Politics and Religion

200,000 already benefitting from tax cut! OMG!
HappyChanges 2107 reads
1 / 54

The new tax overhaul is a major legislative achievement for Republicans. With corporate rates slashed and lower taxes for individuals, the GOP effectively removed economic handcuffs and we may well witness 4% GDP growth.  

Regardless of what the Democrats and MSM say, 2017 has been a good year for Trump.  The economy is revived, the stock market is soaring and illegal immigration is down.

Strangebrew12 3 Reviews 40 reads
2 / 54

Tax cuts, O'BarerlyCares mandate now TOAST, and ANWR open for drilling!!!!! Be still my beating heart!
What a MAGA Christmas! #DrillBabyDrill

bigguy30 64 reads
4 / 54

So most people are not buying this scam or AT&T CEO words either.

-- Modified on 12/20/2017 5:16:15 PM

DJMagicMan 26 reads
6 / 54

Who is also a personal friend. He estimated I would get a $4200 cut in my taxes! I was blown away. So happy to see the government do something for the people for a change. Charity will get some of the money as I believe in giving back. Just a nice feeling going into the holidays. Merry Christmas to all here!

NYminute 38 reads
7 / 54

"maybe it's good, maybe it's bad, only time will tell."  A ton of hoopla on both sides of the aisle.  Difficult to separate fact from fiction.

Every point in your post is pure conjecture.  Both sides of the aisle are using whichever study they find supports their position at this moment in time.  Even if you have an MBA and have read every line of this legislation you are relying on secondhand information at best.  At the moment, I am content to keep my opinion on this to myself until the new year unfolds and this legislation has a chance to show its real impact on the economy and on me.

Let's not be too hasty.  Those who vote in the 2018, mid-term elections, will have ample time to decide just how favorable this "tax overhaul" has been for them.

BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 38 reads
8 / 54

I am against this tax cut, as I feel it unfairly benefits the rich over the poor. But there is a silver lining if enough people like yourself put their fellow man ahead of their greed and help those that are truly needy.

Strangebrew12 3 Reviews 45 reads
9 / 54

Who could have ever predicted all this? Great news for these workers and the middle class! Maybe just the tip of the ice berg? AMAZING.....................................................

HappyChanges 25 reads
10 / 54

but nobody thought GDP would hit 3% two quarters in a row and the stock market would break records under Trump. That's a FACT.

Only hoopla in the Democratic side. They can't do anything right now. Republicans, on the other hand have the wind at their backs and have the ability to act. Do you want them to fail?

followme 40 reads
11 / 54

just a thought but In my opinion it is not a good thing to have a personal friend to know all your fiances because you never know  however remote the chance is one day he may not be a friend....

Merry Christmas

stucaboy 31 reads
12 / 54

Based on what we now know, a family of 4 will get an extra $25 to $30 bucks a week.  WOW.  That won't pay for their trip to Mac D.  

If you live in a state that depends on property taxes to pay their bills and you make your living renting property you pay a lot in property tax but it was tax deductible.  Now you will pay on anything above 10K.

If you rent your living space, you can expect an increase.  

Being single and retired, this tax plane has done nothing except fuck me over.

86H13LTP 32 reads
13 / 54

Baby Seal hunting for Americans too .  

I don’t know why it’s such a big deal . It’s just like playing whack a mole at the carnival or having a bad golf swing .

HappyChanges 43 reads
14 / 54

Please explain. Your post are erratic and don't make sense. I don't know any liberals on this board that has ever supported your post. Feel free to prove me wrong.

An average working family with one or more kids making a 100 grand a year will see an additional 3000 bucks a year. There's calculators everywhere. Is that bad? Should that 3000 bucks go back to the GOVERNMENT?

followme 35 reads
15 / 54

are reacting in a very positive way to the tax cuts.

If you and your fellow libs actually had a job and paid taxes you would appreciate this tax bill.

You're Welcome

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 23 reads
16 / 54

The rich just got a lot richer while the rest of us just got it driven deeper into our ass..

User1994 23 Reviews 37 reads
17 / 54

Posted By: stucaboy
Re:  My abucas must have a few beads missing.
Based on what we now know, a family of 4 will get an extra $25 to $30 bucks a week.  WOW.  That won't pay for their trip to Mac D.
The $25 to $30 would just be the cherry on top. The real benefit to working families is the booming economy which will benefit them in countless ways: more competing employers, increased wages to retain employees in the face of competition doing the same, opportunity for advancement as employing company grows, and so on.

But hey, even if none of that happened for some reason, can you explain how the family in question is better off having $25 a week taken from them by the government to pay for bloated bureaucracies and failed Socialist programs?

User1994 23 Reviews 34 reads
18 / 54

America is back.

