Politics and Religion

Drones over America
Panthera12 3147 reads

This weekend I saw a short clip of a demonstration in Houston. There was a drone hovering keeping an eye on the crowd. The first thing that I thought of was shooting it down (what fun).

Obama wants 30,000 of them in our skies. Now, these are not all armed (not yet), small in stature and designed for open spying on citizens. These smaller drones are being distributed to local police departments by DHS. These are short range but have sophisticated video equipment attached.

There are other drones which will not be visible, that fly/hover too high to be seen with the naked eye are also in the works. Again, these are designed for spying/surveillance, not for armed conflict.

Most controversial will be the armed drones. They are probably already over our skies and will be used in due course. To give a good example, a Ruby Ridge type of scenario will cause a trigger finger in the future of the armed drones. It's just a matter of time.

Gentlemen, right/left or otherwise, this should cause concern for all of us, right? Obama didn't start the DHS drone policy, he is just following his orders from above, as did Bush.

How about some non partisan bickering for a change with some lucid opinions. Is that possible?, lol.    

We once had Peace Officers that actually did help protect and serve the public, even if still under a guise. They were then later turned into Polic(y) Officers enforcing policy and agenda onto the public, then further militarized for this very purpose.

Police officers are not there to "protect and serve" you the public, they are there to "protect and serve" the agenda for their masters. So, the Orwellian speech of "public servant" actually more closely translates into continuing to make the public into servants. It is the same with "War Is Peace", "Slavery Is Freedom", and various other manipulation of words to implant illusion within the subconscious.

Do you remember the silly-dressed officers who would help you out at the drop of a coin where many were once respected, even if there were still some corrupt ones at the time? They later militarized the police forces while selecting specific psychological profiles to fill the new roles of the policy enforcers where many tend to lack empathy and are little more than programmed robotic drones fulfilling agendas onto the masses that they are a part of!

There is the illusion of power behind the badges they wear, which are usually the ancient symbols of the Babylonian Seal or the Seal of Solomon. The uniforms are becoming black fatigues and the cars become more influential in appearance, triggering an emotional response within the subjects creating fear......remember that shapes and colors affect the subconscious of the subject that they are directed at. Understand that they have no power if we do not give our power away.....they have no power, it is behind the costumes they wear.

Now, since tasers have come into use in the US, they have killed more people by police than guns by police......yet they are called "less than lethal" devices, while being used as intimidation if you do not follow their commands, many of which are unlawful. The violence of the police has erupted in the past few years due to the specific non-empathetic programmed psychological profiles that they are looking for in order to follow orders without question and enforce the agenda on their fellow hu-man.

Now they have their mind-slaves into place, weaponized and militarized, so the next step is to disarm the public so that the only ones left with weapons are the militarized agenda enforcers of the polic(y) officers and the true street criminalized, leaving the majority of citizens vulnerable to either side. Remember that the Second Amendment was created to allow the people to protect themselves from a tyrannical government......and if you do not think that we currently have a tyrannical government, then there are many more levels of illusion and conditioning you need to escape from.

With Peace, Love, and Awareness: Jason

Thanks for putting this up Madison-it is exactly on target!!

GaGambler648 reads

but for the same reason I don't hold GWB wholly responsible for the economic collapse, I don't hold Obama wholly responsible for the erosion in our civil rights, and the growing police state in this country.

The single worst piece of leglislation in our 200+ year history was the inaptly named PATRIOT ACT, and Obama didn't have a thing to do with it. Unfortuneately the ship has already sailed and just like the second worst piece of legislation ever passed, the equally misnamed AFFORDABLE CARE ACT, I don't see anyway of putting the genie back in the bottle.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised, the GOP have done everything possible to strip us of our rights, "If you aren't a criminal, you have nothing to worry about" yeah right. and the Dems have suckered the country into voting in a health care act that does nothing to address costs and will end up costing this country trillions, while growing the already bloated federal government larger and larger until we end up looking like a bigger, fatter, and broker Greece.

How's that for non partisan???

Ok, I will crawl back in my hole now. I can't wait to see what the "independent thinkers" like Daffy, JeffyPoo,and Mattgina have to say on the subject.

