Politics and Religion

Answer for GAG, lately self proclaimed "Mr. Sanctimonious eclectic political analyst"
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 2847 reads

GAG asked what do I  have to say for myself? A little busy, but here's your answer:

Needle dick is an imbecile who focuses on posters;you are getting lazy GG; you think my posts are
pastes than you haven't read them.  I respect that most of your posts are centered on your self-aggrandizing opinion of yourself  as all  powerful and perfect, but I  still like you.

You'ge getting nauseatingly sanctimonious GG; what makes your  fucking opinions sincere and politically eclectic but no one elses'?  If I choose  to subscribe to most of what the Democratic party stands for so what? And  lol what the fuck are you going to do about it?  You're choosing to subscribe to two of the biggest political liars in the century because you're afraid of a bogey man you've manufactured, and are worried about employees and don't understand how you can save money via ACA.  And you're not exactly the only oil guy in Texas or Oklahoma; if that's what you do, you're managiong to have continual year round vacations, and there are oil guys and girls who can buy and sell you.  They aren't spending their lives crying about the ACA as if it's incurable cancer.

You have  a very superficial understanding of the  ACA.  You sure as fuck don't have a clue  what it means to the teaching hospitals in Texas and how Medicaid expansion is vital to their existence.  You come back in 2015 and tell me if you've learned anyting about ACA.

And maybe you don't give a fuck if anyone gets health care as long as you, your mom, and your girlfriend du jour have it. That's your  choice.  I've been wired differently  because it's what I've done my entire adult life.

You think I make up the medical and legal posts I've made or paste them you're a lot less intelligent than I  thought.  You can do better.  And if we don't stay friends, your loss. I'm  sorry.

Pri is pissed off because  I know way more than  he does in every respect every subject.  Needle is as well and Needle reads next to nothing.

I tried to explain to the idiot 50 times that  Ryan first authored HR 3 with the  language you spent righteously condeming a couple hours  ago  on rape.  Ryan used the term forcible rape in that bill, took it out after his  collegues told him he was an idiot for doing so, and then yesterday pretended that he wanted Akin out of the Senate race for repeating the languge they both put in a bill.

You think I just plaguerized this, you're a lot less sharp than your business info you give out intimates you are-- or what you say you're worth many many times over intimates you are. I've known and taken care of a lot of wealthy people and poor people, but none that keep reenforcing to themselves how much money they have, how much people are trying to steal from them, how much they support other people financially.

I'll call 'em like I see 'em. You don't  know me much at all; you don't know when I've broken ranks with whatever, and you over estimate your  own political eclecticism that you self attribute.

There's a choice between two dramatically different points of view about the role government plays, and I sleep well with mine.  I'll criticize Obama right now; He should really get tough with Ryan and Romney and start calling them the serial liars they are.  When he gets re-elected, he  should do everything he can to pass whatever he wants, including the Dream Act, and stop this farce on immigration.  I've filled out many an immigration applicantion for patientw who have had to wait years because of the bureaucracy or fuck with the Immigration DOJ appointed judges who are political hacks and not confirmed by anyone. Sometimes attorneys with experienced are asked by these judges what the fuck to do becauase they get the $95 grand jobs as political plums as do many federal judges.

Think whatever you want.  I can debate YOU six ways from Sunday on nearly any topic except oil drilling.  Not my area.

My comments are my own; and I read enough  of both  sides to make my own choices. I attribute and link more painstakingly than anyone I've seen here.  You aren't reading my posts.  If I did  one paste out of 100 and didn't credit MSNBC so be it.

Check out my posts. They are meticulously credited, and when I don't, I've written them.  Look at the one trying to educate Needlefuck on the "fetal pain bill" in Georgia or maybe you think I made the medicine up. So be it.  No  skin off my ass.

And GG, psst you aren't the only Asian American in the US.  I'm  sorry if someone "oppressed you." You're not the lone ranger in that respect. You're a big boy and you  should be able to handle it.

-- Modified on 8/21/2012 3:21:38 PM

Priapus53203 reads

from the moronic & rabid partisan contents of you posts lately, either could apply.

You claim to "know way more than GaG, Needle & myself in every respect & every subject" !?

FUCK-----if that doesn't sound like a 9 year old talking, I don't know what does !

My apologies to 16 year olds earlier by comparing them to you; that would be an insult to their cognitive abilities, which certainly far outstrip yours.