Merry Christmas to all! And God bless us, everyone.

HappyChanges 23 reads
19 / 54

I'm all for debt reduction and balancing the books. Debt aside, this is real change that triggers Americans. It hasn't happened for 31 years!!!! I was six years old the last time it happened to but it in prospective.

DUANE 33 Reviews 38 reads
20 / 54

The vast majority of folks with something like 150 k or less of income come out slightly ahead, those above 500 k also do very well, those in the middle carry most of the burden.

DUANE 33 Reviews 25 reads
21 / 54

I can't, and I also can't explain how the first $29 T of debt (by 2026) would be paid for either.  This tax bill may have faults, but "ballooning the deficit" is not one of them.  Personally I would not have cut the upper brackets, and also got rid of the carry interest provision.  I wonder if the D's would have supported that?  But, someone has to have the guts to change the entitlements (means test, perhaps increase max on payroll tax, delay eligibility age, or whatever), but I guess that will never happen.

HappyChanges 39 reads
22 / 54

I don't think the government should be taxing individuals and corporations at the rates they currently are. Shoot me!

DJMagicMan 31 reads
23 / 54
Hpygolky 207 Reviews 26 reads
25 / 54

So let's see if the hourly wage worker gets that one dollar increase, you know the "trickle" down encomics that this is what suppose to happen. Forget the extra 5-8 bucks that they'll see just on the tax cut...Will the employer share this windfall with it's employees, hell no.
When this group see that they're the forgotten one, then this new Tax bill may be a thing of the past.
If the hourly worker gets wind that this bill sucks and they decide to vote, guess who loses, the republicans.

JackDunphy 52 reads
26 / 54

Did you even bother to read the thread hyper? THEY ALREADY HAVE.

It has ALREADY "trickled down" to hundreds of thousands of workers, if not millions, in the form of bonuses, increased wages, and major investment back in America, and all the corporations said they were DIRECTLY due to the tax cuts.

Even left wing CNBC has called it a "stampede" and expects it to get bigger and bigger as numerous more employers share the windfall with their employees.

Stop spouting the DNC talking points, stop getting your info from fake news and open your eyes man. lol

DUANE 33 Reviews 23 reads
27 / 54

Those really wealthy people in high SALT tax situations pay more Federal tax under this bill.  Is that not what the D's want - tax the filthy rich?

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 30 reads
29 / 54


You should be worried about Republicans in Nov, 2018.  

Enjoy your glory for next few months, say 1 months. After that you are toast, in 2018 and 2020, 2022 and 2024.  

What are Republicans good for? Cutting taxes to fill their own pockets and running up the deficit!

Hpygolky 207 Reviews 31 reads
30 / 54

OK, ATT&T and maybe CVS may give out the bonuses. but do you really think the hourly Joe Blow will get a pay raise?
And these are the hourly guys that swing Dem. He can kiss that $1.00 raise out the door, it ain't happening...Would you give all or some of your tax windfall to your employees? My guess it that you wouldn't.
"Not a single company has said it will raise wages, although AT&T announced a one-time special bonus for workers after Trump signs the bill.". This I tend to believe...I live through this back during the Bush plan,  so we seen this before.
"Stampede"....yeah right. Wake up DUMPHY

JackDunphy 32 reads
31 / 54

Wells Fargo and Fifth Third Bancorp said yesterday they will raise ALL there minimum wage earners to $15. They ARE the Joe Blows of the world, hyper.  In ADDITION to that, they would get a tax CUT.

Now that may not be "glittering gold" to someone of your wealth, but its a helluva lot better than the shit sandwich Obama made people buy and eat against their will.

And that wasn't Dunphy saying "stampede", it was LEFT wing CNBC. Your reading and comprehension levels have reached Jake status and I am actually concerned for you because I think you are one of the more fair libs here.  

Happy holidays nonetheless bro. :)  

Jacks gotta jump on a plane. lol

GaGambler 34 reads
32 / 54

I am sorry lefties, but the evidence is overwhelming.

Speaking strictly for my own small company, but with Section 179 being expanded I now plan on buying some new equipment next year that I had no intentions of buying prior to the new tax laws, and for the more feeble minded amongst us, new equipment is going to mean hiring someone to operate it. My one small business is not going to have that much of an impact on the economy, but thousands of small companies like mine all upgrading, expanding and hiring more workers is going to have a huge effect on the economy.  

Once again it looks like the Dims are going to end up on the wrong side of history.

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 35 reads
33 / 54

The question is how much and for how long and at what cost for the economy?  Built into the bill is a sundown provision for individual tax cuts which go away in 2025.  The corporate cuts stay in place.  There is hope that by then, the economy will be booming and nobody will care or even notice their taxes went up.  

