Politics and Religion

A tool doesn't realize when they are being played as a Fool
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1425 reads

Hate it when that happens! what's "tool" Eom
Posted by JLWest, 9/11/2010 8:51:23 PM

Tool is a derogatory word,much worse than fool.
A tool does not know when they are being used.A tool does not have the mental capacity to think logically, or independently. A tool is usually of low character, little substance, and lower self esteem.A tool will always try to fit in with others, not realizing the people he is fitting in with, are usually laughing at his foolhardiness.I disagreed with some of liorrs OP, especially so because of the fact I don't trust ANYONE, until they prove they are trustworthy, no matter what their religion or not. In other words, I don't automatically trust atheists, anymore than Christians, Jews  or Muslims. There are some bad in every crowd.
OSP definitely emitted strong tool
characteristics when he went remington,winchester, and later talked of punching liorr down his throat, until he could feel liorrs Anorectal. That was rude and uncalled for in a civil discussion. When OSP had  responded earlier, mentioned he is GERMAN, and liorr called  him a Nazi, OSP was unknowingly being used as liorr's tool.In other words, Liorr could tell he had pushed OSP's button, and he thought he would work his new tool over some more.Liorr made a tool out of OSP, and OSP proved that, by his words of weaponry and brawn. Normally when someone threatens violence on the boards the usual response we see, would be pussy. Thats become a extremely mundane  word. Liorr was creative and didn't need to go there.
I read the OP from liorr. IMO,in his first reply OSP overreacted with derogatory words spewed at lior. He might have handled it differently, if he hadn't been  liorrs tool in this thread.If a apology is in order, it is OSP that owns the chair this time.
I probably wouldn't have called OSP a Nazi if he had been rude with me.
A stinking Kraut would work, or if I was feeling generous,a  Sour Kraut who hasn't had any pussy lately would suffice, and be in line.
OSP needs to learn liorr does not allow himself to  be called a pig, without repercussion. Be civil,ignore,or be ready to receive the consequences. Like I have told pripus many times "don't dish it out if you can't take it"
A perfect example of a consistent tool on this board would be Pripus.Thanks for remembering me earlier today Pri. Tool!
I have wondered lately if OSP has been taking "tool" lessons from Pripus?
Just saying.............
and by the way JL,  liorr had "too" tools on this thread..OSP,Pripus ,and then you. The new math, fab three.
This was quite the ludicrous thread although very amusing. When Pripus rated OSP on class, I knew for sure,mission control we have a problem!

 Always remember, the most obvious is often the obscure, for those of you that haven't noticed.
JL Next time you feel the need for spelling lessons I am not so sure Pri is the man? His spell check isn't always correct. I am sure you don't write hallmark cards, and Pripus is definitely not a farmer "sewing" what he reaps..LMAO Tools!!!
Anymore questions?
Try not to "overreact"


"You reap what you sew, NC--------EOM
Posted by Priapus53  , 7/18/2010 9:55:06 AM"

-- Modified on 9/11/2010 8:52:17 PM

True but ask any new yorker who lost a love on views any hate towards islam, I lost no one but because of september 11 but I will never trust a muslim, if I am a racist, who cares, I am not hiding in new orleans, texas, vegas,la, or where else there is no danger,any one who is from new york who supports obama is a joke, president  what have u done to curtail iran nothing walk over you, anyone with any merit should view there opinion,only quad and gagambler speak there mind,the rest of you I have no merit Lp

Priapus532274 reads

Or does HE have no merit ?!-------WTF is this guy on ?!

Btw, for umpteenth time, it's spelled "their" !

GaG, looks like you have a "friend"--------LMFAO !

GaGambler1174 reads

and at least I have one friend, but of course liorr and OSP are the BFF's around here. Kind of like you and Quad, the only other poster of merit around here. roflmfao

I'm not going to fight with you over who's HIS BFF!! If that bitch gets within 100 miles of my disguised homestead, I will turn Remington AND Winchester loose on him. The missus hates that clown with every passion in her body. lol  You think i'm gonna betray great pussy for him? LOL

Priapus53838 reads

was your BFF-------ugh---wait a minute------in his case, BFF might refer to something else------BRRRRRRR !----------:(

As for "the only other poster of merit's obsession" with me, let the man explain that in his own words------:)

-- Modified on 9/11/2010 12:06:03 PM

GaGambler1636 reads

I get into enough "board fights" of my own without getting involved with those of others. lol

As to TrannyBoy, don't even go there with the anagram you have in mind. Virtually any thought I can imagine regarding TrannyBoy makes me fo BRRRRRR as well. rofl

Do you blame every german for the 6 million jewish deaths? I'M GERMAN you fuckwad. I decry everything concerning Hitler and his insanity. FUCK YOU!!!! Do you blame everyone of Japanese descent for Pearl Harbor? FUCK YOU again!!! NO DANGER in the larger metropoli'? You're a moron if you really believe that.

