
What you need to know about providing references...
Tanya Kitten 11292 reads

Hi Guys,

When you provide a reference to a provider, please make sure to contact the provider that you're using as a reference. Especially if you've only seen her once. That way when she's contacted about you, you'll have had a chance to refresh her memory about you.

I'm posting this because several times in the past week, I've went to check a reference, and got a "I don't know who that is" answer. Even when the prospective client provided a full name, email, and cell phone number, it wasn't enough to ring a bell.

This is rough, because I lose an appointment, he misses out on one hell of a ride, and he now knows that the provider that he used for a reference doen't remember him. Everyone loses.

So guys, when you use a provider as a reference, remember to call or email her to let her know that you're doing so!

Take care,

That is a VERY good point, Tanya. I have been saying this to guys for years now. It takes one minute to make a phone call to "touch base" and refresh someone's memory.

And if you are "afraid" to do that because you don't want the escort to get "jealous" that you are seeing other girls.....well, then you are seeing the wrong providers.

Thank you so much for mentioning this.  I have had the same experiences when either I need a reference or someone else needs one.  They should be detailed in trying t refresh our memory.  I d not know about anyone else, but I am better at remembering what someone looks like rather than their name.  Thank you.

Even though I take walk in clients, being a massage therapist and not an escort. I do ask for a reference on my appointment form online. I also have had the experience of being used as a referal for clients who want to see  local escorts. In both cases I found it hard to remember a name. When you meet a provider be it an escort or massage therapist, sometime in the course of the session let her know what you do for a living, or mention some little piece of personal information that will help her identify you in the future for reference or repeat appointments. Just a little tidbit I found handy since I NEVER remember names, but I always remember a tushie :P

buster cherry12536 reads

So. Malissa, you are alot like a gynecologist; you never forget a face...

Actually Buster I said I ALWAYS remember a tushie, so I guess that would make me more in kin with a Proctologist lmao :P

A good heads up.  I hope the guys will cooperate to make the safety end for the gals easier.  
The ladies are soo good at making us feel like  the the alpha male (at least for and hour or two) that it is tough to imagine they wouldn't remember!  LOL

Lynn Taylor13145 reads

I agree about refreshing the memory too. Several times in the past week I have played phone tag with clients and other provider's regarding this same issue. It was insane. Please don't make me spend my energy playing tag when I could be playing with you gentlemen instead.

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