Politics and Religion

All you lefty’s screaming “Trumps going DOWN!”
LostSon 43 Reviews 150 reads

Is the equivalent of a news story put out on an election night that a particular area has already been called for a particular candidate “sooo don’t bother going to the poles!”

Seriously, that’s all this is. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Carrrrrrrry on with your blabbering 👍

🤣  🤣  🤣

…of how many people I’ve seen repeat this sentiment.

They have been drooling over this moment to be able to call Trump a "Convicted Felon" It's seeking legitimacy. Hey, A court found him guilty? so yeah!  

Never mind they indicted on a completely ridiculous legal principle and would not allow anything remotely resembling a fair trial.  

It's the same thing as when icky and his alter ego say "we" he, they are looking for legitimacy.

“Now that Trump’s been convicted, no way can I vote for him. I just assumed there’d be a hung jury, but his conviction really knocked me for a loop. The idea of a convicted felon in the White House is absolutely insane.  

“Right now, I’m a man without a party. You have no idea how hard it is for me to say that, since I’ve been a registered Republican since I graduated college. But I just don’t recognize my party any more.”

And this is very typical.

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: Man, I’m see a lot of this..
“Now that Trump’s been convicted, no way can I vote for him. I just assumed there’d be a hung jury, but his conviction really knocked me for a loop. The idea of a convicted felon in the White House is absolutely insane.  
 “Right now, I’m a man without a party. You have no idea how hard it is for me to say that, since I’ve been a registered Republican since I graduated college. But I just don’t recognize my party any more.”  
 And this is very typical.
Happy your TDS is showing 🙄

You can regurgitate all the left wing propganda you ingest during the day and then come here and repeat all that drivel but it doesn’t make it true…

He has no way to know Hpy's quotes aren't real. He simply disputes them because he HATES what they're saying.
More proof Looooser is our primo TDS sufferer.

My quote is probably more authentic then Willy’s..
Don’t forget to wipe that jizz off your lip.😂

…that Nikki Haley would beat Trump for the nomination?

If that's the case. then consider me one of the 20 percent of the republicans who still supported her in the primary. I mean, OUCH that had to hurt, considering she bowed out of the race months before..
But seeing that you following my every move, refresh my memory. Got that link? And on a kinda flattering note, It seems to me that I must have got into some of the thin skin righties here....you guy keeping a log on what I say? My gawd guys, get a life or get laid..try it, really it beats beating your head on this board.
You guys must have missed me.....awe, how cute...lol

-- Modified on 6/3/2024 2:11:22 PM

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