See you again in a few months

I was hoping you'd stay in your hole, you fucktard! Not to mention, you're actually wrong about Obama and the fucking Patriot Act.  In fact, the act was going to sunset and Obama helped get that travesty passed again, with new provisions even more invasive of privacy than the first time around.  Worst thing he's done, IMO.
Where's Willy when you need him?  Get me a fucking brick!

-- Modified on 3/18/2013 6:25:55 PM

all your emails, and phone communications to centers in North Ga., Maryland and Virginia to basically rape your privacy are among the worst acts and decisions in U.S. History.

There also are a pandemic proliferation of cameras everywhere in major cities.  One is almost always on you when you're out on major streets and shopping areas.

These laws and decisions should outrage anyone regardless of what political party they consider their homies.

The idiocy of the Patriot Act is well known and great analysis of it's shit is everywhere including Law Prof Blogs, Salon, Firedoglake, Slate, TPM.  You can indict a ham sandwhich and you can get a wiretap warrant now if you're a vegetable.  Thanks to the 9th Circuit you have been able to wiretap without warrants since 2008.  A couple weeks ago, the S. Ct. denied cert. to groups wanting to challenge ATT, Comcast and ISPs for turning over all phone and email communications to the government.

The so-called imbecilically named "Anti-Terrorism act" Clinton naively signed was anything but. It put a huge restriction on appeals by inmates who lack adequate legal representation or the education to write briefs that would get them any significant releif.  Liberal appellate gurus are unanimously outraged by it, but conservatives aren't because they love denying access to courts or the voting booth.  The objective was that the federal appellate system as far as criminal appeals go is clogged with appeals in drug cases, and 11th Circuit judges have bemoaned this in talks they have give to Bar associations.  It's true, but the fault is not of the appellant, it's because the fucking laws are absurd in roping in small fish and giving them extraordinarily long prison terms for minimal involvement.

There have been approximately 5-7/21,000 warrants denied by the FISA Court and there is now no way to know if they are directed at legitimate threats to national security but rather badly abused to facilitate domestic wire-tapping.

On February 26, 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court denied cert. to a suit challenging FISA.

Supreme Court Rules Warrantless Wiretapping Law Cannot Be Challenged Without Proof of Secret Surveillance



Quote of the Day from my girl Sarah Vegetable:

"Todd got the rifle; I got the rack."

-- Modified on 3/18/2013 10:20:58 PM

Panthera12680 reads

And yes, that was non partisan, lol.

GaGambler746 reads

Yeah, but it might have been partisan of me to only call out three libs, and no right wing nut jobs.

Unfortunately, this board has taken a hard turn to the left, and there really are no more right wing nut jobs left. I guess FM is the about the furthest right leaning poster here, but in spite of his sign off of "GOP = God and country" he isn't anywhere near the nut job as was Nugay, liorr, or GOPGeezer.

AAR the usual fucktards can go fuck themselves, and JeffyPoo has my number if he ever grows a set of balls,(maybe he really isn't a fat tub of lard by now?) but that is about as likely as him ever actually getting a medical degree.

As to my friends, and yes there are a few of you that I consider friends, even that fuckwad Inicky. It's been fun, but I have drinking, fucking and gambling to do, not necessarily in that order. CYA bitches

FYATWYRIO!  And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.  Fucker!

GaGambler639 reads

and yes, of course I am drunk.

Why else would I be slumming in a dump like this?

and since when do you speak for "fucktards everywhere"??? You might be a fucktard, but you hardly speak for all of us. Fucking Fucker!!!

followme779 reads

As you may or may not know “For God and Country” is the motto of an organization that I am a member. When I first started using it, it became very clear very fast that it pissed off, annoyed, flustered, laffy the liar, jeffiepuke the blubber laden slob, bigpapascum the back stabbing coward and the other members of team pinko, so I continued with it and a few other like sayings. It is just so easy to play them like a fiddle, and get them to prove themselves the fool that it is not much of a challenge but fun to watch them make total a laughing stock of themselves  due to their weak minds and lack of intelligence.

