
TLC does it again!
OneK 3 Reviews 9085 reads

Wow Taylor, your new girl "Summer" certainly looks fantastic... making me look for EVEN MORE time in my schedule for this upcoming trip to PHX!!!  Will ANY business get done this time?  :))  


TaylorLynn9225 reads

I doubt it!!  :)

Summer is a sweatheart and so far she has received great reviews.  Just let us know when you are in town and we'll set it all up!!


PS  Thanks again for your continued faith and support in these crazy times!

"Thanks again for your continued faith and support in these crazy times!"

Thank YOU for your patience and flexibility in working with my very busy schedule when I'm in town!  I think some on the board should realize that for someone like me paying a little extra [if that's the case... I don't necessarily think it always is] to have you take care of the particulars as well as occasionally making recommendations based on my wants and needs is part of the experience and makes me feel special BEFORE I even meet with my the wonderful ladies you and Jackie have set me up with.  In addition, being very appreciative of being able to meet with your girls, I also feel great about showing extra appreciation monitarily knowing my date gets the benefit of my appreciation.  Keep up the good work!

That said, I also think it's great if girls want to start their own business... that's great, and the way life is and should be!!  It's also great that girls move on to new and exciting stages in their lives [when that happens] occasionally... sure I miss [sigh] my favorite girl that is gone now, but I'm sure it's great for her, so it's great for all of us... AND I'll just have to find a new favorite!  


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