Politics and Religion

Remember back when Dubya was President....
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2827 reads

...and people kept saying that our invading and occupying Iraq and Afghanistan destroyed our reputation around the world? Remember how conservatives just shrugged this off and said, "So what? Fuck France."

Well, conservatives, take a good hard look at Russia. That's exactly how you made the USA look to the rest of the world.  

So isn't this a fine mess. We invade and occupy Afghanistan and Iraq, defying international law, committing war crimes in the process.  

So now that we're finally sick of war and trying to wrap shit up in Afghanistan, Russia decides, fuck it, let's invade Ukraine.  

So how should an American president respond to such an action? Put a giant sign around his neck that reads, "The United States is a nation full of hypocritical bastards" and say that what Russia is doing is a violation of international law and a war crime?  

Dubya's been out of office for a half a decade now. Yet that sack of shit is still fucking us.

How are the liberals going to handle that? Apparently not too well.

Willy, you see a war. I see a political campaign.

Posted By: willywonka4u
...and people kept saying that our invading and occupying Iraq and Afghanistan destroyed our reputation around the world? Remember how conservatives just shrugged this off and said, "So what? Fuck France."  
 Well, conservatives, take a good hard look at Russia. That's exactly how you made the USA look to the rest of the world.  
 So isn't this a fine mess. We invade and occupy Afghanistan and Iraq, defying international law, committing war crimes in the process.  
 So now that we're finally sick of war and trying to wrap shit up in Afghanistan, Russia decides, fuck it, let's invade Ukraine.  
 So how should an American president respond to such an action? Put a giant sign around his neck that reads, "The United States is a nation full of hypocritical bastards" and say that what Russia is doing is a violation of international law and a war crime?  
 Dubya's been out of office for a half a decade now. Yet that sack of shit is still fucking us.

Liberals were always against that unwanted war.  

Which cave are you in?

No one US, NATO or both combined is going to move against Russia in Ukraine. We only beat puppies and kittens not a big black Bear.

followme555 reads

Of course NATO will not get involved, Ukraine is not a member of NATO.

If you do not think the CIA is doing something, supplying arms/equipment or the like, intelligence etc then you are in a cave  and I really do not give a fuck which one.

You’re Welcome
2014 =  GOP Senate and Hous

77 % of U.S. Senate  authorized military response against Iraq for  a multitude of reasons , blaming  Iraq for 911 was not one of them , however  preventing another 911 was a prominent  reason  .    
  Did racist willy  see Colin Powell's testimony assuring the American public , explaining  Iraq has WMD's , while showing satellite photos supposedly  proving his case ?  
 In racist weak willy's defense , it's not likely he  researched  any   facts , in a language he could understand .
 In pure white inbred willy's defense , his dysfunctional mind  might be  confusing Afghanistan with Iraq .  Most people realize  if the Taliban had turned over Osama Bin Laden they would still be in power .
  If they had cooperated by turning in Osama ,  at the worst for their brutality against their citizens , especially women , Afghanistan  would be under a U.S  economic embargo .  
  U.S will usually  punish  the people of countries with economic sanctions and hardship , when their  leaders don't follow  lock step with U.S.  President instructions .
 Iraq was a credible threat according to General Powell , Bush , and a overwhelming majority  
  of Congress .  
  weak willy  does not realize , U.S soldiers would be staying in Afghanistan if Karzai would allow .  

  I am certain if the same scenario was playing out in Canada as going on in Ukraine , it's guaranteed  the U'S military would be there , regardless of public opinion .

 I also see a Russian political statement , combined with a relatively quick , small skirmish , not a war between Russia and Ukraine on the horizon .  

  My only question , Will the U.S put economic sanctions on Russia for laughing in Hagel's face ?  

Posted By: bigvern
How are the liberals going to handle that? Apparently not too well.  
 Willy, you see a war. I see a political campaign.  
Posted By: willywonka4u
...and people kept saying that our invading and occupying Iraq and Afghanistan destroyed our reputation around the world? Remember how conservatives just shrugged this off and said, "So what? Fuck France."  
  Well, conservatives, take a good hard look at Russia. That's exactly how you made the USA look to the rest of the world.    
  So isn't this a fine mess. We invade and occupy Afghanistan and Iraq, defying international law, committing war crimes in the process.    
  So now that we're finally sick of war and trying to wrap shit up in Afghanistan, Russia decides, fuck it, let's invade Ukraine.    
  So how should an American president respond to such an action? Put a giant sign around his neck that reads, "The United States is a nation full of hypocritical bastards" and say that what Russia is doing is a violation of international law and a war crime?    
  Dubya's been out of office for a half a decade now. Yet that sack of shit is still fucking us.

President Obama is doing the same thing Clinton during the nineties risking American security because they do not trust and respect the military. Officers are being "encouraged" to retire. Enlisted ranks are being forced to meet unrealistic requirements i.e. Physical fitness tests etc, or being disciplined on fabricated misconduct charges. Morale is low. Yep the next president will be inheriting a mess. Al Qaida is getting stronger.

I do wonder if Obama is patriot. That is a hard fact for me to say because he is my commander-in-chief but Obama is showing who he is, and I believe him.

-- Modified on 3/2/2014 2:50:15 AM

Right?  I don't think it will pass.

charges against soldiers and sailors and marines. I the Army we joked that the AR (army regulations) is so big we could violate a rule before we even woke or took a shit. Filing fabricated misconduct charges is a vicious, nasty and demoralizing but totally legal way to get rid of troops....and not replace them. No vote from Congress is needed. The troops just leave.