However, hope is not a tactic.  We have seen time and time again how trickle down economics is an abject failure.

The minimal tax relief to individuals is basically a bribe in hope the American people will stay silent when they see just how devastating to our way of life will be with a 15% corporate tax cut.

BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 18 reads
34 / 54

One out of seven companies strikes me as quite a large number in such a short time span. Do you know how many have said they won't re-invest or increase wages Laffy?  
Having that number as a comparison would allow me to better assess the effectiveness of this new law. It does appear that charities will be a prime benefactor so that is certainly a good thing.  
Please stop placing me in a position of defending anything Trump. If you will excuse me, I need to take a shower now. he he!

JakeFromStateFarm 39 reads
35 / 54

Having done this, the Reps will in 2018 suddenly discover they've blown a huge hole in the deficit.  They will shriek that something must be done, while ignoring that THEY are the ones who have been causing deficit spending since Reagan's tax cuts first began the bleeding.  But they'll blame the Dems and say, 'We need to cut entitlements!  THAT'S the problem!" They'll use it as an excuse to go after Social Security and Medicare, which are not even really entitlements at all.
Just you wait.

St. Croix 47 reads
36 / 54

So what's going to happen to our way of life?  

Oh, I don't believe in trickle down either. I do think it's an insulting image that liberals present that the average American has their hands out waiting for either the government or the corporations to provide for them. I guess you can keep trying to dumb down your audience in order win back the White House and Congress.

Whether you agree or disagree with "this tax bill", you do see from an individual perspective the opportunity in front of you?

DUANE 33 Reviews 24 reads
37 / 54

You are right, they are not entitlements, they are basically Ponzi schemes.  And they will go broke (or even more broke depending how you slice up government revenues and expenditures).  Life expectancy is way up from 1932 and no doubt will continue to grow as more advances in healthcare take place.  Delaying and changing eligibility seems to make sense to me.  But perhaps you want to make Bernie happy and evolve into a country where the (fewer and fewer) rich take care of the (more and more) poor.  What is your solution?

JakeFromStateFarm 39 reads
38 / 54

by both Democrats and Republicans.
But the solution is simple.  Raise the amount of income subject to tax.  Or means test recipients so that people making more than a million a year don't get benefits.  Or both.

DUANE 33 Reviews 45 reads
39 / 54

I don't agree on the not going broke statement, but I would first like to see more growth in the retirement age, then the means test (which presumably means if you earned X then no social security  the trick would be how to determine what X is), and lastly growth in the wages subject to social security tax.  Remember the last one is more tax on the middle class which most people seem to think will be the end of civilization as we know it.  I am a little surprised you would be for that.

Hpygolky 207 Reviews 35 reads
40 / 54

Before the Tax bill. Now I'd be impressed if the pizza boy at that chain pizza company or Home Depot gave out raises.
So, it's still false gold...In the long run it still sucks.

Mr.M.Johnson 31 reads
42 / 54

Gambler has foregone profit for years!  He doesn’t remotely understand OPM, as Trump calls it - Other Peoples’ Money.  With interest rates near zero for years he coulda taken out a very low interest loan, bought his equipment, hired someone and made a profit.  OK, he woulda paid slightly more tax, but, he woulda earned profit.
So, Gambler, I usually $charge $1,000 per hour for my business consulting, but I’ll reduce my rate to you to $750 per hours because I’ll clearly make it up in volumn w/you due to your total lack of understanding of how business works!  I have a lotta work to do for you!

Companies are sitting on $trillions of $$ of profits.  (Damn, I wonder how this is possible with taxes so terribly high). Companies invest where/when they see a profit, NOT because taxes go up or down 3%!  Companies can borrow cheaply if they prefer - banks hava $bunch to loan!

NYminute 32 reads
43 / 54

for all those paper mache "projects."  So many elementary schools will now be much better off!  Yay tax plan!

DUANE 33 Reviews 39 reads
44 / 54

I think you are greatly over simplifying things.  The small producer oil business has not been good since oil started crashing in 2014, and the ability of a small producer to get a low interest loan in that environment is questionable.
I totally agree with this statement "Companies invest where/when they see a profit" and for the last 3 years that has been a challenge in oil production business as big and small producers have had to cut back on their investments significantly due to over supply and weak price.  BUT, in this new era of less regulation and lower taxes and improving economic growth (which are inter related no doubt) companies will look to invest - the very point of GAGs post.  Among other things, world wide oil demand growth will pick up with improving economics.   And immediate depreciation greatly improves investment returns and cash flow, which also makes it that much easier to get a loan.  But I am sure the view from the cheap seats into his business is very clear.......