Lastly, spelled "plagiarize", "Dr".

-- Modified on 8/21/2012 2:29:46 PM

santanaxyz202 reads

Count me as number one in that class. Unless you have spent weeks studying the vast provisions of the law the best one can do is read summaries in the media. But from my "superficial understanding" I have reached three conclusions:

1. This legislation is going to cost far more than obama said it would as a candidate.
2. As a matter of presidential priorities, it is was a poor choice when the ecomony was cratering and unemployment so high
3. The legislation is deeply flawed because it failed to address one of the key reasons medcial insurance costs are so high - the frivolous lawsuits filed by trial lawyers and the "defensive medicine" response by the medical profession.

       Why not comment on issues of this nature instead of ragging some guy
about not understanding how ACA will affect teaching hospitals or the need for medicaid expansion?

GaGambler170 reads

Jeff and most of the left would rather vilify anyone who doesn't support this horrible,  not to  mention hugely expensive piece of legislation, as heartless and uncaring evildoers that want to put grandma out on the street. Similar to the way the Patriot Act was rammed down our throat.

ACA is anything but reform, as you point out it really does nothing to address costs, it simply shifts the burden to the taxpayers and disguises a huge tax increase on the "rich" in the form of a 3.8% medicare tax on capital gains. Obama couldn't get the tax increase he wanted by going through the front door, so he did an end around and hid it in the Obabacare legislation.

but to argue any of these points is to be a greedy, evil, granny killer. It reminds me of when they rammed through the Patriot Act, by it's very name, anyone against it was unpatriotic, It was bad when Republicans did it, it's just as bad now when Dems are doing it.

When GaG doesn't have a come back, his mods operandi is to insult an call you names. I stopped reading crap long time ago.
He will tell you how many women he has fucked and how much money he has every chance. Man got lucky in the oil business and and made few bucks and he thinks he is Carlos Slim!

Posted By: JeffEng16
GAG asked what do I  have to say for myself? A little busy, but here's your answer:

Needle dick is an imbecile who focuses on posters;you are getting lazy GG; you think my posts are
pastes than you haven't read them.  I respect that most of your posts are centered on your self-aggrandizing opinion of yourself  as all  powerful and perfect, but I  still like you.

You'ge getting nauseatingly sanctimonious GG; what makes your  fucking opinions sincere and politically eclectic but no one elses'?  If I choose  to subscribe to most of what the Democratic party stands for so what? And  lol what the fuck are you going to do about it?  You're choosing to subscribe to two of the biggest political liars in the century because you're afraid of a bogey man you've manufactured, and are worried about employees and don't understand how you can save money via ACA.  And you're not exactly the only oil guy in Texas or Oklahoma; if that's what you do, you're managiong to have continual year round vacations, and there are oil guys and girls who can buy and sell you.  They aren't spending their lives crying about the ACA as if it's incurable cancer.

You have  a very superficial understanding of the  ACA.  You sure as fuck don't have a clue  what it means to the teaching hospitals in Texas and how Medicaid expansion is vital to their existence.  You come back in 2015 and tell me if you've learned anyting about ACA.

And maybe you don't give a fuck if anyone gets health care as long as you, your mom, and your girlfriend du jour have it. That's your  choice.  I've been wired differently  because it's what I've done my entire adult life.

You think I make up the medical and legal posts I've made or paste them you're a lot less intelligent than I  thought.  You can do better.  And if we don't stay friends, your loss. I'm  sorry.

Pri is pissed off because  I know way more than  he does in every respect every subject.  Needle is as well and Needle reads next to nothing.

I tried to explain to the idiot 50 times that  Ryan first authored HR 3 with the  language you spent righteously condeming a couple hours  ago  on rape.  Ryan used the term forcible rape in that bill, took it out after his  collegues told him he was an idiot for doing so, and then yesterday pretended that he wanted Akin out of the Senate race for repeating the languge they both put in a bill.

You think I just plaguerized this, you're a lot less sharp than your business info you give out intimates you are-- or what you say you're worth many many times over intimates you are. I've known and taken care of a lot of wealthy people and poor people, but none that keep reenforcing to themselves how much money they have, how much people are trying to steal from them, how much they support other people financially.

