Politics and Religion

A devastating plague that killed 5000/day helped spread christianityangry_smile
Blowing Chunks 2103 reads

Historical Fact #1: Early Christians made false promises and exaggerated claims that christians would not be affected by the plague. Christians in essence made grand false promises and lies so enormously big that many people fell for it.

Historical Fact #2: Records show that christians were equally affected by this plague. As many as 5000 people a day died from this plague at the time.  Why do you think observations differ so greatly from the promises made?  People converted to Christianity, accepted Jesus as their savior, but then effectively and essentially they were given the "oh we didn't mean this life, you're still gonna die from this plague if god wants to you die, we meant after life.". (ie: no medicinal values whatsoever in present time!)  

Modern Fact: Guess who found the cure to this plague. Can you guess if it was some bible thumper promising some miracle... or was it medical science?  I know you have some common sense, you can guess this one right. :)  Science brings you miracles, not Christianity. Lets give some proper fuckin credit where it's due for a change?  

there if it stuck or no. me will light the wax for ya.

granny chippie be a commie

Wow.  I never would have known that Christians died from illness like other people.

That is really insightful.

And the fact that science has found a cure for illnesses.  Who would have known.

And your final comment that it is time to give some credit to science for a change.  

I keep hearing people credit religion.  You are the first person who ever suggested we credit science "for a change."  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Historical Fact #1: Early Christians made false promises and exaggerated claims that christians would not be affected by the plague. Christians in essence made grand false promises and lies so enormously big that many people fell for it.  
 Historical Fact #2: Records show that christians were equally affected by this plague. As many as 5000 people a day died from this plague at the time.  Why do you think observations differ so greatly from the promises made?  People converted to Christianity, accepted Jesus as their savior, but then effectively and essentially they were given the "oh we didn't mean this life, you're still gonna die from this plague if god wants to you die, we meant after life.". (ie: no medicinal values whatsoever in present time!)  
 Modern Fact: Guess who found the cure to this plague. Can you guess if it was some bible thumper promising some miracle... or was it medical science?  I know you have some common sense, you can guess this one right. :)  Science brings you miracles, not Christianity. Lets give some proper fuckin credit where it's due for a change?  

And still is.  History showed us proof,  what more do we need.  
The MO of religion is to Make stupid false promises and ridiculous amount of unsubstantiated exaggerated claims,  get dumb & gullible people to switch over.... Yet never deliver.  

The power of prayer has no strength cuz it never works

Switch over? ... Switch over from what to what?

You are the only one who believes people follow religion blindly.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
And still is.  History showed us proof,  what more do we need.    
 The MO of religion is to Make stupid false promises and ridiculous amount of unsubstantiated exaggerated claims,  get dumb & gullible people to switch over.... Yet never deliver.    
 The power of prayer has no strength cuz it never works.    

You said something like isn't it about time that science got credit for curing disease.  As if it doesn't.

When was the last time that any religious group claimed credit for curing polio or AIDs or the plague.  Or any other disease.  They have rendered onto Ceaser that which is Ceaser's for a few hundred years.

It is just funny that you are beating such a dead horse, arguing a debate that the religious conceeded about 200 years ago.

You really have to go back about 500 years to that era, with the exception of a tiny percent, so small it is statistiacally zero.

I have a Jewish friend who doesn't trust Christians because of the Inquisition when they expelled the Jews from Spain.  Before my time.

(Don't go into Nazi Germany.  That was not a religious movement but a secular one.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Historical Fact #1: Early Christians made false promises and exaggerated claims that christians would not be affected by the plague. Christians in essence made grand false promises and lies so enormously big that many people fell for it.  
 Historical Fact #2: Records show that christians were equally affected by this plague. As many as 5000 people a day died from this plague at the time.  Why do you think observations differ so greatly from the promises made?  People converted to Christianity, accepted Jesus as their savior, but then effectively and essentially they were given the "oh we didn't mean this life, you're still gonna die from this plague if god wants to you die, we meant after life.". (ie: no medicinal values whatsoever in present time!)  
 Modern Fact: Guess who found the cure to this plague. Can you guess if it was some bible thumper promising some miracle... or was it medical science?  I know you have some common sense, you can guess this one right. :)  Science brings you miracles, not Christianity. Lets give some proper fuckin credit where it's due for a change?  

