Politics and Religion

Ahwwww!Ain't that sweet! The House Repubs are kissing the Popes Ring
mattradd 40 Reviews 1921 reads

Who else (major group or influence) has a moral problem regarding contraception? Surely no other major religious group that I know of. Talk about a stupid move.

...I don't think he'd be in favor of shoving a trans-vaginal probe into a woman against her will.

Lets say the Republicans get their way and this clause is added to the bill.

Couldn't the folks employed by these faith based non-profits, seek employment else where?

I wouldn't work for a faith based organization, if I didn't believe in their faith.

rainbowCPA297 reads

Same Muslims that shot up a school in Nigeria today killing over 50 kids? Or the ones who killed about 70 torturing them prior in a shopping mall in Kenya? Those be the enlightened Muslims you refer to?  

Posted By: bigvern
Lets say the Republicans get their way and this clause is added to the bill.  
 Couldn't the folks employed by these faith based non-profits, seek employment else where?  
 I wouldn't work for a faith based organization, if I didn't believe in their faith.

Posted By: rainbowCPA
Same Muslims that shot up a school in Nigeria today killing over 50 kids? Or the ones who killed about 70 torturing them prior in a shopping mall in Kenya? Those be the enlightened Muslims you refer to?  
Posted By: bigvern
Lets say the Republicans get their way and this clause is added to the bill.  
  Couldn't the folks employed by these faith based non-profits, seek employment else where?  
  I wouldn't work for a faith based organization, if I didn't believe in their faith.
Islam allows for the uses of contraceptives, while Catholicism does not allow for the use of contraceptives

St. Croix340 reads

Muslims are much more tolerant than Catholics.

How about you and I do a little experiment. Let's fly to Cairo with a Muslim girl and Catholic girl. Muslim girl is dressed in a hijab, and the Catholic girl is dressed like in your fantasy (lol). Both of them will come out of a pharmacy screaming I got some condoms. I got some birth control pills. Have them scream it right at prayer time. I'm thinking beheading. How about you? What the fuck do you think is going to happen? Now do the same experiment in Boston, since that city is basically Irish Catholic. I'm guessing sexually assaulted. Do you see the difference?

Let me tell what should happen. All, and I mean ALL contraceptives should be sold over the counter, just like cough syrup. That way I don't have to listen to the likes of Sandra Fluke, and more important, I don't have to pay an inflated insurance premiums because feminists like you mandate that contraceptives be considered preventive care.

"Same Muslims that shot up a school in Nigeria today killing over 50 kids? Or the ones who killed about 70 torturing them prior in a shopping mall in Kenya? Those be the enlightened Muslims you refer to?" That's what RainbowCPA wrote.

I believe that is what bigvern was responding to, and I took it as a bit humorous with the idea in mind that one would take it literally. But, also a way of saying RainbowCPA is painting with a broad brush. In there are fundamentalist and sects in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

I've never considered myself a feminist, but how is contraception not preventive, since it can help prevent STD's, HIV and pregnancy, which affects a woman's health? You're going to pay even more inflated premiums if the Repubs have their way in defunding contraception, and outlawing abortions. You want to weigh the cost of a woman's contraception and possible abortion with the cost of a pregnancy, and possibly helping foot the bill to raise an unwanted kid; one who may well have difficulty in becoming a productive member of society. One, who may well become a career criminal. For someone so good at picking wise investments, you sure are short-sighted about where to nvest your hard earns dollars going to taxes.   ;)

St. Croix298 reads

So far so good? The article referred to a conscience clause to allow employers and insurers to "opt" out. Opt sounds a bit like choice, right? Who would opt out, Georgetown University, University of Notre Dame, maybe In-n-Out, considering they put biblical references on their packaging. Damn fucking good burgers though. Not that many employers, and probably no insurance companies would opt out. This is really much ado about nothing. But you guys on the left really get your panties in a wad when you read this shit, when the impact is going to be insignificant.

Did you read my solution, and I was serious? Make contraceptives over the counter. Problem solved, and competition drives down prices. Why not have a 14 year old girl buying a bottle of cough syrup, some condoms and birth control pills. Seriously I don't care, neither does Planned Parenthood. Don't have to worry about Sandra Fluke, Georgetown, GOP, and stupid articles.

Understand unintended consequences. Obamacare mandates preventive care be provided in all insurance plans, i.e. contraceptives, screening tests, immunizations, physicals, etc. So what do you think the insurance companies did? I assume they went to their respective underwriting departments to determine the financial impact, and raised all premiums accordingly. So if I just want to buy a catastrophic plan, I CAN'T, because I have to pay for someone's contraceptives.

Funny that you went from contraceptive to career criminal all in one paragraph.

First, major religious groups that I was talking about were those in the U.S. I hadn't considered Islam as one, but I suppose one could. Two, I have no problem in selling contraceptives over the counter, other than for the same reasons that other medications are not, and that is they often need to be monitored for efficacy and side-effects by one's doctor. Three, regarding Catholic institutions and the Church, I don't see why we have to enforce their rules about contraception and abortions when they can't do so themselves. It's laughable how many Catholic women take birth-control and have abortions, while the Church keeps making rules that they can't. Fourth, it's not that difficult to go from contraception to career criminal in one paragraph. Just go to your closest prison and interview as many inmates as you like and see how many tell you about growing up in a loving and supportive household with a loving and supportive mother and father. Don't think you'll find many compared to those who didn't.

