also. I don't see many articles asking either one of them why they've changed there mind. Often people do so for good reason.

Defaulting on the debt would put the country into a crisis.  
A lot of people don't even know they have Treasury Securities as a part of their retirement portfolio, and would be surprised at the losses to their accounts.  
Maybe then Republicans would see the error in this plan, but it would be too late because the economy would be destroyed!

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