Phoenix Buzz

5/8-5/9- Hey it's Piper and ya know what I want for Mother's Day? "Sexy time"...DUH!πŸ˜›πŸ˜˜teeth_smile
hotchix See my TER Reviews 1121 reads

I mean, I have a huge day planned ( later) but mama is mama and even before breakfast this 24/7 nympho likes to get "fed"
It has ALWAYS been this way with me- I have adored every aspect of my sexuality for DECADES!! Never deviated when I reached a certain "age" never did anything except make me happier, let me enjoy some incredible people and experiences ( some with penises-some with vaginas... Okay more than ONE of those at a time-but who the heck is counting?...NOT me?πŸ˜‰πŸ˜›
Anyhoo, I don't know if anyone is feeling like me today but I have about 20 people getting together later today to show me love ( not that kind) later because I am a mommy of 6 and then there are their  husbands, boyfriends, and friends showing up but I forewent brunch this morning because I am wanting a different kind of food before this big shindig and no-i ain't talking sushi here people!πŸ˜›
Anyhoo, I have until 4pm to enjoy myself before the big party starts, but take a look see at my 26 PAGES of reviews spanning 9 1/2 years and you'll understand why "MAMA COMES FIRST"πŸ˜‰
Let me know who wants to give me my present for Mother's Day first baby!😘

Piper of AZ

Phoenix- Sunday (maybe Monday)
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 917-833-8450
Ask about my "Mother's Day Special"
Also Email or PM for the link to my newest ad w/ new selfies😊



Cell: 917-833-8450

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