I'll call 'em like I see 'em. You don't  know me much at all; you don't know when I've broken ranks with whatever, and you over estimate your  own political eclecticism that you self attribute.

There's a choice between two dramatically different points of view about the role government plays, and I sleep well with mine.  I'll criticize Obama right now; He should really get tough with Ryan and Romney and start calling them the serial liars they are.  When he gets re-elected, he  should do everything he can to pass whatever he wants, including the Dream Act, and stop this farce on immigration.  I've filled out many an immigration applicantion for patientw who have had to wait years because of the bureaucracy or fuck with the Immigration DOJ appointed judges who are political hacks and not confirmed by anyone. Sometimes attorneys with experienced are asked by these judges what the fuck to do becauase they get the $95 grand jobs as political plums as do many federal judges.

Think whatever you want.  I can debate YOU six ways from Sunday on nearly any topic except oil drilling.  Not my area.

My comments are my own; and I read enough  of both  sides to make my own choices. I attribute and link more painstakingly than anyone I've seen here.  You aren't reading my posts.  If I did  one paste out of 100 and didn't credit MSNBC so be it.

Check out my posts. They are meticulously credited, and when I don't, I've written them.  Look at the one trying to educate Needlefuck on the "fetal pain bill" in Georgia or maybe you think I made the medicine up. So be it.  No  skin off my ass.

And GG, psst you aren't the only Asian American in the US.  I'm  sorry if someone "oppressed you." You're not the lone ranger in that respect. You're a big boy and you  should be able to handle it.

-- Modified on 8/21/2012 3:21:38 PM

He will tell you how many women he has fucked and how money he has every time. Got lucky, made few bucks in the oil business and thinks he is Carlos Slim.

Last thing he read is the in flight magazine on one of his trips to Costa Rica.

Stopped reading his jibberish long time ago.

Posted By: JeffEng16
GAG asked what do I  have to say for myself? A little busy, but here's your answer:

Needle dick is an imbecile who focuses on posters;you are getting lazy GG; you think my posts are
pastes than you haven't read them.  I respect that most of your posts are centered on your self-aggrandizing opinion of yourself  as all  powerful and perfect, but I  still like you.

You'ge getting nauseatingly sanctimonious GG; what makes your  fucking opinions sincere and politically eclectic but no one elses'?  If I choose  to subscribe to most of what the Democratic party stands for so what? And  lol what the fuck are you going to do about it?  You're choosing to subscribe to two of the biggest political liars in the century because you're afraid of a bogey man you've manufactured, and are worried about employees and don't understand how you can save money via ACA.  And you're not exactly the only oil guy in Texas or Oklahoma; if that's what you do, you're managiong to have continual year round vacations, and there are oil guys and girls who can buy and sell you.  They aren't spending their lives crying about the ACA as if it's incurable cancer.

You have  a very superficial understanding of the  ACA.  You sure as fuck don't have a clue  what it means to the teaching hospitals in Texas and how Medicaid expansion is vital to their existence.  You come back in 2015 and tell me if you've learned anyting about ACA.

And maybe you don't give a fuck if anyone gets health care as long as you, your mom, and your girlfriend du jour have it. That's your  choice.  I've been wired differently  because it's what I've done my entire adult life.

You think I make up the medical and legal posts I've made or paste them you're a lot less intelligent than I  thought.  You can do better.  And if we don't stay friends, your loss. I'm  sorry.

Pri is pissed off because  I know way more than  he does in every respect every subject.  Needle is as well and Needle reads next to nothing.

I tried to explain to the idiot 50 times that  Ryan first authored HR 3 with the  language you spent righteously condeming a couple hours  ago  on rape.  Ryan used the term forcible rape in that bill, took it out after his  collegues told him he was an idiot for doing so, and then yesterday pretended that he wanted Akin out of the Senate race for repeating the languge they both put in a bill.

You think I just plaguerized this, you're a lot less sharp than your business info you give out intimates you are-- or what you say you're worth many many times over intimates you are. I've known and taken care of a lot of wealthy people and poor people, but none that keep reenforcing to themselves how much money they have, how much people are trying to steal from them, how much they support other people financially.

I'll call 'em like I see 'em. You don't  know me much at all; you don't know when I've broken ranks with whatever, and you over estimate your  own political eclecticism that you self attribute.