"Understand unintended consequences. Obamacare mandates preventive care be provided in all insurance plans, i.e. contraceptives, screening tests, immunizations, physicals, etc. So what do you think the insurance companies did? I assume they went to their respective underwriting departments to determine the financial impact, and raised all premiums accordingly. So if I just want to buy a catastrophic plan, I CAN'T, because I have to pay for someone's contraceptives."

Fifth, ya that sucks, just like the motorcycle helmet law. But, how much of a difference will you be paying?

St. Croix250 reads

On another thread I mentioned talking to a couple of folks who retired early, and now must navigate the individual insurance market, "The Exchange". Sounds almost evil.

You asked how much more in premiums? How about 50% more in premiums? Today you can buy a high deductible, 30% coinsurance called Anthem Smartsense 6000, for a monthly premium for 2 people at the rate of $710 per month, based on their age and locale.

All current year health plans in California are being replaced by the 4 plans in the Exchange, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platnium beginning on Jan 1st. So whether you buy on the Exchange or directly through the insurance company, you will see the same plans, and probably at the same price. Oh yeah, I need to mention there will be less choices, not more.

The Smartsense 6000 is basically being replaced by the Bronze plan that you can now see under the Covered California website. Go to the website and pop in there ages, zip code, household income, and voila, they now have a potential premium of $1063, or a 50% premium increase. 50% sounds like a lot to me.

Now hear comes the real stupidity. This couple I'm talking to is real. They are fairly well off, which means their house is paid, they have a million dollar rollover IRA, stocks, bonds....get the picture. Ready Matt, they can get a federal subsidy by how they manage their income in 2014, in other words how they manage line 37 of the 1040 form...the Adjusted Gross Income. To get the subsidy take capital gains this year, but not next. Don't take an IRA distribution. Don't take SSN early. Invest in tax-free municipals. Do you see what I'm doing.

That premium of $1063, will only cost this couple $132, which means the federal government will subsidize their monthly premiums to the tune of $931 per month. Again this is based on the Bronze plan. So buried in this increase is the Obamacare mandate of preventive services.

Now, I'm not asking for a "means testing" for Obamacare, but there are parts of this legislation that are just beyond stupid.

-- Modified on 9/30/2013 7:47:14 PM

"There are parts of this legislation this legislation that are just beyond stupid." And, the sooner our Congressmen get on board to correct them the better. The bottom-line for me is, at least now I can get insurance.   ;)

just to get a federal tax subsidy about equal to what GaGambler spends on hookers in a week.

       They will have to live like monks all year just to stay eligible. True, the Obamacare subsidies are based on adjusted gross income rather than assets but who the hell can live on less than $46,000 a year?

        That’s why  the Obamacare architects are not overly concerned about subsidies going to the asset rich/ income poor. Also remember that your retirees  cannot control dividend payouts, or mutual fund capital gain distributions. So you have to have assets like land and –gasp- buy and hold stocks for your portfolio to make this kind of depressed income plan work. And don’t forget Obamacare is socking the big earners  with a 3.8% tax on investment income so we get it back from this new source.

       Finally, you just can’t compare the current premium for their health insurance with an Obamacare plan because of the value of the no life time cap and other benefits that most private plans do not cover. Once you get cancer, the no yearly and no life time cap on essential medical benefits more than justifies the premium increase.

       I’m looking forward to running my own numbers on the exchange tomorrow. As an Unemployed Porn Star, I don’t have much (or any) income so if your plan works for anyone it should work for me LOL

St. Croix224 reads

First, I'm  going to sound a bit insensitive. Imagine the people, besides matt, that will be using "The Exchange". Now add the fact that they will have to pick the right plan, track their income throughout the year, and file a 1040 that will now include tax credits. This segment doesn't sound like a Turbo Tax kind of crowd.

Second, the example I used were 2 new retirees, and the maximum they can make on line 37 is $62,039. Their subsidy on the Bronze Plan is 90%. If you go down to $52,000, the subsidy is 95%. Helluva a sliding scale wouldn't say mari? This couple is cash rich, as well as deferred comp rich. You spend your already tax money first. I didn't look at their spending habits, but I believe it's doable.

Third, there are fewer choices and mandated coverages, as well as no life time caps that you mentioned. Insurance underwriters factored in these mandated requirements when they priced the 2014 premiums. Again it gets back to choice, options, flexibility. What if you just wanted a catastrophic plan, because you have the financial means to assume some of the risk. Gone!!! Premiums are 50% higher, but you don't hear that because California officials are using the subsidy amounts in their marketing campaigns. You don't hear about the MSRP price of the premium, which a lot of people will have to pay, unless they take St. Croix's income avoidance program (lol).

Fourth, if you are dirt poor you go on Medi-cal in California. Let's use a family of 2, the threshold is $21,000. Under it $21K, you go to a really shitty system in Medi-cal. Could you even find a doctor that will take you? Now lie about your income. Lie that you made a $1000 in tips. At $22,000, you could get a wonderful Silver Plan paid at 100% through the subsidies. Bet there might be a bigger in-network of doctors.

Did I mention that in 2014, income requirements and reporting go out the window, because the honor system will be in effect. The honor system mari. Who writes this stuff?

This is a very complex program. Now please go back to my first paragraph.

-- Modified on 9/30/2013 10:02:29 PM

GaGambler468 reads

another by product of "Affirmative Action" for home ownership, and we all know how well that turned out.

This abortion called Obamacare reminds me of that same mentality that brought this country to the brink of collapse only a few short years ago. but the Dims claim that "this time it will be different" yeah right, sure it will. Government does such a great job when they get out of regulating and start managing private sector businesses.

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