Thank you
GaG = Scotch and Gin

2013 = 28

-- Modified on 3/18/2013 10:59:39 PM

in the 1980's that would save something  like Gambly if he got in medical trouble but they needed to be there. Back then the attitude of most docs who didn't understand the EMT mission was not to have their patients touched.  We were quick to explain to them having had to rely on telemetry in ERs that we were responsible for saving these patients, and we were damn well going to get the drugs on those trucks we needed and teach those guys and girls to get them into the patient along with IVs and airways as soon as possible at the scene or in the home.  Slowly the message got to what it is today.

Always fun to see a fake oil tycoon delusional about when someone is an MD though.

I dropped 21 lbs. over the last 8 days Gambly.  Taking your cheap shots away very quickly.

That was just one segment of a vast weight loss.  Didn't see you  in the Peachtree or any other road race but that's not your style.

if I see one and shoot it out of the sky? I would claim I thought it was a UFO.

The first drone I saw was while driving up from I-5 from La Jolla to Oceanside back in the 80's. Pretty freaky!

Panthera12633 reads

I am sure that someone is going to shoot one down one of these days. One could also kill a drone with a drone. That really sounds like a lot of fun.

I didn't know we had drones back in the 80's. Then too, I was too busy banging chicks (not ho's) and partying.

but as my family and I were driving north on I-5, this long orange tubular thing without any visible wings just cruised along beside us for several miles. Just like with most things the military uses, their technology is developed and tested years before it's operationalized.

Panthera12660 reads

and a big difference. If you are going to take the time to reply, you should at least appear cognizant of the subject matter.

Does that trojan fit the big head as well?

Let's not be afraid of technology. Your  unspecified “concern” seems quite misplaced

      You did not grace us with an explanation as to why you are “concerned” about LE use of drones. We can easily distinguish surveillance drones from armed drones at the outset. There are no armed drones over the United States nor are there ever likely to be in the foreseeable future. No, sorry it is not just a matter of time.

       As to surveillance drones, it is easy to balance the invasion of privacy from drone surveillance with the remarkable public safety  advantages of LE use of this technology. The next time we have a lost child, an auto accident on a remote highway, a smoldering campfire in Yellowstone left unattended, a crime on public property, or border crossings, drone technology can quickly and cheaply alert first responders or LE to the location of the problem.

       Now do you really want to give up all of these fabulous advantages given by  drone technology just because there is a chance that a drone might peer in your window when you offer that lady money for her favors? There is an easy way to deal with that – we simply pass a statute saying evidence obtained on private property by drone technology is not admissible in court and may not be used by LE as part of a criminal investigation. Some jurisdictions have already done this. Bam - you are protected at least from LE; maybe not the lady. Further, the FAA is in the process of establishing a system for drone licenses and enacting regs for drone use. More limitations there. WE can't have 30,000 drones buzzing around in the skies. That isn't going to happen.

        Or we could do it your way- let’s spend millions of dollars so we can build a border fence and staff it with border patrol agents; let’s spend a big part of your local police budget in buying a helicopter; let’s not worry about faster 911 responses because we don’t want to invade your privacy.

  So, yes, there is a big picture here but you missed it - the problem is not drone use in America but armed drone use in other countries without proper rules of engagement that protect innocents. You need to look at it before you go off half-clocked on an anti -rone crusade

Panthera12722 reads

the TSA has their finger up your ass? How about when they fondle your kids, or your wife? Nice balance as you say! BS!  

Drone licensing? Are you really that much of an idiot? Do you really thing the DHS will be licensing their drones? That is so fucking funny. Where did you get that from? The Washington Times? Trust me, the DHS could give a rats ass about the FAA and licensing. The only collaboration there will be to make sure the drones don't fly into commercial traffic.

You can go ahead and tell Obama that he is not allowed to have those 30,000 drones Marikod. Just do it while protesting when the SS is nearby since they can now charge you with a felony.

I have a bridge to sell you in Arizona if you believe  the drones are going to be used to help us find lost kids and Alzheimer patients. No, they are not going to be used to catch hookers and johns in the act. That's just sheer stupidity.

I suppose those 1.3 billion bullets purchased are for target practice too.

Fabulous advantages indeed Marikod!!        

when I read your posts about drone use. May I recommend that you become - how shall I say it - a bit more “cognizant of the subject matter,” before you offer that bridge for sale?

     You are a little confused here. The DHS is not licensing its drones. Rather, the DHS must have a certificate of authority from the FAA to fly em.

