
He's a gem, ladies!
Ci Ci 12862 reads

Thank you, Glen of Phoenix411, for providing me with a new and beautiful website.  You're a sweetheart! I meant what I said about helping with editorials for others.


GlenAz11752 reads

Hi Ciara,

Thank you Ciara for your kind posting!!. My pleasure to put together a web presence for such a lovely, classy provider :)

Please stay in touch!,

10kRunner12779 reads

Hey, Glen great svc...For honest providers who email you, how come some good ones don't even get email responses or get listed/

Know honest sexy, classy, massage girl who's emailed you directly & email inquired 3 times last 3 months & asked how to get included & gave 2 local superstar provider references (she'd asked them if ok & they gave prior approval to mention their names although not met them only email knew them). Massage girl never once got email response from the 3 she sent. Still not on your site.

You're busy, but what's up with that?

GlenAz11697 reads

Not sure unless I knew who it was, drop me an email via my site and perhaps I can answer that one. Also sometimes I do get busy and do not have the time for search them out.

I cannot remember any massage provider emailing me more than once for inclusion on the site, however my email did change once so it's possible she may have sent some to the old address where it got lost.

Basically need more info.

IFG_Fantasies15440 reads

thats funny Glen when I called you and asked you to do my website you told me you weren't doing them anymore. Why lie..just be honest and tell me there is a conflict ofinterest but don't lie               Jewel

IFG_Fantasies13934 reads

One more thing..glen, I think it is messed up to turn business away for no reason or to lie about it. i hear such great things about you and i have seen your is pretty good, i like the price too, but I'll be damned if i am going to be lied to. What is wrong with being honest. So what if another provider is or was my friend you seem to not have allegiance to just one girl anyway, so just please give me the courtesy of an explanation to your lie..thanks      Jewel

LittleDebbie11106 reads

Glen is one groovy guy! He's always the first one to help the ladies (and the animals). He's the man! See you Saturday Mister!

skysilverman10542 reads

Yes Glen is awesome! Love ya Glen! We we be lost without you!


GlenAz7963 reads

I consider myself very fortunate to work with such great providers and great people. Many of you I am grateful to have as friends as well as clients.

If I do good work then it is only because I work for great providers, after all....without you all gracing them, my sites would just be bland wastes of bandwith :)

Without you I am nothing and I remember that each and every day.

Thanks Ladies!

TaylorLynn12007 reads

I agree.  Even though he hasn't done my website, he has given me help and advice in many areas of this business.  When I first started my agency, not knowing his philosophy, I saw his site and wanted to advertise on it.  I received a very pleasant and professional reply back stating that he only worked with honest, reputable providers and could not work with me until I "proved" myself in the industry.  Thankfully, I was able to prove myself to him and others and have had the pleasure working with him for a few months now.  He is fantastic and had made my job easier not only with advertising, but with hints and advice about the industry!  Thanks Glen!!!  Now, you better be at my next party so I can thank you in person!!


GlenAz11882 reads

no more photoshoots on the day of any TLC parties :).

Thanks Taylor for your kind words and being just about the only legit agency in town!. Proud to have your ladies on my site :)


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