There's a choice between two dramatically different points of view about the role government plays, and I sleep well with mine.  I'll criticize Obama right now; He should really get tough with Ryan and Romney and start calling them the serial liars they are.  When he gets re-elected, he  should do everything he can to pass whatever he wants, including the Dream Act, and stop this farce on immigration.  I've filled out many an immigration applicantion for patientw who have had to wait years because of the bureaucracy or fuck with the Immigration DOJ appointed judges who are political hacks and not confirmed by anyone. Sometimes attorneys with experienced are asked by these judges what the fuck to do becauase they get the $95 grand jobs as political plums as do many federal judges.

Think whatever you want.  I can debate YOU six ways from Sunday on nearly any topic except oil drilling.  Not my area.

My comments are my own; and I read enough  of both  sides to make my own choices. I attribute and link more painstakingly than anyone I've seen here.  You aren't reading my posts.  If I did  one paste out of 100 and didn't credit MSNBC so be it.

Check out my posts. They are meticulously credited, and when I don't, I've written them.  Look at the one trying to educate Needlefuck on the "fetal pain bill" in Georgia or maybe you think I made the medicine up. So be it.  No  skin off my ass.

And GG, psst you aren't the only Asian American in the US.  I'm  sorry if someone "oppressed you." You're not the lone ranger in that respect. You're a big boy and you  should be able to handle it.

-- Modified on 8/21/2012 3:21:38 PM

Rutabaga_Baggins192 reads

Do you often get your your medical information from Medscape.com? Because this was obviously a cut and paste right down to the bullet characters and the list's order. Even if it's necessary for you to refer to medical websites, don't say you've only cut and paste without attribution only once out of a hundred from MSNBC.

Your post with no citation:

Medscape source:

You're such a fucking idiot. There are a million sources for that differential that all have the same list. It's also common knowledge for any MD. I must have 200. books on my
Lib w the same differential. You think we're born with the info?

It has to come from somewhere and I don't feel compelled to source the same list that Medscape pulled from hundreds of identical tables.

Want to go one on one for money top of your head your differential Dx vs mine?

I have hundreds of political posts focused on issues.
I link or source every one. I notice again SC you're. One more douche obsessed with what I know who hasn't posted a substantive point since I've been here.

Name the subject you want to cleanu clock with off top of your head. or your little pimps Needle or Prispussy for $.

Ready when you are. Can't hear you.

Rutabaga_Baggins273 reads


I never said you cut and pasted all your posts, but you did say you didn't cut and paste. This was clearly pasted from somewhere. Of all the dozens of lists on differentials only Medscape had that exact list and it was in that exact order. So where did you copy yours from?

"Want to go one on one for money top of your head your differential Dx vs mine?"  

I've never claimed to be a medical doctor. Why would I go there in some silly challenge? You're sounding like a 12YO. I simply claimed if you're going to cut and paste, give credit. You cut and pasted it from somewhere. It didn't come from your noodle. You could have avoided this by simply prefacing the list with "Here's a typical list, etc."

If I was going to play Jeopardy, I would be picking electrical engineering.

only from medscape :D except that same table has been part of thousands of texts before it was born( and now websites ).

Show us where my DIC discussion pointing ilup the idiocy of right Wingnut legislators who passed a 20 week imbecilic abortion limit placing tens of thousands of pregnant women at risk came from hoss?

Because that differential is common domain. And do you want to show everyone all the substantive political points you've made here? Don't see any.

Rutabaga_Baggins231 reads

ideas of substance. Keep looking.

And are you REALLY complaining that my anonymous cartoon character is more anonymous than your cartoon character? Like I told my "little pimp", priapus when his lodged the same complaint...

Publish you legal name and we'll have a real conversation.

St. Croix312 reads

Come on! You claim to be a doctor, or at least play one on TER. I assume you have access to a prescription pad. Write yourself something. $100 bucks says your posts will be much shorter, less angry, and less confusing.

what you know about medicine or politics equally pathetic.

Douches like you who can't discuss/argue politics revert to a 3rd grade retort.
You grew up in a decrepit ugly man's body but kept your 8 year old brain. Congenital CNS damage, closed head trauma or both?

Medicaid funds your chronic neuro intensive care doesn't it?

Glasgow Coma scale for you never above 3 right?

St. Croix213 reads

I've only read a couple of your posts, but you may want to seriously consider adding Tourette's Syndrome to your list of ailments.

