Politics and Religion

Aiken isn't an aberration among Jesus Freaks.
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The view that rape victims can't get pregnant has historically been a common viewpoint among Jesus Freaks.







This was even a key provision of H.R. 3, the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act", one of the first bills proposed by the Teabagger Congress, that rape itself be redefined.


Setting aside that it's about as smart to ask a bunch of anti-science Jesus Freaks about a matter of biology as it would be to ask a bunch of ditch diggers to engineer spacecraft for NASA, it has been a common view among the Jesus Freaks that rape just isn't that serious of a problem. Texas Republican candidate Clayton Williams, when he ran against Ann Richards, liked rape to the weather, saying, "If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it."


The logic in all this is that if you get pregnant, then you didn't really get raped.

Let's be clear here: The "pro-life" movement are typically the same people who are opposed to gov't funding for prenatal care. They're against head-start. They're against funding food stamps. They're against public schools. They're against free school lunches.

There is no concern for children among the Jesus Freaks. What they really believe is that women should be subjugated and ruled over. They are anti-woman.

Ask any of these Jesus Freaks, if a woman who has had an abortion should be punished by getting raped? Do you really think any of them would object to it?

These are the same people who whole-heartedly agreed with Limbaugh when he said that any woman seeking birth control, which is used to regulate menstration to prevent common problems like painful periods, anemia from blood loss, and a host of other problems that they're "sluts".

It is no surprise to me that Christian right wing religious nutcases and Muslim right wing religious nutcases share the view that women are to be subjugated. The Muslim view puts women in bedsheets and thinks "honor rape" is a good thing. The Christian view is that rape isn't a big deal. All we're talking about is a matter of degree in hatred for women.

when a woman's  been raped good ole HB 3 despite Romney claiming they were for that exemption yesterday in New Hampshire.  Mitt-Bot doesn't exactly keep up with bills Ryan wrote and supported and neither does his highly paid staff which in July had funding 2:1 compared with Obama's. Whoops.

I'd like to note that the imbecile bug fucker made a fool of himself saying that I misinterpreted Ryan's bill.  I did not.

I wrote on that thread below this and I'm pasting:

Truth is Ryan contradicted Romney's lie that they allow rape abortion exceptions
Last year, Ryan and Akin cosponsored a bill to prohibit taxpayer-funded abortions for rape victims. The bill sought to narrow the government's definition of rape — by literally rewriting it to the term "forcible" rape — in order limit federal funds for abortion coverage.

Ryan has stated in the past he opposes abortion even in the case of rape — a position which contradicts Team Romney's latest statement on abortion following Akin's comments.

Seizing on Akin's remarks, President Obama used him as an example of why GOP lawmakers — or furthermore any lawmaker — should not be involved in these personal decisions typically made after consulting with doctors and family members.

What I said was that Ryan  supported a bill that allowed NO ABORTION IN CASE OF RAPE unless the woman's life was threatened on penalty of prison for the doctor. And that's exactly what Ryan's bill said. It included the term "forcible rape" just as Aiken did.

NY Times article is here:

Romney Statement on Abortion Contradicts Ryan’s Earlier Stance

August 20, 2012, 1:33 am1 Comment
Romney Statement on Abortion Contradicts Ryan’s Earlier Stance
A campaign statement that neither Mitt Romney nor Representative Paul D. Ryan opposes abortion in rape cases contradicts Mr. Ryan’s earlier position on the issue.

The statement was issued late Sunday in response to a widely condemned comment earlier in the day by Representative Todd Akin, the Republican Senate nominee from Missouri, that in cases of what he called “legitimate rape,’’ women’s bodies reject a pregnancy. Mr. Akin was explaining why he opposes abortion in the case of rape.

“Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin’s statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape,’’ a Romney campaign spokeswoman, Amanda Henneberg, wrote.

Although Mr. Romney has stated this position before, Mr. Ryan, a seven-term congressman from Wisconsin, has opposed abortion in the case of rape. During his first run for the seat in 1998, The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported that he opposed abortions in all cases except to save the life of the mother.

More recently, Mr. Ryan was a co-sponsor of a House bill last year defining human life as beginning with fertilization and granting “personhood’’ rights to embryos, a movement that supporters say will outlaw abortions in all cases, and may also restrict some forms of birth control.

Furor over Mr. Akin’s remarks, which he later retracted, may bring new attention to the most uncompromising wing of the antiabortion movement, complicating the Republican ticket’s efforts to appeal to women voters.

President Obama, who has a commanding lead in polls with women, has already pressed the issue. The day after Mr. Ryan was announced as the vice-presidential pick, the Obama campaign’s Twitter account published a message:

Barack Obama
✔@BarackObama Make sure the women in your life know: Paul Ryan supports banning all abortions, even in cases of rape or incest.
12 Aug 12 ReplyRetweetFavoriteMr. Romney has had his own complicated history with the abortion issue. He was what he now calls “effectively pro-choice’’ early in his political career, but became an abortion opponent when he was confronted with a bill on stem cell research as governor of Massachusetts.

Since then, he has opposed abortion, but — unlike his running mate — has said the procedure should be legal in the cases of rape or incest.

That hasn’t stopped Democrats from using the issue against him, especially in the wake of Mr. Romney’s repeated promise to end federal funding of Planned Parenthood because the group performs abortions.

In an interview last March, Mr. Romney elaborated on his desire to end funding of programs that he deems unnecessary. “Of course you get rid of ‘Obamacare,’ that’s the easy one, but there are others,” he said. “Planned Parenthood, we’re going to get rid of that.”

That line has made it into several Democratic videos and ads.

A campaign commercial from Mr. Obama’s campaign went even further, accusing Mr. Romney of supporting “overturning Roe versus Wade” and alleging that “Romney backed a bill that outlaws all abortion, even in case of rape and incest.”

Aides to Mr. Romney have been particularly angry about that last charge, since Mr. Romney has said explicitly that he supports rape and incest exceptions. Independent fact checkers have said that charge is false.

-- Modified on 8/21/2012 7:45:20 AM

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