Politics and Religion

Gallup -- Kamala 9 points less favorable than Trump among independents
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 63 reads

1000 adults, Sept 3-15.

No? I'm shocked. Even by your own unverified post, almost all of that was conducted before the debate. And much of the GA poll you posted as well, with, of course, no link.  
Nationally, her lead has ballooned to 3.3% in post debate polling and that INCLUDES your incredibly flawed Atlas Intel poll.
Lester, below is something we call a "link." Try it sometime.

Lester posts about Trump’s lead among independents. Not a lie. Not sure what data Nicky was referring to, if any.

Both party nominees are seemingly unfavorable among the majority of independents, but the former president has a nearly 10-point lead. About 44 percent of independents said they had a favorable view of Trump, while 35 percent said the same for the Democratic nominee, the poll found

First of all, most of it was done prior to the debate. Second, it is just ONE poll as Lester is the master of cherry picking polls. Third, she is leading the race but trailing with independents? Dubious. Fourth, the poll didn't even take into consideration if the people polled are even registered to vote!  Did Lester (or you) bother to tell us any of that? Of course not.  
What Lester is "consistent" with, is cherry picking polls, using obviously discredited/partisan polls, touting a company (538) that helps his side but then throwing shade on the same company (again, 538) when it backs Harris and he is also consistent with leaving out links. That is just all deceitful at best.  

Festers and ChicKie's blatant political hackery.

Also in that Gallup poll, Trump now leads favorability by +2.  A month ago Kamala lead by +6.  An 8 point slide for Kamala

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