I can't recall a recruitment poster saying, free blow-jobs for your service.

Posted By: BreakerMorant
charges against soldiers and sailors and marines. I the Army we joked that the AR (army regulations) is so big we could violate a rule before we even woke or took a shit. Filing fabricated misconduct charges is a vicious, nasty and demoralizing but totally legal way to get rid of troops....and not replace them. No vote from Congress is needed. The troops just leave.

"77 % of U.S. Senate  authorized military response against Iraq"

And not one US Senator was the Commander-In-Chief of the US armed forces either. Nor was that vote sold as an authorization to wage war, but rather to give Bush's threats against Iraq more authority.  

Now you're calling me a racist because I opposed a war from the very beginning, that most of us now realize was one of the biggest foreign policy blunders in US history? That's pretty pathetic, even for you, Quad.  

Colin Powell gave that presentation because he was ORDERED to give that presentation. Do tell us, Quad, who ordered him to give that presentation? Was it the Senate Democrats?  

Gee, what happened when one of our former ambassadors proved that Dubya was making up bullshit excuses to go to war? They outted his fucking wife as a spy, Cheney's underling got convicted for that crime, and then that underling got a fucking Presidential pardon.  

But I'm the racist. I guess that makes you the shithead.  

When the US disregards international law, and invades and occupies a nation, we have established a precedent that says that might equals right. It says that international laws and norms don't matter. That war crimes will not be prosecuted. Putin was given the green light to invade Ukraine when Dubya invaded Iraq.  

So we now have only a few choices.  
1) Look like hypocrites and say Russia is violating international law.  
2) go to war with fucking Russia and hope we don't all get nuked or  
3) Lose an ally of the west, and see the expansion of the Russian sphere of influence.  

Sounds like a fucking no-win situation, no matter what we do. And every American can thank a certain half-wit jackoff from Texas for that one.

Timbow696 reads

Quote :
This joint resolution may be cited as the ``Authorization for Use of  
Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002''.

Posted By: willywonka4u
"77 % of U.S. Senate  authorized military response against Iraq"  
   Nor was that vote sold as an authorization to wage war, but rather to give Bush's threats against Iraq more authority.  

to do. If Obama was president when 9-11 happened, I bet he say to Osama Bin laden and Al Qaida, "stop you cannot do that that's against international law". The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were sanctioned by us congress and U.N. resolutions. President Bush's war on terror had Al Qaida on the run and kept America safe until Obama took over. Arab spring would not have occurred if we have not freed  Iraq from that dictator saddam Hussein. Now seeds of Democracy are beginning to germinate throughout the Arab world.  

Russia invades the Ukraine and Obama throws his hands in the air and scolds Putin. When  Russian forces brutally invaded Georgia four years ago, Sarah Palin predicted Putin would invade Ukraine when America did nothing. Dictators like Putin do what they do because they can and nobody stops them. Read your history books the Russian army has invaded neighboring countries from Finland, the Baltic's, Czechoslovakia, to Romania, across the Black Sea, the Caucuses, to Afghanistan hundreds of years, decades before President Bush was  president or even born. It's what they do.  

Thank goodness we did not have Gore or Obama when 9-11 happened or there would be even more American lives lost.  

-- Modified on 3/1/2014 7:47:05 PM

This is a lie that the right keeps repeating that is not supported by the facts

Taliban leaders of Afghanistan giving  safe residence  and a training ground for Osama and his followers , was more than  enough reason to invade .

I agree with the action , the method of implementation  I disagree with .

  In my opinion it would have been extremely easy  , quicker , not deadly to U.S troops , and less  deadly to Afghanistan citizens , if the U.S.military had invaded  Afghanistan with small unmanned drones ,  and  big missiles targeting Taliban leaders , Osama  and  facilities .

Suspected terrorist camps than the two previous presidents combined and Al Qaida thrived. Sorry as a former soldier you need troops on ground.

If he could aim ,  he wouldn't have put evidence on Monica's dress .  
  In some cases troops on the ground are necessary .  I believe the Taliban and Osama's clan  could have been quickly  wiped out ,if the media was not privy to events soon to happen , with a small number of  special forces NOT announcing their intent , and a multitude of missiles cleaning up left over debris .


Posted By: BreakerMorant
Suspected terrorist camps than the two previous presidents combined and Al Qaida thrived. Sorry as a former soldier you need troops on ground.

This time is time  for....

The Hot War

how hot?

as hot as this...

I don't remember Russia going to the UN, as the US did on both occassions.  (You can massage it all you want. The fact remains is that the US did go to the UN, say what it intended to do and got at the very least no objection, if not outright approval.)  

I don't remember Russia getting 50 other countries to join their effort.  (Did they get one?)

I forget when Kiev housed terrorists who bombed St. Basil's on Red Square killing 3,000 Russians.  

I forget if the Ukraine  invaded its neighbor, lost a war and then refused to obey interational demands.(excuse me, but I was a Soviet Studies major so long ago, I still think "The" Ukraine and Leningrad.  Privilege of old age.)

It slips my mind when Russia gave Kiev a multi-month delay and demand to comply with its obligations under UN provisions.

Other than that, you have a pretty good analogy.

You've reached a new low in your ability to lie about history. It seems you actually believe the youtube remix you found.

Dncphil has well enough logically pointed out your flaws but since your post lacked any logic, no further comment is needed.

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