Obama is a misguided dolt; yes. People voted for him because they were tired of the same ole same ole. I do think they realize the folly of that decision.

So you smoke MERIT??

GaGambler1204 reads

I guess that would make him a "religionist" rofl

I don't really think that Obama is simply a "misguided dolt" either. I think he is much worse than that. I think he is simply just another lying, scheming politician who came along at the right time to get into power.

I do HOPE you are correct in your assessment that people are realizing the "folly of that decision". I guess we will find out in 2012.

In the meantime I hope you and your BFF can find your way back to each other. roflmfao


trol Al in house

-- Modified on 9/11/2010 7:49:59 AM

My family spent time in concentration camps fighting the fucking japs and nazi's. Yeah i love you. I'd love to put my fist down your fucking throat and punch your guts out your ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I say that because, I respect your board presence, and though we see some things differently, we'd probably get along if we ever met in person. Just wanted to remind you that you are giving him exactly what he wants. Attention! Even if it's negative attention. He can't get any positive attention without paying for it. So, he's not worth getting your blood-pressure up for.

Priapus531502 reads

OSP, you have too much class to get in a pissing match with that crazed & stupid piece of shit. Just ig him. Perhaps eventually the TER powers that be will ban his pathetic ass permanently from the boards.

What are you talking about?
Liorsd post said nothing about Germans or the Japanese?

And stop acting like a cry baby.
Say what you want about Liorr, but he is entitled to his opinions. Some of yours are worse then his.

Take that osp, me and quad in your city with 5 hunnies, thats how liorr parties

JLWest2019 reads

country. There is no law against being a racist. Expressing it in public under certian conditions or acticting on it is against the law, but being one is not illegal. So Liorr if you want to, go ahead. If you want to hate all Muslims, Germans, Jew, Blacks, yep, it's ok by me.  

Sounds like it will be a pretty busy social Calander for you this season. But for me hating is a lot of work. I mean you gotta contunilly look for reason to keep up the hate, Sometimes it's hard to find fault so you forced to change you views just to be against those you hate.

Another bad point about it is: There just isn't any profit in it. You can't make any money out of it. It's just a continious downer. Everyday you have to get up felling bad about something. We couldn't for the most part do that during the war and hell we were being paid to kill people.

For those that hate and make a life style out of it the only one they please is themself. They don't make anyone else a damn bit happy.

I don't hate anybody or anything. Some I dislike but I'm not going to put much work ito it.

Gotta go see my ATF today. She sent me an email, said she's outa beer. Hate it when that happens!  

JLWest1191 reads

And I was thing maybe it was a new acronym from our learneded friend, maybe something like "Totally Oblivious Outstanding Linguist" or "True Observation Of Light". Oh, Pri tell me it isn't so, just a spelling error.

-- Modified on 9/11/2010 10:56:44 AM

Hate it when that happens! what's "tool" Eom
Posted by JLWest, 9/11/2010 8:51:23 PM

