Politics and Religion

Al Sharpton a is a blackmailer and hurts the black cause, according to RFK...
Snowman39 1642 reads

During lock up, he apparently had plenty of time to critique his fellow Democrats, saying that Sharpton 'has done more damage to the black cause' than segregationist governors in the south who prevented school integration.

'(Sharpton's) transparent venal blackmail and extortion schemes taint all black leadership,' Kennedy wrote.

Damn, the Kennedys got this one right!!

Tell us what it means that Robertson had to buy his own TV channel and in shunned by most of the media whereas the MSM fawns over Sharpton and even gives him his own show.

salonpas267 reads

So true!!! There is a special place in HELL for these guys!

Posted By: willywonka4u
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