GaGambler 29 reads
45 / 54

We are not talking a 3% discount here, with the new tax law I am looking at about a 30% discount on the after tax cost of any equipment I buy next year up to a maximum of $5MM, that coupled with the other benefits of the new tax bill is going to increase my cap ex next year significantly. Well that, and the firming up of oil prices too of course.

I would offer you a discount on my consulting rates, but I doubt you are even capable of being taught, it would be like giving discounts to a pig on singing lessons. lol

bigguy30 11 reads
46 / 54

The hypocisy of Trump and his party is typical.
This tax scam bill will really hurt the GOP cult next year.

Mr.M.Johnson 37 reads
47 / 54

I know nuthin about oil biz - although, I DO buy gas for my car!
I guess virtually all the economists are wrong when they say this fucking tax plan will stimulate GDP ~.2% for a year or two, and then, GDP will go right back down.

Mr.M.Johnson 44 reads
48 / 54

Yeah, you’ll get to write off your equipment in one year instead of over time - but, the rest of the Story is that you won’t have ANY depreciation for years two and beyond.  All you’re doing is changing the timing.
Yeah, Trump has enabled tax “games” with pass-through etc.  That’s a good-thing.....unless you care about the deficit
And, Gambler, try and understand the Bigger-Point vs. being narcissistic - like Trump - and try and think about not just yourself!   Corporations are sitting on $trillions in profits, despite this terrible economy - go-figure.  Corporations can borrow at near zero interest rates and banks are more-than-willing to lend the $money.
Again, I wonder why virtually all economists say that this tax plan won’t stimulate the economy.  I guess they could ALL BE WRONG!
“Trickle-Fucking-Down” has never worked, NOT EVER!  Fucking Repubs wanna talk about Fucking R.Reagan who cut taxes.  Then he raised taxes.....15 times.  He noticed that when taxes are cut, tax revenue decreases - imagine-that!
Dub-Ya cut taxes, didn’t improve the economy.  Witness Kansa and California recently.  Kansa cut taxes and the economy didn’t improve....at all.  They were finally forced to raise taxes despite their brilliant governor’s objection.  CA had a large deficit, so they raised taxes.  Fucking Repubs said “companies, people will leave the state and the economy will crash.  Didn’t happen!  I fact, just the opposite: economy is booming and they hava surplus.

JakeFromStateFarm 45 reads
49 / 54
2465305 70 Reviews 26 reads
50 / 54

Don't worry...you'll see an increase in your welfare check......and maybe a buck or two more in food stamps.

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: Well Obviously you don't get the bigger picture yourself.
The hypocisy of Trump and his party is typical.  
 This tax scam bill will really hurt the GOP cult next year.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 32 reads
51 / 54

I wonder if you are getting paid to spread fake news and propaganda .1.The economy was revived in 2008 not now.2.Stock markets can crash any time for any reason as in  (1929) ,do you know anything about economics or economic history.Remember that Republican greed almost crash it culminating in 2007 or do you suffer from dementia and denial.
3.Illegal immigration started to decrease long before Trump.It started several year ago when companies like GE,Westinghouse ,Hershey chocolate ,among many others start moving to countries like Mexico in lieu of cheap labor.
4.The so called  tax cut ( that gonna grossly benefit wealthy corporation) will be paid for by an increase in the national debt.with the promise that benefits will trickle down to the lower income people. Personally.... I say fuck trickle down politics .Am not waiting for Republican crumbs to trickle down to be me.

As mentioned before you must be getting paid to spread propaganda . I hope you are not spilling all this garbage for free.Or maybe it just make you feel good.

NYminute 37 reads
52 / 54

I think I remember a post from several years ago.

Wasn't it "cooking" oil?

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 36 reads
53 / 54

You mean the opportunity before YOU.If you are a lazy ass parent with kids sitting at home and not paying no taxes but stand to  get a double child credit ,then I can see the opportunity before you.
Or if you fall in the wealthy category (like your idol) you will be able to transfer your wealth to other family members with gross reduction in taxes.
But if you fall in the so call middle class ,the the crumbs that will trickle down to you gonna start going south in about two years,and is gonna end up costing you  more ,thus outweighing any so called benefits.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 33 reads
54 / 54

believe in math and science.

Not single economist have predicted the tax cuts will generate 4% growth, not even close to it. Growth may have reached 3% without the tax cut for short term.

Econ 101, supply and demand dictates when and where corporations makes investment. Industrial investment is a long term decision, Ford, GM, GE, Apple, IBM and everyone else in any business segment doesn't make investments based on how much taxes they pay. Instead, they make decisions based on supply and demand, demand exceeds supply and the outlook is long term, they make investments. Before making any investments, they will have utilize excess capacity.  

Everyone rushing in build factories in the US because of the tax cut is a wet dream and lie from the illegal dumbo occupying the WH and his spineless ass kissers Mitch and Ryan.

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