Tool is a derogatory word,much worse than fool.
A tool does not know when they are being used.A tool does not have the mental capacity to think logically, or independently. A tool is usually of low character, little substance, and lower self esteem.A tool will always try to fit in with others, not realizing the people he is fitting in with, are usually laughing at his foolhardiness.I disagreed with some of liorrs OP, especially so because of the fact I don't trust ANYONE, until they prove they are trustworthy, no matter what their religion or not. In other words, I don't automatically trust atheists, anymore than Christians, Jews  or Muslims. There are some bad in every crowd.
OSP definitely emitted strong tool
characteristics when he went remington,winchester, and later talked of punching liorr down his throat, until he could feel liorrs Anorectal. That was rude and uncalled for in a civil discussion. When OSP had  responded earlier, mentioned he is GERMAN, and liorr called  him a Nazi, OSP was unknowingly being used as liorr's tool.In other words, Liorr could tell he had pushed OSP's button, and he thought he would work his new tool over some more.Liorr made a tool out of OSP, and OSP proved that, by his words of weaponry and brawn. Normally when someone threatens violence on the boards the usual response we see, would be pussy. Thats become a extremely mundane  word. Liorr was creative and didn't need to go there.
I read the OP from liorr. IMO,in his first reply OSP overreacted with derogatory words spewed at lior. He might have handled it differently, if he hadn't been  liorrs tool in this thread.If a apology is in order, it is OSP that owns the chair this time.
I probably wouldn't have called OSP a Nazi if he had been rude with me.
A stinking Kraut would work, or if I was feeling generous,a  Sour Kraut who hasn't had any pussy lately would suffice, and be in line.
OSP needs to learn liorr does not allow himself to  be called a pig, without repercussion. Be civil,ignore,or be ready to receive the consequences. Like I have told pripus many times "don't dish it out if you can't take it"
A perfect example of a consistent tool on this board would be Pripus.Thanks for remembering me earlier today Pri. Tool!
I have wondered lately if OSP has been taking "tool" lessons from Pripus?
Just saying.............
and by the way JL,  liorr had "too" tools on this thread..OSP,Pripus ,and then you. The new math, fab three.
This was quite the ludicrous thread although very amusing. When Pripus rated OSP on class, I knew for sure,mission control we have a problem!

 Always remember, the most obvious is often the obscure, for those of you that haven't noticed.
JL Next time you feel the need for spelling lessons I am not so sure Pri is the man? His spell check isn't always correct. I am sure you don't write hallmark cards, and Pripus is definitely not a farmer "sewing" what he reaps..LMAO Tools!!!
Anymore questions?
Try not to "overreact"


"You reap what you sew, NC--------EOM
Posted by Priapus53  , 7/18/2010 9:55:06 AM"

-- Modified on 9/11/2010 8:52:17 PM

JLWest1173 reads

Name calling is pretty much a waste of time. Let's see I've been called a tool, capitalist lackey, fool and probably several others I have forgotten about which I seem to do almost immediately. Once you have to resort to name calling or attaching a name or label to someone you have pretty much lost any hope of a discussion. As for fitting in I'm beginning to wonder if anyone who frequents the P&R "fits in". Seems to be a very small number of post here by a very small group. I have read and commented on almost every regional and subject board on TER, I'm not moderated and not VIP.  I think the most open and active board is probably PORN. Those guys go at it all day long with very little disagreement and almost no argument. Atlanta is a good board along with Washington D.C. and New York. All the rest are pretty much tight knit. Some even try and drive people off the board. Most of the other boards are Post Ad, nice picture, next ad.

I don't own the P&R or General board but it seems to me they are becoming Post, call OP a name, next post, call name. Maybe these thing run in a cycle.

As for spelling I'm sure no one is as bad as me. I actually have to write longer replies in MS Word because of spell check. Hate it when spell check can't even make a suggestion.

quadseasona, appreciate your explanation of the post and definition of "tool". For the record I'm not sure I overreacted on anything in the previous post.

I have never had a problem with your spelling.
I have noticed a few "mispilt" words in your posts, but I didn't lose the meaning, nor did I hear a calling to publicly correct you. I might have done it once,covertly in the past, on the T word? Not sure if that was you, or someone else.
I am sure I am guilty of many "mispillings" .No Foul.I doubt there is anyone who is a perfect speller on this board? Its never worried me. The point that is being made by the poster, is what matters or not, IMO.
I was merely making my point when you were misled on the tool word ,by the new member self "inflicted" spelling coach, trying to find his "click."  I sensed you were jumping on his train,of spelling pain.
I do give you a A for bravery for posting  on a thread where Pripus had corrected liorr on their, which is probably one of the most confused written words, when  writing without editors.There and Their sounds the same when reading. No big fucking deal IMO. Its easy for all of us to see which way the writer intended there words to be interpreted,without the reel bored clown, letting us no he noticed.  
For the record JL, I was not speaking of you when I mentioned overreacting.IMO OSP seems defensive lately, a bit clingy and agreeable with the pripus clan. Maybe everyone should  chip in and rent OSP a sweet provider, to improve his disposition, awareness, and mellow him out a bit.

Priapus531134 reads

So cut him some slack. Still, I understand his anger when  Liorr idiotically called him a "Nazi"( a post which he subsequently & cowardly modified. ).

My advice to you is quit jumping to conclusions before you have the facts & acting in such a judgmental fashion.

