Politics and Religion

Another reason to give up the other white meat
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 1610 reads

Smithfield, America's largest pork distributor is being sold to Chinese.  

What does that mean for America to sell off, biggest Chinese takeover that happens to be our food supply of pork?

************The Following is a True Story*********

Did you know that pigs produce about 4 times more feces than human beings? Yes, pigs produce 4 times more shit than you do.

There was a farm, if I recall correctly, in poorly regulated North Carolina. They wanted to bring pig farms into the state, so they just let the big agri-corps do what they want to do.

There's are now parts of NC that have massive pig farms. Pigs numbering in the millions. Reportedly, you can smell the stench from miles around. One particular farm was calculated to have 6 million pigs. Imagine the equivalent of a site producing twice as much shit as New York City...on a daily basis. Now imagine this: no regulations requiring proper sewage systems!!!

The big pork producers (we'll call them "Big Pig") didn't want to pay all the related costs of putting in a sewage system. So Big Pig thought it would be more cost efficient to dig a giant hole in the ground, and dump all the pig shit in it. Soon after, word around town was that the pig shit is seeping into the drinking water.

Well, eventually, the hole filled up, and Big Pig decided it would be more cost efficient to build a giant wall around their giant pig shit hole.

Well, Big Pig, ever so wanting to stretch a dollar, filled their pig shit hole to near capacity, and on one particular very hot and sunny Sunday morning, the great pig shit wall failed.

Pig shit flowed out of the pig shit hole like it was biblical. Furiously, the pig shit flowed, across farms, blocking off roads, flowing into nearby rivers and streams, and flowing, dangerously fast downhill to the nearby town.

As the pig shit flowed, it picked up steam. A pig shit steam. Just as an avalanche will build up as it flows downhill, so too did this avalanche of pig shit. By the time the pig shit got to town, it was a giant wall and summer-hot, crude and bubbling, hot and steamy, horrible smelling pig shit.

Few people made it out of the town alive. It destroyed communities. Left people dead. Knocked over cars and buildings. One lucky reporter, who barely escaped with his life, said that the first thing the giant wall of pig shit hit, was the town's church, which was filled to capacity...even before the pig shit oozed it's way into the church's doors and windows.

Everyone should note, that none of these events would have occurred, if it wasn't for the fact that Big Pig's Giant Pig Shit Hole, just happened to break and fail, precisely on a very hot Sunday Morning, when all the good town's people came to church to pray:

"Our Father, in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil...."

-- Modified on 9/26/2013 12:00:10 PM

any Smithfield ham during holidays.  I barely eat American-Chinese restaurant and always order shrimp.  :

out of this. It's a very interesting story.  When did this happen? Where is a link to the story.

I actually love pigs. One of my favorite animals. But that doesn't stop me from believing they can be eaten. Bacon is so good and the rest of it too

But I won't be one of those people that get discouraged to eat pork.
Everything has a price.

-- Modified on 9/26/2013 12:22:31 PM

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