
azheat 22 Reviews 12721 reads

Hi all.  I am relatively new to this hobby, and until now have only been to a well known incall agency.  I would like to spend time with some of the independent ladies but don't have a reference from an independent provider.  Honestly I am very nervous to give out employment info, numbers, home numbers, etc. without knowing how this info will be used.  Any help from the providers as to how you might use this info?  Any bad experiences from any guys giving out info that later came back to burn them?  Please help ease my paranoia.  Thanks

moebius810624 reads

I have never given anyone my work number azheat and i have seen many many diffrent providers.
just keep calling around you will eventually find one who will see you with out giving more info then you are comfortable with.

If a massage sounds like something that you would be interested in, you could always come in to see Brandy or Me! Even though we aren't escorts we are active on all the local boards and know many of the independent ladies and have given references to them for new clients. Once you have been seen by either of us, we would be happy to provide a reference for you. You can ask the guys on the boards, most of them know us and can vouch for our honesty.
Hugs and Kisses,
Malissa xoxoxo

skysilverman11605 reads

Az Heat,

I can understand your reasons for being nervous on having to give personal info. Please understand our reasons for it. The is a lot of whack O's out there and currently there has been a numerous amount of assualts on providers. You can call around but I can almost assure you that any good preovider will require such info. Any provider who cares about her well being. Cant she call your job and ask for you? Just to make sure you really work there? Then maybe you can show your id to her when you see her. Trust me, girls are not checking so that they can stalk you. It is only for their protection. I hope you can learn to understand that and appreciate it.


Thanks for responding Sky and Malissa.  I completely understand a providers need to be safe and I would not want someone to compromise that need.  We all have to be careful.  Any providers every meet in a public place for the first meeting? or is that not a good idea?

moebius822388 reads

There is never a need to call someones work IMO. If someone made it a requirement i would simply pass. Its easier to find a more accomodating provider than a new job......

LittleDebbie13694 reads

I personally don't check references that way and request a reference from another provider or a secret keeper #, but even when the secret keeper calls your work she pretends she's from the phone company or it's regarding your gym membership or something equally as harmless. Why would you assume we are calling saying "hi my name is Debbie and I'm an escort and just wanted to verify that so and so works here so that I can see him" Come on!

moebius812953 reads

Happened to one of the guys in my group, he wrote a poor review and next thing you know a psycho was making life very very difficult for him. After that ill never give my work info out.

Engaging in illegal behavior is one thing, jepordizing my career that i worked very hard for through four years of college and countless certifications is another, its just not worth it too me.

skysilverman12776 reads

Everyone has there own standards. To each his own. Take care.


I understand both sides and safety issues but like many just cannot risk giving out personal info -- hence I have had to settle for going to a few massage providers when I travel to AZ (several times a year for work).

I would love to see Sky or a few other of the beautiful ladies from this forum -- is it possible to meet in a public place (bar/restuarant) prior to our appointment and visit for a while?  Of course it would be "on the clock" so to speak :)

P.S. I am heading down to AZ next week!  My summer meeting is always a scorcher!  Too hot to golf so need to have a little fun.

skysilverman13301 reads

Exactly, I have never called a job either. I always use a reference, secret keeper, or even room service. However, if I did decide a work # would do, I would not call saying I was an escort who wanted to confirm employment. lol I would ask for you. But even that is scary because anyone can fake a place of employment especially Le.
Azheat, every girl has a different way of checking you out. She may meet you in person first or she may not. It would be up to her but it doesnt hurt to ask. I am glad you can understand our side for needing such info. Believe me babe, we wish that we would not have to go through this ourselves. I would save so much time if I didnt have to. But I want to say thanks to all the wonderful men out there who do work with us on this cause it makes our meeting feel much more safer. And thanks to all the providers who do help with reference checks. Peace!


Little Debbie called my work a few weeks ago, said she was my girlfriend and talked to my boss and several supervisors.  She was so sexy they all made dates with her and I didn't get to see her for two weeks  lol

LittleDebbie13959 reads

You had me going there for a minute:) I'd always make time for a perfect gentlemen! Though I can't figure out if I've seen you before. Any hints you can give me? If we haven't met, then we really need to remedy that. A love a good sense of humor!

Anyway, I do understand what Moebius is saying and yes I've heard that girls have gotten nasty with people in the past and have tried to make life difficult for guys if they got a bad review or were in need of money. The only reasons I ask for a reference is for my personal safety and of course the obvious LE issues. I've tried asking for work info before and it just got to be a hassle and too many guys lied about who they were and who they worked for that it just wasted my time and I never saw them anyway. That's why I like the secret keeper idea or just having a gentlemen go visit another provider that screens differently then I do and come back to see me after that.

I don't usually screen people by meeting them in public for lunch first, because it doesn't tell me how they are behind closed doors or even if they are a cop. All it tells me is they have good manners when other people are around.

The bottom line is guys need to do what they feel comfortable and we ladies do what we feel comfortable so that no one ever feels compromised and has a good time.

jim_dandy12551 reads

On the one hand, if I was a careful/paranoid enough provider, I would conclude that just because I checked an ID (which could be fake) or called a "work number" provided by the hobbyist (which could also be fake) does not mean that the person is not dangerous or LE.  I would venture to guess that even the instincts and procedures of the most thorough providers (such as Sky and Lil Deb) have failed them at some point.  Therefore, providers should always be prepared to remain in the realm of plausible deniability if the individual is LE or physically defend themselves against potentially dangerous individuals who have already gotten through the door.  At very least, the provider should (presumably do) reflect the risk they are taking in their rates.

On the other hand, if I was a careful/paranoid enough hobbyist, I would not feel comfortable giving my personal information to ANYBODY (for example, the Secret Keeper web site looks so similar to the web sites of other providers in the Valley that I would not trust that information to be REALLY confidential).  Anything and everything is subject to LE or a subpoena when you get right down to it.  The bottom line is that the conscientious hobbyist who has something to lose (in other words, is married, etc.) should either choose not to give information that could get him in trouble, limit himself to a limited number of trusted providers, or get out of the hobby.

IFG_Fantasies11110 reads

you do not have to worry about being burned if you handle everything professionally. If you are this paranoid though something bad is bound to happen..lighten up a little we don't bite (not too hard

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