Politics and Religion

All of us are MAGA now.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 16 reads

And Trump will be the next President, one way or another. The only question really is whether Democrats still want to be Americans.

So far it's guilty on all counts. Now what????

RespectfulRobert12 reads

Donald J. Trump…convicted felon. Ouch.

Fuck being the President! You can't work at McDonalds with that criminal record!

Unfortunately, he can.  Nothing in the constitution that says he can't.  Doesn't mean he will be elected.  But if he wins the election can assume the office.  I know, thats nuts.  But, its the way it is.

Posted By: bond007
Re: Trump Guilty
Unfortunately, he can.  Nothing in the constitution that says he can't.  Doesn't mean he will be elected.  But if he wins the election can assume the office.  I know, thats nuts.  But, its the way it is.
What you guys don't realize is most people see this for what it is, LAWFARE against a political opponent. This will galvanize the MAGA base.  

Hide and watch.

This is EXACTLY like what you whine when anyone on the left uses the word "we."
Now cite us some proof that "most people" believe what you say.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: I call bullshit. Besides YOU, who says "most people see this for what it is, LAWFARE?"
This is EXACTLY like what you whine when anyone on the left uses the word "we."  
 Now cite us some proof that "most people" believe what you say.  
Soooooo many people Tried to donate to Trumps
Campaign in the wake of the verdict they crashed the site!  
PS I don’t care if anyone on the left uses the word “we” it’s just you and your whiner buddy’s use of it.

Let's see how much money was actually raised before you splooge all over your keyboard.
Premature congratulations much? LOL
Oh, not to mention that a bunch of MAGAtes getting fleeced by Trump (again) isn't. "most people." Pinhead.

Not sure what state would be a better host for the old gal, but New York no longer represents liberty so she’s gotta move.  

We’re faced with a serious problem of banana republic administration trying to take dictatorial control over every institution. The only way we stop these Marxists is to scare the shit out of them. People are beginning to discuss the required shock and awe campaign that must be done. Waiting until November may not be in the cards.

"The figures will not be verifiable until the campaign committees and WinRed make their filings with the Federal Election Commission in the following months." So says The NY Times.
Maybe it's like when Trump falsely claimed his inaugural crowd was bigger than Obama's. Falsely.

And Trump will be the next President, one way or another. The only question really is whether Democrats still want to be Americans.

"Trump will be President, One Way or Another".  

What does that mean?

Having failed to subvert the 2020 election by inciting an insurrection, Trump and his clique have learned from their mistakes and will successfully steal the 2024 election then create a way to have no more elections after that.
Which is exactly what Willy and the other America-hating righties here want so desperately.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Here's what it means...
Having failed to subvert the 2020 election by inciting an insurrection, Trump and his clique have learned from their mistakes and will successfully steal the 2024 election then create a way to have no more elections after that.  
 Which is exactly what Willy and the other America-hating righties here want so desperately.
Ignore all that stupid shit icky just regurgitated.

It means that a fuck ton of the population is coming to realize that the Dems have fucked everything up and you lefties are about to turn yourselves inside out trying to force feed the koolaid,  Jim Jones style, to anyone and everyone you can… this is all in a vein attempt to influence the election.

Only blue stained brains can think that Biden has done a good job and the country is in great shape and And AND want four more miserable years of this bullshit!


Did everyone notice Looooser's last post had no connection at all to my previous post?
Stupid is forever.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Nice diversion, Loooooser.
Did everyone notice LostSon is kicking my ass all over the place?
Yes They Notice, Also did everyone notice ICYPUS is simply spewing the bullshit kool-aide he gets from MS-PMS and CRAP NEWS NETWORK?

Admit it Ick the Dems have 5000% fucked up this country and want to keep fucking it up for another 4 years. Except that Joe Joe is finally gonna slip on a banana peel left out by Dear Sweet Kamala and then... The real horror show starts.

Caused the mad rush. Sure he got that adrenaline or mad rush of donations (39M)...but that'll be his biggest haul. It will die down.

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: Trailer park trash donating their last $5,$10 they have
Caused the mad rush. Sure he got that adrenaline or mad rush of donations (39M)...but that'll be his biggest haul. It will die down.
Keep thinking that gentle guy the second.

But how much is of that is going for his legal defense? With the RNC controlling the donations.. Lara Trump .  Maybe Trump can now afford to do his rallies  
Its still a lot of trailer park trash that are donating. But that will dry up.Biden is still far ahead with his war chest

In another subthread, I linked to two New York Times stories. Trump out raised Biden in April and is closing the gap. The second story, post verdict, reported on Trump’s 24 hour haul of $56 million dollars, again more than Biden raised the entire month of April.