One small suggestion. If you go out in public, like having a few drinks with GaG, keep your opinions, and more specifically your language and tone to a minimum, because you will get your ass handed to you. It's one thing to sit behind your little computer anonymously spewing some of your stupid shit, but it's clearly another in public where someone will drop you in less than 5 seconds.

GaGambler229 reads

No, he kept a civil tongue in person, actually he was downright reasonable, but put a keyboard in front of him, and he just can't help himself.

I don't have the time, nor the inclination to comment on each and every point of contention, but it's obvious he has been called out and his only defense is to lash out try to change the subject. It's also rather obvious that he has avoided answering every accusation that has been made against him, instead he chooses to call me a liar from behind the safety of his computer, while trying to deflect every accusation made by ND, and lying about what a partisan hack he is.

At least he is wise enough to confine his little spate of Tourette's syndrome to AFTER we met in person, somehow I seriously doubt he would have the balls to call me a liar to my face. I OTOH would be more than happy to pick this conversation up the next time we meet.

Jeff, you are a chicken shit liar, your lies are so obvious, even a three year old can see you are full of shit. PLEASE do me the favor of saying these lies to my face the next time we meet.

St. Croix257 reads

Like how long in seconds, physical damage, anything? I have to have some action. I'm going to Vegas the weekend of Sept 15th for the WBC Super Welterweight fight at the Garden Arena. Maybe we can schedule something on the undercard (lmao).

I've learned the valuable use of 3 words, especially to be used in person when it comes to politics, and you know the other person is just a partisan asshole.

"I DON'T CARE", usually prefaced by "I DON'T KNOW".

-- Modified on 8/21/2012 9:56:51 PM

anyone who worked rigs knows how to hit shit.

$5 says jeffy taps 5 seconds after hello.:D

-- Modified on 8/21/2012 9:11:19 PM

-- Modified on 8/21/2012 9:12:34 PM

GaGambler257 reads

and I doubt that even all of Marikod's massive holding in BAC and JPM would be enough to get me to take a dive, I MIGHT be persuaded to go a few rounds to help you with the over/under, but I have met Jeff, and it's doubtful he could last through the first round, even if I carried him.

You would honestly think that a guy who didn't own a car would be in better shape, but apparently he spends his entire existence in front of a computer because he doesn't look like he could walk more than a few blocks without keeling over. OTOH he does have about 80 lbs on me, and body weight is supposed to count for something.

I seem to remember Daffy spouting off something about how health care costs would come down if people would just get off their fat asses and get in shape, I think he was talking about Jeff.

GaGambler188 reads

Name an escrow agent of your choice, and I'll even suck down a six pack before  the start, and I'll still beat you .

Come on JeffyPoo, put up or shut up.

Remember, I've met you in person, and I know what a fat ass loser you are. If you don't have a hundred grand, WTF, I'll bet whatever you can afford.

You are a liar, and a pussy, and I would be perfectly happy showing you up for free.

pissed off because he makes vacuous nebulolus claims but facts are hard and can't refute the absurd fairy tales that are the Ryan and Romney budgets so he makes a full  time job of coming to TER threads, seeing if he can get train wrecks going, running like Ryan and Romney from real discussion and 97% of posts are directed at flaming other people instead of having the balls to actually read good sources and argue ideas.  Gambly lives to flame or direct juvenile insults at other people knowing his boys are making fools of themselves on the stump, running from reporters like scared girls, like Sharon  Angle did in Nevada.

I wonder when the last time is Gambly read a serious book or article.  Why is Gambly afraid to refute  me on my facts  on the Ryan  and Romney budgets that make no sense at all, and  would wreck the country?  Why are Ryan and Romney afraid to  talk  about ANYTHING in detail?

Why do Ryan write 38 abortion bills with Akin, most of which included no rape exceptions?

Ryan is Akin and Akin is  Ryan and that's starting to get across to the public most of whom reads as little as Gambly.

Have you ever posted anything remotely serious about politics?  You're now in full defensive personal attack mode?  I have a lot of confidence you'll age badly, take stupid medical  care of yourself,  and there's nothing about you that screams physical  conditioning.

TER is a vehicle for you to self aggrandize, paint an image of yourself that isn't real; and to make sure you can live for personal attacks and trainwrecks while using your Borderline Personality to tell yourself you're  a legend in your own mind.

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