Politics and Religion

"A noun, a verb and 9/11." In 2007, that was said about Rudy Giuliani...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 939 reads
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...to show he was unqualified to be president because all he could talk about was 9/11.  Do you know who made that famous remark about Rudy?  It was none other than JOE BIDEN!!!

Biden's performance at the debate was a disaster.  Had he been on his game, Biden could have simply described Trump's debate answers as: "A noun, a verb and illegal immigration."  If Biden was a disaster, Trump was an  unmitigated disaster.  When he wasn't lying, Trump ducked and dodged answering substantive questions by circling back to illegal immigration because he doesn't know anything about policy issues and he doesn't have any answers to the country's problems..

Biden's performance was a one-off but that's how Trump is all the time.  Like Rudy, Trump is unqualified to be President.  

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 21 reads
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With each passing day, Democrats are watching the freight train of inevitability headed right for them. And they’re scared. They’re very, very scared.  



LostSon 43 Reviews 8 reads
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Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: “A noun, a pronoun and Trump Derangement Syndrome.”
With each passing day, Democrats are watching the freight train of inevitability headed right for them. And they’re scared. They’re very, very scared.  
They are very very scared… the left finally wakes up to the fact we have weekend at Bernie’s for a president THEN, look at big papa flop and icky’s reaction to the SCOTUS decisions.

Ha 🤣 Ha 🤣 Ha 🤣 Ha

RespectfulRobert 7 reads
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Carl Bernstein saying what happened at the debate has occurred at least 15-20 times in the past 18 months, and that in the last 6 months, there has been significant cognitive decline. Joe MUST go!

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 7 reads
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…be working at a Black job and you would also understand  the import of the Court’s decision.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 30 reads
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The speech Biden gave here was shocking in how…

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 7 reads
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Old "day late and a dollar short" Bernstein is trying to obscure the fact that he knew this stuff years ago and chose not to report it.

LostSon 43 Reviews 10 reads
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Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: If you were better educated, you wouldn’t…
…be working at a Black job and you would also understand  the import of the Court’s decision.
Better educated than a third rate legal Secretary?  

“Black job” did big papa flop just use a racial epithet? Is big papa flip a secret racist and was that a freudian slip?

As for the courts decision your raging Trump derangement syndrome is shining through!

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 10 reads
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...you don't have the attention span to watch for two hours.  You just read/watch right-wing media and they tell you what to think.

YES, "Black job" is a racial epithet.  It means a menial job which doesn't require much skill or intelligence...you know...like YOUR job.  Do you know where I heard the phrase for the very first time?  When Trump said it at the debate.

Trump warned during the debate and AGAIN the next day at a rally that illegal immigrants were taking "Black jobs" and "Hispanic jobs" from Americans.  Was the phrase "Black jobs" a racial epithet when Trump used it or only when I use it?  
Was It a Freudian slip by Trump or does he really believe that Blacks and Hispanics are only qualified to work the same jobs that illegal immigrants do?  Is that why Trump was so opposed to Obama?

No one told him after the debate not to say "Black jobs" so he said it AGAIN.  That's how stupid Trump's staff is.  Trump is an idiot and so is everyone who advises him.  And so are the people who support him...like YOU!!  Thanks for proving once and for all just how stupid you are.  Now go back to your Black job before you get replaced by an illegal immigrant.



Trump's "Black jobs" quote at the debate:
"He caused inflation. As sure as you’re sitting there, the fact is that his big kill on the black people is the millions of people that he’s allowed to come in through the border. They’re taking black jobs now and it could be 18. It could be 19 and even 20 million people. They’re taking black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs and you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re going to see something that’s going to be the worst in our history."

cks175 43 Reviews 7 reads
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We are seeing more and more journalists and now staffers leaking “yeah, this issue has been common knowledge in the inner circles”. They were all complicit in an active coverup. Remember how they trashed Robert Hur and then the Wall Street Journal’s story last month? Now they all seem to be saying “oh yeah, we knew that all along”.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 5 reads
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"game" was over years ago, and it doesn't look like there is any way for him to get it back.  If he takes unscripted questions from the press, as KJP says he will, it's just going to get worse faster for him.  

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