RespectfulRobert7 reads

Joe won EVERY previous month. Joe will have a bigger war chest and he is not a convicted felon. Oh, and his VP and staff all back him. Can Trump say that??????

RespectfulRobert12 reads

Something Trump never understood. He needs centrists/moderates/independents who are on the fence about him and this verdict is VERY troubling. Unless gets a favorable appeal, I think he is doomed.

Nailed it. Trumps base, crazy as they are will never leave him. Its the centrists/moderates/independents he'll lose. They'll  be tired of his whining and constant complaining.  
Give it time, soon most will say, "I'm tired of defending this guy"

Since first indicted in criminal courts, many polls have been conducted. Most of the headlines go to polls showing that Trump loses substantial support among Independents and even Republicans. E.g.,  
Almost a quarter of Trump supporters oppose having him on ticket if convicted.
But the polls are all phrased differently so it's hard to judge their consistency and actual numbers (-25%, -15%, -10%, ... -?%).  
I am now thinking that flip-flopping Nikki Haley came out last week and said she would vote for Trump in order to (a) get support from Trumpers in order to (b) swoop in at the RNC Convention and proclaim, "We can't run a felon for Pres. Pick me instead! Pick me!"

Posted By: LostSon
Re: Trump Guilty
Posted By: bond007
Re: Trump Guilty  
 Unfortunately, he can.  Nothing in the constitution that says he can't.  Doesn't mean he will be elected.  But if he wins the election can assume the office.  I know, thats nuts.  But, its the way it is.
What you guys don't realize is most people see this for what it is, LAWFARE against a political opponent. This will galvanize the MAGA base.  
 Hide and watch.

Trump 0, Jury 12

No. Unless "most people" to you means maga folks.  Most people don't see this as lawfare at all.  trump's base is shedding in size.  One tiny example is that a friend of mine who voted for trump said trump crossed a line when J6 happened.  Now take that sentiment with entire country into account.  Most people have a moral compass.  They know right from wrong.  Okay, this will galvanize some of the maga base.  But, really, how big is trump's base these days?  And, after today?  

I know he can be President, but he should not be allowed to be based being found guilty of 34 felonies. He wouldn't be hired to even clean toilets with that kind of criminal record and there will be more to come.

The people of NY vs Trump spoke today and I believe the people of the U.S. vs Trump will speak again in November. Biden will win 4 more years. This orange clown is a loser and justice was served today.

And if he was an immigrant he'd be barred from citizenship.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Trump also could not be hired as a NY City sanitation man.
And if he was an immigrant he'd be barred from citizenship.
Well lucky for him he isn't an Immigrant nor is he applying to be a N.Y. City sanitation man. He's going to be the Next President of the United States.

Posted By: 100ProofOfLV
Re: Trump Guilty
Fuck being the President! You can't work at McDonalds with that criminal record!
Yeah But you can be president!

Posted By: gentleguy1020
To our utter dismay our legal system has been corrupted  e
Yes, YES it has.

RespectfulRobert12 reads

Is it likely Trump will be granted an expedited appeal? Could SCOTUS get this before the election or is it likely they would turn it down as it is state court related?

From legal commentaries I'm scanning, SCOTUS has no jurisdiction over this NYS case. Trump will appeal in the NYS courts. When he loses in court, he can appeal to the NYS governor for a pardon. When he is denied a NYS pardon, he will have to serve out his sentence (whatever it might be: house-arrest; community service [picking up trash on I95?]; mandatory attendance and a passing grade from behavior modification classes [taught by Mary Trump!!] ; teach 100 Sunday School classes at an African Methodist Episcopal Church ; ... any more suggestions?)

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: For the legal beagles here....
Is it likely Trump will be granted an expedited appeal? Could SCOTUS get this before the election or is it likely they would turn it down as it is state court related?
Unless I'm mistaken, a NYS felony conviction also means that he CAN'T VOTE in Florida! I wonder if he will self-report to the FL board of elections ... or try to vote illegally.

So you can run and be elected President with as a convicted felon, but you can't vote (as a convicted felon).

Cohen spent 3 years for the same thing....or probation?
I'm pulling for a "Lock him up" sentence
C'mon lets play

He won't get any prison time. It is a white collar crime and he was never convicted of anything before. Maybe probation but they will drag this out with appeals for as long a possible.

Anyway, this will be appealed for years and could ultimately get to the Supreme Court despite being a state crime. So he'll never see the inside of a cell.

Shouldn’t the FEC have jurisdiction over this?

And iwe’ll know if it’s prison time and its term?
Then it’ll go to appeals with us knowing the penalty?

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