Priapus"So cut him some slack. Still, I understand his anger when  Liorr idiotically called him a "Nazi
"My advice to you is quit jumping to conclusions before you have the facts & acting in such a judgmental fashion."

 Why is it OK to call other people Nazi's when in fact they also despise the thought of  Nazi's, and not the same for OSP.I realize OSP is the opposite of a Nazi, but so are a lot of other people who are called Nazi's on a regular basis.
Looking at it from a judgmental, generalizing  perspective , I doubt very seriously, there are any posters on this board that respect Nazi's.
I also doubt anyone here enjoys being called a Nazi.I have never mentioned it but my Mother was a Nazi prisoner in her youth. That doesn't give me the feeling of losing control, when someone trying to push my frozen button,calls me a Nazi.
I can also understand when liorrs lashes back, when struck with a salvo of insults from multiple angles.
Everyone fights their battles differently, without a officer in charge.
Maybe this will be a wake up call for all, not to use Nazi or racist pig as a talking point, when disagreeing with the other  posters viewpoint.I would much rather see more civility with  passionate debate on the boards. I would much  rather debate without using personal insults whether covert or not.Maybe we can all{or most} try that, and see how it works???????
If you would try and refrain from "corective" spelling until TER opens a English and Grammar board,IMO that would be super. I don't know how to use spell check, and I don't feel the need to  learn.
I can't help the way I am .I will always be a member of the resistance.

My result for The Would You Have Been a Nazi Test ...

       The Resistance
Achtung! You are 15% brainwashworthy, 14% antitolerant, and 48% blindly patriotic


I didn't realize OSP was not in the best of health. I hope he is soon 100% healthy.



-- Modified on 9/12/2010 11:20:26 AM

Mrs._OSP1640 reads

It will be some time before he is 100%. He constantly argues with his doctors orders.
    OSP just buried(i was there)the final member of his family, last year, who died with a serial number on their forearm due to spending time in a POW camp. Not Camp Med sweety. It s my understanding that the OSP family endured much of the same hate, simply because they were of german background, that liorr espoused in his opening statement. Of course this type of hatred really bothers OSP.He calls it blanket contempt. He has spent much of his life speaking out, and defending those subjected to, against that very sort of biggotry. He is aware that liorr simply bates and switches his posts. I took care of the situation last night. Thank you.

bringing up a juvenile subject on the day of remembrance.

The entire discourse about religion is juvenile and idiotic. What the fuck are we saying, my religion is better than yours. If I ever get my I wish, I would pack all of these so called religious leader idiots, their mindless followers with hand full of seeds, couple of cows and send them to a uninhabited island somewhere or to outer space and tell them you can all come back when you resolve your differences or continue to fight to determine whose dick is bigger!

intolerance to anti-religious intolerance.

Perhaps just a good dose of tolerance on everyone's part would go a long way toward everyone getting along better.

"Moving from religious...
Posted by mattradd
intolerance to anti-religious intolerance."

I would think almost everyone here that labors through my posts,realizes by now,I am not a member of any religion, nor do I believe in any Gods that have been presented to me ,other than the Sun, Mother Earth and the Life she gives us.
However if it comes down to war with the anti tolerant radical faction of fundamentalist  atheists with weaponry, fighting to take away the right of religious freedom,I'm popping some atheist caps,no matter to me if they are related.
I'm hoping by the time that happens, the *Jews *Christians, and *Muslims  will be United, and the dark side of Radical Militant Fundamentalist Atheists  will be quickly defeated.
* In Historical Chronological order


-- Modified on 9/12/2010 10:22:36 PM

GaGambler894 reads

Them first!!!

I exercised religious tolerance for decades, until I could no longer accept the hypocrisy of "respecting other's religious beliefs" while they can feel free to badger me with theirs.

No more. I no longer respect others right to worship how they choose until and unless they respect my right not to.

"If I ever get my I wish, I would pack all of these so called religious leader idiots, their mindless followers with hand full of seeds, couple of cows and send them to a uninhabited island somewhere or to outer space and tell them you can all come back when you resolve your differences or continue to fight to determine whose dick is bigger!," was rather intolerant.

The truth is, both of us, while sharing drinks, could swap horror stories of Christian's abusing us or someone close to us. In my experience, it happens, and it happens often. However, my understanding of true Christian witness and evangelism is where one behaves in such a way that some others inquiry into what makes you behave and live in the manner that you do. Not everyone will notice, let alone be interested, but it is never pushed on someone.

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