Politics and Religion

Link : MO. GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin to resign tomorrow ?
Priapus53 1700 reads

I would say a safe bet, becuase deadline for dropping out is tomorrow; after that, one needs a court oder to drop put.

I'll have to say this about the GOP; you gotta admire their discipline & ruthless efficency about throwing one of their own under the bus. All GOP $ to Aikin has been instantly shut off.
This looked to be sure Senate GOP pickup; now that's been cast in doubt.

I guess you can call this a "forced resignation";
kinda sounds like "forced rape"------:(

just about anything.  The GOP base are like crocks or alligators when it comes to egregiously stupid garbage. They're willing to accept Akin's retraction and move on. If  Rove sticks to his guns, Crossroads won't be funding a deluge of ads against partime Dem Claire McCasskil who has been self focuse grouping the borderline Missouri electorate and comporting herself in a very scared frame of mind for 2 years.

The GOP base are consummately stupid, particularly the Teaparty base, and I don't at all  mean people like GAG who would probably be quick to say he's in no one's base but has been sucked into the  GOP base for this election.  GAG is just overwhelmed with misinformation that has sucked him in, and fancies himself a political eclecticist but he isn't--he's been so freaked out by his twisted definition of "socialism" and somehow believes his money is better protected by Romney's empty promise of abolishing regulations. Romney would have a tough time moving an old tire off the street, let alone abolishing a fucking thing with a Democratic majority in the Senate.

That's the GOPutz rock star candidate for ya--Paul D. Fucking Whackjob Ryan, inheritance prince of several million bucks from daddy and grandaddy, earning nothing his whole life unless you count the 4 hours driving the "weiner truck", with wife Janna inheriting several million from dadda,
and having the chutzpah to try to sell Mommy Ryan "needs her Medicare."  She needs her Medicare like Donnie the Trumpski needs an  SRO on the lower east side or the bowery.

salonpas169 reads

.... quitting is just not in the tea party vocabulary and besides his wife, who's much crazier,  won't let him.

his treatment is unfair.

He's out. And the keynote speaker at the DNC convention is an accused rapist and convicted groper.

Kinda says it all, don't it?

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