        You must have been sleeping during the congressional testimony last year on how many licenses the FAA has issued for drone use. Most recently, I read in that scandal rag the LA Times that the licenses have been granted to 7 federal agencies. And, of course, local LE wouldn’t dare buy one of those things and fly it without a license.

         These are not model airplanes, Grasshopper12. The feds - whether DHS or other agency - can’t just send them over your house because you sound a bit seditious. But, by the way, where are you hanging out tonight in case I need to get in touch with you? Could you send me the coordinates – um, I mean location.

Panthera12593 reads

and you can quote all of that liberal nonsense which is supposed to be consumed by the masses.

DHS is rogue and they are not answering to the FAA. Understand? You make it sound like the FAA has some jurisdiction over DHS and they don't. It's the other way around. The tail does not wag the dog.

BTW, DHS is not selling them. They are giving them.

33.7489° N 84.3881° W

GaGambler693 reads

One of the only clever things posted on this board in a long, long time.

I wonder how many people outside Atlanta will get it, or even if any Atlanta residents will get it for that matter. I am willing to bet your little joke will sail right over the heads of virtually everyone on this board.

I'll bet you a drink the next time I am in Atlanta, you're one of the few left here worth drinking with. Now of course if fat fuck Jeff would like to join us, that would make the day just perfect, but we both know that fat cowardly tub of lard only has balls when behind his keyboard down in his mother's basement.

St. Croix670 reads

or should I say embarrassing, will be watching marikod ordering a wine spritzer with his ribeye at Delmonico's. Seriously GaG, he will. We may have to introduce him as our "special needs" friend, because I won't be able explain how you pair a steak with a spritzer.

Actually I liked how mari crafted his argument. He is just a couple of iterations away from a great value proposition. I would consider making him my number #1 drone salesman.

Just finished watching Kentucky lose to Robert Morris. Now that's embarrassing! You win it all in 2012, and this year you lose in the 1st round of the NIT to Robert Morris in an arena that seats maybe 3000. I've been in high school gyms with more seating. Ouch!

GaGambler605 reads

I think we might have to sit at separate tables if Mari insists on sipping on a white wine spritzer with an overdone steak that is "easier to digest".

Speaking of Kentucky, do you know why the game was played in Pa when UK was the higher seed? I found that rather odd, but since I didn't bet the game I never bothered to look. Maybe they were scared that only five hundred people would have shown up in Lexington after missing the big dance?

Back to Mari for a second, how does "Mari the drone salesman" sound to you? Better than "Mari the ambulance chaser"? and much better than "Mari the unemployed male pornstar"

St. Croix793 reads

then let him hang glide naked over West Hollywood taking pictures of the local ACLU office. I hear they can do wonders with miniaturization (lmao).

Five hundred is just a few more than what they have at AT&T Park tonight. Yeah GaG, I'm actually watching the Dominican Republic play Puerto Rico for the World Baseball Classic championship. I can only take so much NIT shit.

And I will try and be flexible on Vegas dates.

GaGambler705 reads

sort of at least. I didn't watch either one.

I won a couple of bucks on the Md game, they covered both the spread and the over, but I lost on FSU, I didn't even watch the late games.

I was bored enough to watch a couple of WBC games a few years ago, but no more. I will wait till April for my baseball fix, although I will admit to having the Philly/Yankee game on the TV this afternoon, but I didn't really watch it. It was sort of just backround noise.

Looking forward to Vegas, now if we could only get Daffy to show up and settle our other bet? lmao

Panthera12563 reads

I'll drink to that. Maybe we should bring a couple of Marikod's liberal newspapers that he likes to quote so much. I am still rolling over his FAA comments.

GaGambler771 reads

Mari is allright, just a little confused at times. He is still giddy that BAC didn't bankrupt him and he is looking for a new career as a drone salesman.

Seriously speaking though, the size and scope of our current police state is getting scarier and scarier. George Orwell is not going to be remembered as a visionary, but as an optimist.

I will add that it's nice to see a little intelligent life on this board, too bad the trolls will be along any minute to ruin it.

Timbow611 reads

Posted By: Panthera12

Obama didn't start the DHS drone policy, he is just following his orders from above, as did Bush.

-- Modified on 3/20/2013 9:47:29 AM

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