Politics and Religion

2nd assassination attempt on Trump
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 215 reads

Gunman spotted with rifle on fence line of Trump Florida golf course while Trump was on the course. SS fired shots and gunman fled but was caught later in his vehicle. He has been identified and online posts of his confirms he is a Democrat supporter, especially pro Ukraine.

"While Routh hadn’t posted on his X account in a year, he frequently criticized politicians including Trump, current President Joe Biden, and celebrities like Bruno Mars."
Then there is this: "Routh was a supporter of Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley..."
And he sounds mentally ill, Lester:
"Many of his replies are nonsensical, including one directed towards X’s owner Elon Musk, in which he seemed to entertain purchasing a rocket from the billionaire. “I would like to buy a rocket from you. I wish to load it with a warhead for Putin’s Black Sea mansion bunker to end him. Can you give me a price please. It can be old and used as not returning,” Routh wrote.
Why the rush to politicize this Lester?

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: The NY Post seems a little less sure about him being a "Democrat supporter."
"While Routh hadn’t posted on his X account in a year, he frequently criticized politicians including Trump, current President Joe Biden, and celebrities like Bruno Mars."  
 Then there is this: "Routh was a supporter of Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley..."  
 And he sounds mentally ill, Lester:  
 "Many of his replies are nonsensical, including one directed towards X’s owner Elon Musk, in which he seemed to entertain purchasing a rocket from the billionaire. “I would like to buy a rocket from you. I wish to load it with a warhead for Putin’s Black Sea mansion bunker to end him. Can you give me a price please. It can be old and used as not returning,” Routh wrote.  
 Why the rush to politicize this Lester?
Wanna make a bet he's a leftie?  

What say? Loser takes a week off of the P&R board?

They are making him out to have made statements on BOTH sides of the political spectrum. Pay attention.

Discussing Routh's X account, "the political views espoused by the account under Routh’s name were not exclusively pro-Democrat. The account described voting for Trump in 2016."

donations to the Democrats, nothing to Republicans.  If NY post is not sure where he stands, then they know less about him than you do.  

There is no record of him donating any money to either Ramaswamy or Gabbard.  And you don't see the humorous sarcasm in his post to Musk?  You are too tightly wound, Robert.  

Why are the most mentally unstable people,  democrats?  

I'm replying to one and posting a link to another.

"Nurse who knew attempted assassination suspect reported his 'volatile' behavior in 2022"

The left is just going to keep doing this until one of them succeeds.

Just ignore all the info I provided from the NY Post about his contradictory political opinions. Don't be that guy Lester.

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Democrats weigh in
She can go fucker herself with that, interesting not happy had to copy that 🙄

According to early online articles of what they know about him so far..... he is a nut job democratic supporter with a long criminal history.

And nope Bobby boy..... I'm not even going to post a link. Go press the Google button yourself. I'll wait!!

"Routh, who has a lengthy criminal record from North Carolina, frequently posted about politics and exclusively donated to Democratic candidates and causes dating back to 2019"

He voted for Trump. Oops.

Yes I know.....he was also a nut job lefty as of 2019..... oops.  
Yall do fine work...

Wanna take that week off bet?

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