Politics and Religion

Anti-science Luddite Party, AKA the GOP, strikes again...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 540 reads

...Trump will appoint an anti-vaccine skeptic to chair a committee on vaccine safety.  RFK, Jr. would have been a great appointment to lead the EPA but he's just another nutjob when it comes to vaccines.  Expect an outbreak of polio, DTP, scarlet fever and the bubonic plague if people stop vaccinating their kids.  But righty thumpers will pobably say prayer is the cure.  After all, look how well 'pray the gay away' has worked.


Trump will also appoint an Indian to chair a rain dance committee to end the drought in California.

I hear Trump will appoint Theodoric of York to be the Surgeon General.


-- Modified on 1/10/2017 2:39:29 PM

If he goes with a Shaman from the Cahuilla tribe, make sure it isn't the cashier from their casino!

Posted By: BigPapasan

 Trump will also appoint an Indian to chair a rain dance committee to end the drought in California.  

otherwise, the anti vaccine thing is silly by comparison.

...of what they're put in charge of. If it makes sense, the only sense I can see is that by forcing to manage a game they don't like he's getting them to view the problems with a fresh eye. How a person who doesn't buy global warming deals with keeping the environment livable might result in some interesting policy decisions. Otherwise, there's no point to them being there except for political purposes.

When some goon complains that he's not allowed to dump toxic waste into a town's drinking water, the response can be, "I don't like that regulation either, but you see, the reason it's there is that we're trying not to poison everybody in town, especially not the kids. So let's see how else we can get rid of your toxic waste."

The goon will buy that faster than, "We're right and you're wrong so live with it!!"

Let's see what happens.

FatVern139 reads

If libs didn't pander for the gay vote, you could damn sure bet they'd be vaccinating kids for the gay.

...but the downside of that is you wouldn't get any more SPOTY trophies.  Maybe it would be an upside though - you're probably running out of room for the SPOTYs you have now.

Libs surely love strawman arguments. Is it because you have to make shit up in order to have any kind of argument?

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