And science is an exponentially evolving mechanism.  

Religion is stale and resistant to change. Many times it renders people stupid and unable to think with much common sense. Example, the pastor who got bit by a snake thinking that god will save him.  
Lets not forget all the people from the early days who actually fell for this grand false promise that early christians made regarding the plague only affecting infidels.  Who the fuck spreads stupid lies and unsubstantiated/ridiculous claims like this other than religious pukes?

has been systematically used to successfully quell the advancement of science?

Medical science used bloodletting from roughly 1500 bc until well into 19th century, is this the progress and evolution you talk about?  
      How about using Trepanation for 7000 years until the 1900's, most of the time only making the patient worse...
      How about doctors prescribing heroin for coughs in the late 1800's...  
      1. Children’s soothing syrups. Used for teething and nursing infants, and also to “cure colic, cramps, dysentery, canker sores and pain,” these syrups were “soothing” because they contained morphine, chloroform, codeine, heroin, opium and cannabis.

      Heres a big one- Mercury being used in medical treatments from 1500 bc until the early 1920's. In fact its still used in %50 or more of flu vaccines.  
    OK so how much faster did medical science adapt than religion? In fact MOST scientific advances didn't happen until the last 200 yrs. So comparing the religious beliefs of 1000+ yrs ago to the changes in science in the last 200 years is completely flawed. In fact you need to read a little more on MODERN religions stances on many of the issues you bring up. You want to use current scientific models to compare to religious base models from 1500+yrs ago. Study it a bit more. Is religion flawed? Yes. Is it the end of the world? I don't think so. Is science flawed as well? Yes... in fact it might be as bad as religion today because of the belief that science cant be wrong... You don't see the issues with medical science today? Their profits are directly related to the number of drugs they can sell.... Looking back a couple of centuries, and in some cases just a few decades, it’s easy to laugh at some of the seriously misguided medical practices that occurred.

But history, of course, has a funny way of repeating itself, and that is really no laughing matter.

In fact, I could point out a laundry list of medical practices in full swing today that, in my opinion, could easily be added to a list like the one above:
•Giving a cervical cancer vaccine to boys

•Prescribing antibiotics for colds (about 41 million antibiotic prescriptions are written for cold sufferers each year, even though antibiotics have no effect on the viruses that cause colds)
•Using mercury as a filling in dental cavities

•Having your gallbladder, tonsils, or appendix removed for no good reason (if your appendix becomes infected or inflamed, it is life threatening and this is one case when your appendix should be removed)
•And finally one of the largest ones -- encouraging people to avoid sun exposure to decrease their risk of cancer when it has now been proven that this will nearly DOUBLE your risk of cancer.


fair enough.  you made some pretty good counter arguments that are convincing.  

i'd disagree on one thing though, science is evolving pretty rapidly and has been so ever since cave man wielding a club. from the discovery of wheels, to fire, to all that.  it's true that most of the cool  advances came within a few hundred years but going back a few thousand we still see it evolving.

Science has also regressed at times, we lost 1000 yrs of advances with the end of Greece and Rome.  
      The progression of science has never been stagnant but hasn't always been without fault. That's the only point I wanted to make.  

Posted By: Drunken Asian
fair enough.  you made some pretty good counter arguments that are convincing.  
 i'd disagree on one thing though, science is evolving pretty rapidly and has been so ever since cave man wielding a club. from the discovery of wheels, to fire, to all that.  it's true that most of the cool  advances came within a few hundred years but going back a few thousand we still see it evolving.

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